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Elder Scrolls V: Skeerim


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Finished the main questline. I regret getting to level 45 before doing it though, it was easier than it was meant to be.

Still, I've got a bunch of leftover quests, got the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood to become master of, and my hope of becoming thane in all holds. I'll try to 100% it as well.

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Main quest is intended to be done first so it's far too easy even once you hit like level 25.

To answer Srar's question, my brother is in love with dual casting. Destruction magic becomes Hadoukens and the variety of different combos you can use is very worthwhile. Kevin told me he basically stuck Destruction on one hand and then cycled through a bunch of different spells in his other hand. Me personally would prefer sticking with a Restoration spell in one hand at all times due to losing the ability to block.

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I usually have a mace in one hand, and a spell in the other. Either destruction or Fast Healing.

Ditto, until very very recently when I switched to a silver sword that I made for myself. Though being a werewolf you'd have thought that I wouldn't like Silver so much.

I've got a little short-list of things that I want to do with my current character before I FINALLY start my mage character, but I also know that this is Skyrim and the list of things that I'll want to do will just grow and grow and grow.

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Im heavy destro, but I found a transmute spell early in the game that turned iron to silver to gold. From there, I bought iron from merchants, made it into gold, made that into rings, made the rings magical and sold them back for a profit.

Maxing out my enchantment made it easy to get magic points and free destro castings. Boosted the boots to carry more, too.

With 2 enchantments on everything I can take an iron dagger and use a petty soulstone and sell it for 900.

After that, I'd say the game was pretty much broken open for me.

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Started this yesterday, thinking about going the route of a dual-wielding thief, but then today thought I should have some magic. I didn't get very far (played for three hours and felt like I did nothing), so I'm sure I can readjust, but wanted to get some thoughts from the Elder Scrolls veterans.

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I went through the whole game with just a sword and shield. If you can find some awesome Knives at some point then the thief route will probably work great for you, but I'm not sure about starting out with just two crappy Iron Daggers. I didn't really explore the skill tree for Sneak, but there does look to be some awesome backstabbing skill.

As for magic, I don't think I ever used it past the first few hours. It's fine if you're playing a Mage and put points into, but unless you plan to go that route, you won't ever really need it. I used Shouts a lot though. There are some useful spells, but they end up being stuff you use once every so often. (Like Transmute) For a thief character you'll probably find Potions a lot more helpful. I did everything I could and found I used Invisiblity Potions a lot.

Also if you do the thieves guild eventually and you want the final trophy for it, do A LOT of the side missions that Vex and Devlin give you. You'll know what I mean when you get there. They're really boring to do when you don't have something else to do alongside them. >_>

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Regardless of your stance on magic, if you can't see the beauty in using Unrelenting Force to blast anybody who wanders up and looks at you funny off the face of a mountain then I don't want to know you. In the run-up to the final dungeon, I was using it to effortlessly kill Draugr Deathlords because, undead or alive, NOTHING beats gravity!

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Sneaky thief route can definitely be rewarding. The 15x backstab + any of the items that double your backstab = 30x backstab damage which with the right dagger(s) and one-handed skill (enchants don't count for some reason) can give you some incredibly high backstab damages which will allow you to one-hit kill a lot of enemies if you can creep up on them. Coming close enough to strike without actually touching them takes some practice though. Easiest dragon to get a one-hit kill backstab on in my opinion is the one in the towers in the se area of the map.

The weird thing is if, like me, you max forging and put some points into enchanting, you can still switch to pretty badass armor and become a warrior in the right situations, as long as you don't mind carrying a full set of dragon scale armor. I actually have a ring and amulet enchanted for extra carrying, that i put on when I find that I'm just too encumbered, and that seems to help.

I think I might eventually want to try a playthrough where I don't do any forging or enchanting and see how difficult that makes things as a warrior-type.

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I like natural smithing, where I'll pick up and use any crafting materials that I find in my adventures, but never buy/steal any. I'm at 72 for enchanting (I disenchant everything since I don't use money that often) and 61 for smithing, and through most of the game, they've been at about the same level as my most used skills (Sneak, my highest, is at 81.)

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Okay so I might have just fucked up big time, in the Imperial Questline Legate Rikki gave me a mission to do, so I took one of the horses from the camp went away and completed it.

After speaking to the General I was told to go back to Rikki in the Riften Camp and I did, I calmly walked in and everyone seemed fine but the Legate attacked me even though I am supposed to talk and get a mission from her. I am guessing this is cause I wasn't supposed to take the horse, anyway to remedy this?

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