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29 minutes ago, Mick said:

....How essential would you say showing your face is? Asking for a friend. :shifty: 

It sounds weird but for me it's actually a huge thing but I've actually relaxed my view on it. Originally when I started watching, I wouldn't watch people who didn't have a camera because I just felt like it lacked a lot of personality. While I enjoy watching game play, I also like to see how you react to things and stuff like that.

However, some of my favourite streamers are so back and forth. One day they'll use their cam and another day they don't. Plus it's very rare that an FF streamer shows their face.

I think having a cam adds to the stream but I no longer think it's essential. At this point in time if I streamed I don't have a cam but I think in the long term, it's certainly something that I would add.

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I was the opposite. For a long time I hated that people had face cams. I had no desire to see their ugly mugs. But I’ve since come around to it and now find it hard to watch any stream that doesn’t include a face cam. Not that I won’t give it a shot, but I find it fails to hold my attention.

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1 hour ago, Pooker said:

Does anybody play Stardew Valley on mobile? Just bought and downloaded it last night, hoping I can find a way to transfer my save from my computer to it but not sure its possible at the moment.

They'd be on entirely different versions and likely will be for a while so I don't think you could even manage that at the moment.

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22 hours ago, Ollie said:

Happy to help with any questions you have! Streaming is the most fun thing I've ever done, it's helped with my mental health, it's given me a renewed sense of purpose and building a community is totally rad.

As far as tips, there's nothing I could give you that isn't totally cliché, but consistency is absolutely key. When you first start, you're gonna feel weird and awkward, you're going to have periods where you only have one or no viewers, and you have to build the confidence to fill those silences. Engrain yourself in other small communities (there's literally thousands to choose from), make friends, show up for others and they'll show up for you. Don't break the bank getting started, you can literally stream directly through any console or PC you have, bring chat up on your phone and test the waters without spending a penny.

I'm certainly no expert, I'm still in the infancy of this journey, but I've managed to build a small community with an average viewership of around 100-150 views per stream (with an average of around 20 viewers at any one time), and I've been fortunate enough to start seeing a return on my own initial investment (I made the mistake of spending a bunch of money before I even knew it was for me, don't do that), and I've made some really lovely new pals along the way.

Streaming is dope.

Thanks for the advice. I've put a little bit of money into stuff that would be helpful for streaming, but it's all stuff that I wanted for other stuff, anyway. The talking to no one part is definitely gonna be the hardest for me, but I'm pretty excited about getting started overall.


I was thinking that I might stream Dungeons and Dragons prep, since I'm gonna be running my first professional game starting next month(hopefully), and then go into some gameplay after that, but I don't know how interesting people would find something like that

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16 minutes ago, thepunkrockicon said:

I was thinking that I might stream Dungeons and Dragons prep, since I'm gonna be running my first professional game starting next month(hopefully), and then go into some gameplay after that, but I don't know how interesting people would find something like that

I follow the D&D category on Twitch and I am alerted to any new D&D streams that pop up. So, you'd have one viewer in me. ❤️

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Gotta love game modding. Right now three members of my squad in XCOM 2 are The Heavy and The Sniper from Team Fortress 2 and Snake Plissken :shifty:. I'm trying to figure out who else I can add to my crew to save the Earth. 

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7 hours ago, Mick said:

Gotta love game modding. Right now three members of my squad in XCOM 2 are The Heavy and The Sniper from Team Fortress 2 and Snake Plissken :shifty:. I'm trying to figure out who else I can add to my crew to save the Earth. 

Hmmm. Maybe I should play XCOM 2 with some mods.

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I mean, I played through the normal campaign, and while it was enjoyable, I've recently started a campaign in War of the Chosen and holy shit, now this is a fucking expansion. I'm really loving the new mechanics since I'm being forced to use more than just my A-Team, and the Chosen can really fuck things up. 

I'm only dealing with The Assassin right now. She almost killed Snake :( . 

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57 minutes ago, Azazel said:

The Assassin in by far the worst of the three, especially if you have her early on so you don't have great equipment to face her. 

That's what the grenades are for :pervert: . 

Also, newest team member:


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17 hours ago, Mick said:

Gotta love game modding. Right now three members of my squad in XCOM 2 are The Heavy and The Sniper from Team Fortress 2 and Snake Plissken :shifty:. I'm trying to figure out who else I can add to my crew to save the Earth. 

Man I wish modding options were a thing for Phantom Doctrine. I was able to make an entire campaign crew out of American Dad characters but the chargen system is limited so I had things like Francine not in a dress etc

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So, I just met The Warlock. 

For this mission, five-man team, consisting of Sniper, Demoman, Scout, a Skrimisher named Mox, and a Specialist nicknamed 'Wheels' (causer her last name was generated as 'Ferrari' and her backstory actually fits the name pretty well, thank you RNG). I brought along the Skulljack which was given to Mox. 


The Warlock makes himself known. Okay, that's nice. No idea what he can do. Oh, apparently he can revive soldiers, and then bring them back as ghosts. More XP for me, I guess. With the whole team still concealed, Mox grapples up into a seemingly safe spot only for his cover to be blown. One ADVENT Trooper dies to an Overwatch kill, and Mox promptly grapples an ADVENT Captain and Skulljacks him. At that point I forgot I had to deal with the Codex. The Codex teleports up onto a roof, but it also had a completely clear line of sight for Sniper. One shot, one kill. Problem solved. I complete my objective, and the Warlock's just around the corner, sending mooks after me into an Overwatch ambush, which he himself stumbles into, getting crit by Scout and leaving him in rough shape. Scout then finishes the job when I notice that while shooting the Warlock isn't a guarantee, Slash is. Scout gives the coup-de-grace and I get a great TF2 taunt on him, mission complete. 

I suppose my one complaint about WOTC is the ability point system having the potential to make really OP characters, especially combined with the right gear. 

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I'd read about Rust having a toxic community (like a lot of online games) but I put a few more hours in tonight. Joined a non pvp/raid lobby to try some building and crafting. Had a bloke handing me loads of materials so I made a simple 2x2 base and put a TC, furnace, sleeping bag, storage boxes and work bench in there. Slowly getting to grips with it. He showed me his base and it was massive, had a farm on the side and was fully protected. He's only got 150hrs in the game but prefers the non pvp building side of things.

It's definitely my kind of game but I'd like a few more sessions of getting used to everything before going full pvp. 

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