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House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Thread


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She's going to try and revive Azor Ahai and John will walk from the flames; the whole thing will be the build to the return of Stannis and then BOOM; John, fangirls cream, we all rejoice and we know his true calling.

Oh shit:

And now his watch has ended.

- I think Melisandre will resurrect Jon Snow. As he has died for the watch he is no longer bound to them. Melisandre will then produce the royal decree Stannis wrote that declares Jon Snow is no longer a bastard, so he won't return as Jon Snow, he'll return as a Stark. 'The North Remembers' stuff will tie in with that and him retaking Winterfell with the help of the wildlings and likely the Umbers and Reeds (this will introduce Howland Reed who needs to be introduced for later revelations).

- I also think he may have warged into Ghost, which is why Ghost was not around during the death scene. That will keep Jon's consciousness alive.

Spoiler includes some information from the books, but I don't think it's anything too spoilery, just some conjecture about characters and stuff that could show up.

- I think they'd be missing a trick if they didn't include the Manderly's (sp?). I'm not sure if they ever showed up in the show, but they're the main instigators behind 'The North Remembers', and there's some really cool stuff there.

- A little thing from the books that adds to this, but isn't really a spoiler, but there's a prologue/epilogue (one of the two) that shows this is possible. Obviously the show can go in a different direction, but I think, if they don't go with him as Azor Ahai/The Prince that was Promised, then it'd be a cool way to go. Not sure how to convey it in the show, though.

So if Stannis is indeed dead, who inherits his claim on the Iron Throne? Wasn't his daughter his only acknowledged heir?

Nobody, surely? I think Stannis' death and the deaths of Selyse and Shireen mean the Baratheon bloodline is dead. Robert's gone, Stannis, Renly.. I guess the next best claimant would be Gendry, but he's a bastard.

- In the show, outside of the fact that a Baratheon sits the Iron Throne, yeah, I'd say that Stannis' claim was dead. Gendry was never legitimized, so there's no non-Lannister Baratheon of any standing left alive.

As far as which house I am, Stark baby.

Awww, that means that horrible things will befall me, yeah?


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I'm not even sure what to say after that episode. Lots of deaths and a bunch of what if's came from it.

Now I wonder what happens to the show since they're caught up to the books. Admittedly, I've never read any of the books, but if the series is now all but caught up with them, what happens to the show from here? Does the show become spoilers for the books? Does the show go in a completely different direction from the books to keep people interested in both? Even if the book does come out before next season, I feel they're in big trouble. How are we supposed to know which is real and which isn't?

From my understanding, Shireen stays behind at Castle Black but is sacrificed in the show. So is she really dead because the show said so, or is she supposed to be alive. Too much to comprehend and with that being said, my thoughts on the finale.

Spoilers for S5E10 just in case anyone doesn't want to skim past this and read something they haven't seen.

-Extremely sad to see Jon Snow die. Even if he does return as a White Walker or something of that nature, I feel he was the most powerful 'real' character they had. I want to see a human overcome the odds this kingdom has presented them with. I guess you can't win them all and even though I knew it was coming, it was still hard to see. Ollie you bastard!

-Brianne leaving as soon as Sansa lights the candle. Of course.... Why wouldn't she. Same with the way she came across Stannis. I would've rather just had Stannis die in the forest or at the hands of Ramsey, but the man was a gambler down to his final minutes. I guess that's what you get for burning your daughter you sick bastard. Laid it all on the line and cost your family their lives over some witch-craft.

-Cersi... Holy shit I felt bad for her. That's one thing this show is AMAZING at. It can give you the biggest villain in the world but still make you feel sympathy for them. Here's to Tommen becoming the mad king v2.

-I'm not even sure what the hell happened to Arya. It looks like she went blind or something of the nature, but I can't see her going down too (along with the possible... deaths of Sansa and Reek/Theon). It seems like all the good people are falling left and right. Can't they give us at least a little bit of satisfaction! Well, I guess we got that from Sam and Gillie leaving, but I'd hate to think what would've happened had they still been there. Alliser is a real son of a bitch too. Why not just leave Jon outside the wall if you were gonna kill him.

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