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The Shows Mostly Formerly Affiliated with NBC's Thursday Night Comedy Block Thread **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Finally got to finish these tonight (my DVR mysteriously only recorded the first minute of The Office.)

I feel like all 3 shows are suffering from comparison in this thread. Not just the comparisons to each other, but comparisons of their own material. None of their episodes this week were their top-notch best, but all 3 were still very good.

And I simply cannot get enough of Robert California.

I don't find this to be true Parks and Recreation, but definitely Community. After the last two seasons they've had, I really think it's not been anywhere near as good as it used to. I get that they wanted to ground it a bit more in reality, but it seems like that's taken nearly all the fun out of it.

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All three of the shows were a lot of fun last night. Community went back to its roots, in my opinion, and provided a great, fun episode. The Office was pretty good as well, I liked the Doomsday idea a lot. Dwight knows he would be a more competent leader than Andy, but he's also dug his own grave when it comes to becoming manager. Gabe is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.

Once again though, in my opinion Parks and Recreation absolutely stole the show. Just great stuff all around from all the characters. I'm hoping they keep Jean-Ralphio around though.

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All three of the shows were a lot of fun last night. Community went back to its roots, in my opinion, and provided a great, fun episode. The Office was pretty good as well, I liked the Doomsday idea a lot. Dwight knows he would be a more competent leader than Andy, but he's also dug his own grave when it comes to becoming manager. Gabe is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.

Once again though, in my opinion Parks and Recreation absolutely stole the show. Just great stuff all around from all the characters. I'm hoping they keep Jean-Ralphio around though.

Gabe still freaks me out to much to actually enjoy any of his screen time. How long until we have Ben managing a night club/party throwing company with Tom and Jean-Ralphio so that he can go back to dating Leslie?

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Wow, no comments yet? It was hard as hell to follow up on what was perhaps the block's best week so far in the season, but some good stuff last night.

I know it's the easy reference, but the Kiss From a Rose montage in Community was just fucking tops, especially paired with the following Winger freakout in front of the backdrop.

Parks and Rec was solid and seeing Ben and Leslie's childishness about their relationship get played out through a world conflict just kept making me giggle.

The Office was definitely outshone, but I enjoy episodes that feature Pam and Dwight teaming up. Also: "Where'd this triangle come from?"

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