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EWB's All-Time Favorite TV Show Tournament


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Friends isn't as bad as the entirety of EWB would have most believe. It doesn't deserve a spot on the list really, but fuck, it was an okay sitcom at the time. It's really not 'bad' at all. Shit My Dad Says, that was bad, Friends was average at worst.

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I am not saying Friends is outright horrible television. But the greatest comedy on TV ever? Not even close.

For people who don't watch anything worthwhile, it probably was.

That's pretty much it. The people that think that are the people that don't generally watch other great shows and have no real interest in searching them out. And no, it's definitely not. There's plenty I'd rank above it.

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Friends is a show about a bunch of attractive white people who live together in the city and have relationship problems that often involve dating each other.

Seriously, EWB, that's all it is. They literally had to add a black person in the last season or two because it was approaching mayonnaise factory levels of Caucasian.

BIH Friends.

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Friends is a show about a bunch of attractive white people who live together in the city and have relationship problems that often involve dating each other.

Seriously, EWB, that's all it is. They literally had to add a black person in the last season or two because it was approaching mayonnaise factory levels of Caucasian.

BIH Friends.

Pretty much. I loved it when it was actually newsworthy that they were adding a new character.

'Friends with new Black Person'

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I am not saying Friends is outright horrible television. But the greatest comedy on TV ever? Not even close.

Nobody said it was THE GREATEST.

The greatest comedy of all time was voted out already by you evil people (Fools and Horses) :angry:

That's pretty much it. The people that think that are the people that don't generally watch other great shows and have no real interest in searching them out. And no, it's definitely not. There's plenty I'd rank above it.

Which is utter bollocks really. Just because somebody thinks Friends is one of the greatest comedies doesn't mean they don't watch other great shows, that's just silly.

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I am not saying Friends is outright horrible television. But the greatest comedy on TV ever? Not even close.

Nobody said it was THE GREATEST.

The greatest comedy of all time was voted out already by you evil people (Fools and Horses) :angry:

That's pretty much it. The people that think that are the people that don't generally watch other great shows and have no real interest in searching them out. And no, it's definitely not. There's plenty I'd rank above it.

Which is utter bollocks really. Just because somebody thinks Friends is one of the greatest comedies doesn't mean they don't watch other great shows, that's just silly.

Relax. This is EWB and that wasn't even the most outlandish and silly comment made and treated as fact within the five minute period that he posted that in.

No matter what people here say (half of them simply to agree with Sousa who seems to hate Friends) there is a reason it stayed on the air for a decade: people watched it and loved it.

"Oh it was about white people in NYC and it did not represent my life in middle America at all so it must have been utter tripe and shit I hate it and do not know why anyone would ever watch it!" Maybe because some people could relate (it was popular during the time that little coffee shops were popping up all over the US like warts) and some people were looking for escapism from their lives (you know, the reason so many people read books, watch TV, and go to movies).

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The way I see Friends is that anyone who dislikes it tends to dislike it for being extremely generic 90s sitcom, rarely anything more. It was one of my favourite shows and I can't say I've rewatched a show more. It's my comfort blanket of TV, inoffensive, it makes me smile, and I know it off by heart. I get that people might not like it, but to me it's earned it's place in my heart and then some. It's made me laugh through broken friendships, romantic break ups, family arguments, deaths, loneliness, it's one of the shows I can almost guarantee most people will be happy to watch if I'm channel surfing with friends. Friends is my friend when no-one else is, so that's that.

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The way I see Friends is that anyone who dislikes it tends to dislike it for being extremely generic 90s sitcom, rarely anything more. It was one of my favourite shows and I can't say I've rewatched a show more. It's my comfort blanket of TV, inoffensive, it makes me smile, and I know it off by heart.

Yeah, I get that, and can appreciate why people like it due to that, but a lot of what makes you like it does make it feel generic, bland and inoffensive. I've watched a shed load of the stuff, as I used to like it a lot when very young,but the later series' of the show were pretty bad, and it just never held that same place in my heart for me.

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The later series do have a noticeable decline in quality. I tend to pinpoint it around the time Joey decides he likes Rachel.

Like I say, I totally get why people don't like it, because it's the same reason I don't like shows like Two and a Half Men. I think a lot of it is down to exactly what you said, I watched it when I was pretty young, so it got it's hooks into me at the right time.

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Friends is what is is because it was a really big deal in the 90s. I liked the show. I'm not surprised it's gotten this far. It's not the greatest sit com of all time. But it was really crazy popular at one point.

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Yeah, Friends is average television. It's not awful, but there's a lot of stuff out there that's better, both past and present. In my opinion, it got as far as it did due to slightly weaker opponents.

Voting for the round is up in about 40 minutes.

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