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What have you been playing this week?


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Gears 3, hopefully something comes up for it close to 30. If not, I have some stuff to trade in plus some credit to use at Gamestation. Just so long as they don't charge 40 or 45+ or something.

Speaking of Gears, 4 player co-op...Me, Kaney...Dragsy? 9 to 5? Benji?

You can't read can you? :shifty:

Just said I have pre-ordered it from Blockbusters for 35 quid.

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Just beat Ghostbusters: The Video Game and I decided to play Heavy Rain again as I had a depressing ending my first go (which would've been right around release date).

My main problem with Ghostbusters was the friendly AI being dipshit retarded. At one point I was knocked down beside a tree and one of the guys got stuck on the tree. This lead to a good half a minute of me watching him squirm around until one of the ghosts finally incapped him. I want to go through multiplayer soon, anyone still have this on PS3?

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I got Batman: Arkham Asylum (I know, I know, I'm waaaaay behind in buying games, got to catch up) on Wednesday and I'm already done :shifty:. It was awesome, but I blasted through it pretty fast. The only things left to do are beating the game on hard and all the challenges, but the challenges are nothing special. Riddler stuff was pretty fun, but again I was finished with this way quicker than I thought I would.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also...just finished getting gold medals on normal for all of Catherine's levels. Yay!

Damn. I've only got like three gold medals. I got close in the Quadrangle but somehow screwed it up in the second part.

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BioShock 2

I've been having so much fun with this over the last few days. It's difficult in that supplies are hard to come by and you can find yourself bogged down by enemies and no ammo to defend yourself, but not so much that it's too frustrating.

I plan on re-starting LA Noire later in the week. I lost my progress when the PS3 died. It was only around 8 cases worth, I think.

I haven't played nearly enough Resistance 3 yet, either. Not in any rush though. I only completed the 2nd game three or four days before its release.

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Motorstorm: Apocalypse

Oh my god, what a fun game. It can be picked up for £17 now, but I managed to get it by using one of my free LOVEFiLM rentals - so it's mine for as long as I want to play it. I've only done the "rookie" stage of the career so far, but the events/locations are just magnificent. The collectible cards are a nice addition, but some look almost impossible to get.

I'll be playing this even more tomorrow, but much less if Dead Island finally arrives.

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So because I'm skint and needed something new to play I bought Transformers: War for Cybertron for a tenner, and its actually alright. Doesn't compare to the truly ace PS2 game (the one that wasn't connected to a film), but its a mindlessly fun shooter despite vehicle bits being meh. Plus being an 80s nerd the storyline appeals. Yay!

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Mass Effect 2, finally. Started playing it off and on on Monday, and currently I've worked through the missions where I recruited Garrus, Mordin, and Jack. Not sure how often I can play it this week as it's the first week of the new quarter but goal is to be done with all the recruiting missions at bare minimum this week.

Also fucked around with Football Manager '11 a bit more. It's fun playing it because I've played it for like two months, not very frequently, and I haven't really read strategy stuff at all and I've only been a soccer fan for a year so I'm sort of like a kid discovering all the things my new toy can do. omg I can move midfielders back this changes everything

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