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Biggest game buying mistake?

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TKz is dead to me.

He'll be saying he hated Wet, Afrika, Bladestorm, Enslaved, Mirror's Edge and Brink next. :angry:

WET was okay and I liked Enslaved!

Man. Don't hate me Hammy. You're the only one that gets the love of Metal Gear. :(

Ahhhh Metal Gear. I adore MGS4, whatever the slags say.

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TKz is dead to me.

He'll be saying he hated Wet, Afrika, Bladestorm, Enslaved, Mirror's Edge and Brink next. :angry:

WET was okay and I liked Enslaved!

Man. Don't hate me Hammy. You're the only one that gets the love of Metal Gear. :(

Ahhhh Metal Gear. I adore MGS4, whatever the slags say.

I love MGS4! I wasn't so in love with the literal hour long cut scene about halfway through, but the rest was great! Have you picked up the HD collection yet? Peace Walker is wonderful. I never played it on PSP but it's fantastic, if a bit overloaded with boss battles.

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TKz is dead to me.

He'll be saying he hated Wet, Afrika, Bladestorm, Enslaved, Mirror's Edge and Brink next. :angry:

WET was okay and I liked Enslaved!

Man. Don't hate me Hammy. You're the only one that gets the love of Metal Gear. :(

Ahhhh Metal Gear. I adore MGS4, whatever the slags say.

I love MGS4! I wasn't so in love with the literal hour long cut scene about halfway through, but the rest was great! Have you picked up the HD collection yet? Peace Walker is wonderful. I never played it on PSP but it's fantastic, if a bit overloaded with boss battles.

Nah, I'll wait 'til I get back to the UK to avoid possible Japanese language annoyances.

Yeah the one cutscene that went on too long for me was with Big Mama at the docks. Otherwise I generally find the cutscenes interesting once or twice and skip through them after. No big deal. All the different settings for the levels were brilliant. Going back to Shadow Moses was spine chilling. I wasn't expecting it.

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Yeah, that's the one, it's at least half an hour long and it has another like 10 minute one before and after it, I think. The whole game was wonderfully epic, I love the part where you're just crawling down the hallway, I can't even remember what you're crawling towards, but it was amazing. Along with the chance to actually fight a Metal Gear with a Metal Gear of your own and of course, the final battle with Liquid Ocelot and all the changing theme songs!

4:30. Oh man. I loved Snake Eater and that theme.

I really, really, REALLY want to go back and play 4 at some point.

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The finale to that MGS4 battle was just everything it needed to be. Two old foes beating each other up to total exhaustion.

There were loads of great boss battles in the series though. I love The End, The Sorrow and The Fury from MGS3, Psycho Mantis and Sniper Wolf from MGS1, Screaming Mantis, Metal Gear Ray and Laughing Octopus from MGS4 (along with all the stuff with Snake fighting to the end as Raiden fights).....Some amazing moments really.

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Now that Ellis posted, I remember two more!

-Avatar Laser Wars

-Daytona USA


You bought a game called Avatar Laser Wars and thought it might be anything but shit?

I expected it to be horrible, and it was. Still a waste of a dollar.

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I honestly can't think of any. Since I'm skint all the time, I make double damn sure that I'm going to like a game before I drop $60 on it.

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I bought loads of junk when I was at Gamestation. We would always buy stuff, play it for a few days then return it and swap it for something else if we didn't like it. That way I learnt that a poker game (WSOP?), Haze and Lost were useless. Numerous others as well. Haze was a disappointment especially as I stand by my belief that the first couple of missions were brilliant....until you discovered the truth (far too early) and then storyline got useless, gameplay seemed to get worse and there were glitches everywhere.

Someone, either Ellis or Liam, probably Ellis slagged me off because my first hour or so of play had me rating it as an 8. I think it is though. Thing is, after that it's about a 5/10.

Fortunately two days later I swapped it for some other new game. Probably Lost actually, which I swapped again two days later for something good.

Why would you even think it was me? :(

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Oblivion by far. Rarely do I get a game and can't stand playing it. I know how popular The Elder Scrolls series of games are, and I love RPGs so I figured I'd try it. I mostly stick to Bioware RPGs, but I've enjoyed a lot of other JRPGs to Fable. I'm not very into the whole wandering around in the open world thing. The combat didn't seem very fun, and the story didn't draw me in at all.

Probably Dark Siders as well. At least the combat was kinda fun. Might eventually try it in again since I waited to long to trade in.

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I can think of three off the top of my head:

-Dark Souls (too hard)

-Alpha Protocol (I was super excited for a spy game, and the dialog system seemed awesome. The gameplay was just bad)

-Operation: Darkness (I love strategy games like this...but the difficulty curve was too high, not enough people who could heal)


Mine's Brink.

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I bought loads of junk when I was at Gamestation. We would always buy stuff, play it for a few days then return it and swap it for something else if we didn't like it. That way I learnt that a poker game (WSOP?), Haze and Lost were useless. Numerous others as well. Haze was a disappointment especially as I stand by my belief that the first couple of missions were brilliant....until you discovered the truth (far too early) and then storyline got useless, gameplay seemed to get worse and there were glitches everywhere.

Someone, either Ellis or Liam, probably Ellis slagged me off because my first hour or so of play had me rating it as an 8. I think it is though. Thing is, after that it's about a 5/10.

Fortunately two days later I swapped it for some other new game. Probably Lost actually, which I swapped again two days later for something good.

Why would you even think it was me? :(



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Oblivion bored me but the one that stands out most for me was Alpha Protocol. It had fantastic concept, and the dialogue system was pretty nifty, but the combat was fucking disgraceful. I liked how you could make friends with people who would otherwise be bosses, and you could purchase intel and stuff that does genuinely affect the mission, it had a really great idea just really horrible execution.

MGS4 was fantastic. Heavy Rain was fantastic, I'm actually playing through it again for the first time since I originally played through it. Still gripping stuff.

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Oblivion, I really want to like. Everyone tells me "keep playing, it gets better", but I really can't get past the first three hours or so without being bored numb and sick of being over encumbered.

LA Noire was a let down, I wouldn't say it was bad (except for those god awful interrogation controls), but some of the stories, the tech, and the setting were really fun.

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