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Usually when we buy a game at least one us likes it but the fact is neither one of us can stand The Witcher 2. This has to be the single biggest failure we have made when it comes to games. So I'm asking. What was your biggest waste of 60 bucks?


I can think of three off the top of my head:

-Dark Souls (too hard)

-Alpha Protocol (I was super excited for a spy game, and the dialog system seemed awesome. The gameplay was just bad)

-Operation: Darkness (I love strategy games like this...but the difficulty curve was too high, not enough people who could heal)


Dance Dance Revolution. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking either.

The only other games that would be worse that I bought was the Prince of Persia "reboot" and Mercenaries 2. Reason they aren't the biggest mistakes is because I got P.o.P. for 10 bucks about 2-3 years after it came out, and Mercenaries 2 had come with a Tomb Raider game that I gave my sister, and the first Uncharted, which I have yet to beat. :shifty:


This is going to be mainly much older stuff, do to a lack of interest in modern gaming.

Not exactly a purchase I made, but a stupid use of a Christmas present, Spider Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage on the Genesis. Should have gone with the Super Nintendo version, but even then, it was just another beat em up in an era that had a shitload of them.

Star Wars: Rebel Assault II was another waste. Granted, it was 1997 and good Star Wars games were a little hard to come by, that still doesn't excuse it.

Really, now that I think about it, I have really lucked out on these. The only other complaints that I have are for games that seemingly refused to work, like this collection of Dungeon and Dragon games on a CD. Things like leaving in copy protection but not providing the way to answer the dumb questions, and if you managed to do that, if you tried to save a character, it would give you some kind of message saying "Insert Disk 1". Being ten, I had no clue what this meant, so there goes a collection of ten seeingly good D&D games down the toilet.

Thinking avout my time as an active consumer, though, I guess it would be Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories on the PS2. Take all the fun things from San Andreas, get rid of them, and fice us a slightly different Liberty City from GTA3. Ugh...


I tend to be pretty conservative with game buying and most game shop's policy for a grace period of a couple of days to decide whether you like the game has made it a much easier blow. The worst decision I made was Tony Hawk: Underground. I always liked the old TH games and tis one came with a free watch so wth right? Beat it in a day and lost all interest after that. Took it back to EB Games the next day for a refund.


I tend to be pretty conservative with game buying and most game shop's policy for a grace period of a couple of days to decide whether you like the game has made it a much easier blow. The worst decision I made was Tony Hawk: Underground. I always liked the old TH games and tis one came with a free watch so wth right? Beat it in a day and lost all interest after that. Took it back to EB Games the next day for a refund.

It doesn't count if you got your money back! :lol: Where is the pain in that?


Well, I'm old enough to be one of the people who actually bought Superman 64 <_<

Aside from that..State of Emergency..though it did regain some value as a drinking night "Lets see who can survive the longest" way.

ESPN College Basketball 2k5. NEver played a basketball game, not even a huge fan of basketball, but I figured it'd be an ok way to get into it. So after 2k6 game out, I bought 2k5 dirt cheap. Played it for 3 days and never touched it after


I tend to be pretty conservative with game buying and most game shop's policy for a grace period of a couple of days to decide whether you like the game has made it a much easier blow. The worst decision I made was Tony Hawk: Underground. I always liked the old TH games and tis one came with a free watch so wth right? Beat it in a day and lost all interest after that. Took it back to EB Games the next day for a refund.

It doesn't count if you got your money back! :lol: Where is the pain in that?

Waiting for you when you trade in shitty games to buy more shitty games :(


I think my "Nintendo DS" would be it. I got it because there are a ton of games i wanted to play, i even own several of them but i don´t think i spend over 10 houres on that console in total.

For PS3 and 2 i also own a bunch of games i just NEVER touched, which is a pritty big mistake in game buying i guess. But the DS is an extrem that takes this form one game to a whole system for me. I guess it´s just to small for me to enjoy plaing.

Posted (edited)

I've always been 'Ok' when I look into games before buying them, but the few times I've just said "Screw it, it looks good" I've paid for it. In recent memory, I can think of Elder Scrolls 3 and 4, Spider-Man 3 for PS3, Final Fantasy 13 (I even paid for the strategy guide, ugh.) and the last "Oh god, what have I done" game would have to be....


Good god, I thought it looked cool, and had interesting mechanics, I thought it would be a nice alternative to Black Ops on PC. I was wrong. Man, was I wrong. I barely got half way through the story mode before I said "screw this" and I spent a grand total of an hour fighting the netcode before I uninstalled and mourned my $60.

Edited by Ekiyashi

NHL 12 and UFC Undisputed 2.

NHL 12 I bought on a whim. I fully intended to not buy it because it didn't look like enough of an improvement. I was right.

UFC 2 just...ruined the UFC series for me.


Probably when I picked up WCW Thunder on the PS1 instead of Metal Gear Solid when getting a PS1 console deal. That was pretty bad.

I've had loads, really. I get caught up in the hype for games, before trading them in shortly afterwards. Happened with games like MW2, the EA games, UFC and WWE games.


The only other games that would be worse that I bought was the Prince of Persia "reboot"...

Really? I love that game. As far as gameplay goes I found it better than the Sands trilogy. Story wasn't up to much scratch, but the actual levels were really fun and innovative.

My worst? Call of Duty. Each year I buy it thinking "yeah, this'll be incredibly fun online, even if the story isn't very good", only to wind up playing it a few times and not bothering. Black Ops was an exception, because I liked the story, and found the levels online quite fun even when not playing with people I knew.


Civ 5. Its a decent game and all but I've had one proper play on it since I bought it and not even contemplated starting another game of it since.


Clawson is the worst.

I don't tend to be disappointed with individual purchases. I dislike when Steam has a big sale and I buy half a dozen games at a time when I only really have time for one of them.


Generally there aren't many games I instantly regret buying, since I'll probably play them for a good few hours anyway, but there are two that stand out that I got tired of within about 30 minutes. First was the Beyblade game for the PS1 which was easily the worst game I've ever played. Terrible, terrible graphics even for PS1 standard and the gameplay was equally bad, in that it was pretty much impossible to lose and you barely "played" anyway.

The other one would be the first Harvest Moon DS game. I mean, I loved Harvest Moon for the GBC and Friends of Mineral Town I still can play to this day. But the first DS game...wow. I mean, it was so bad. Had some stupid storyline that you had to go through and had far too many of those little fairy things, as well as horrible translation. I mean, the translation being bad in Harvest Moon is something I've learned to accept, but these were taking the piss.


I bought a PS3 and all 3 Uncharted games at Christmas and I've played it about 3 times. Biggest waste of money ever.

Only other games that I can think of that I've bought and not played more than once is that shitty newish Command and Conquer with the woman on the front of the case, and The Sims 3 for xbox, but I didn't exactly break the bank for them.


I bought a PS3 and all 3 Uncharted games at Christmas and I've played it about 3 times. Biggest waste of money ever.

Having just played Unchartered for the first time yesterday... you have no soul.

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