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Biggest game buying mistake?

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I've just started playing LA Noire over the last couple of days funnily enough. I love it, but it's kind of ideal for me - I don't spend that much time playing games, but I love open world games. LA Noire is ideal for this cause there isn't actually much to do outside the story. Also, I am shit at games but there is very little action in LA Noire so I get by fine.

I can understand why people would dislike it though, although those seem to be the reasons I like it. :shifty:

Although I love the city and how immersive it is as well. I prefer the game to GTA because in LA Noire you've always got a pal to hang around with but sometimes in GTA I would get quite lonely. :/

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I just don't like the combat in Elder Scrolls games. Comes from growing up on FF, I guess.

However, no reasons for those games not to be tighter when it comes combat. Dark Souls can bloody well do it.

Yeah, I mentioned in the general gaming thread the other week how i'd tried Skyrim but couldn't do with the melee combat after having played Demons/Dark Souls.

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Truth be told, the only ones that I've totally regretted are The Force Unleashed II, which was underwhelming and has little replay value, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. For some reason, I thought that maybe, just maybe, Human Revolution would be as awesome as Deus Ex II, but I just can't seem to care beyond the first mission. Might play through anyway.

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OHHHHH! Hammy talking about LOST (which was shit but I got it for like, ten quid tops) reminds me of another really bad TV cash-in that I got for full price. 24's game was all kinds of terrible.

That game was wonderful!

Well, no, it was shit. But you still got to control Jack Bauer! Actually, I thought the shooty bits were alright, just the driving bits were terrible.

Not sure if I'd class this as a mistake, as I did enjoy it, but I was waiting on Rage for the longest time and it was a massive let down. Way too short and just tons of stuff wrong with it. Frustrating, as the core gameplay was great. I guess it was a mistake in that I could've waited to get a preowned one in rather than spunking away £30.

Brink is in the same vein, only it had no redeeming features.

I should've waited on Naughty Bear too. I loved the concept (and the boxart!), but the controls and camera were just too clunky. Shame.

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And I have to agree with the hate for the first Assassins Creed. Couldn't stand it. Fast paced parkour gameplay? Check...guards that were alerted if you walked past them at more then a snails pace? Check..ugh. Hated it and traded it in within a week. Someone from here told me in the RAW chat that AC2 fixed all that was wrong with the first, so I bought it and loved it. But i still can't stand the first

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God damn fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. I asked my parents to buy me it for my birthday. Why did I get that game?! Fuck you Shadow. Fuck you and your god damn game!

Also Modern Warfare 2.

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Wow, really? MW2 single handedly saved my faith in console shooters, and I've put weeks of game-time into it on PC.

MW2 would be on my list if I was making one. I only played online once with Ruki and a couple of people and I got stuck in single player after like an hour or two. Only reason it isnt the biggest disaster is Christopher liked it.

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24 was awesome. Its one of the few PS2 games I still own. It was fucking awesome. Fuck you if you think otherwise.

Such a fun game. Being Jack Bauer is fucking awesome and despite the shit, I really enjoyed 24.

Fallout 3 is all that comes to mind so far. Bought it and tried it out, but I'm not really an RPG kinda guy. I want to like it because I want to like Skyrim and get that since they're big games that can last quite a while.

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There have been a fair few. I asked for tomorrow never dies for Christmas on Playstation and it was a mess of a game. Awful.

I would also say True crime on PS2. The first one. Went and paid a full 40 quid for it from woolworths and that was also a massive disapointment.

Lost world Jurassic Park and parappa the rappa which while the latter was excellent it ended far too soon.

Overall id say I lucked on getting great games. I wanted Tomb Raider 2 back in 1997 and had blockbuster vouchers and I went up to get Raider and it came out a week later and my mum suggested Final Fantasy 7 if I couldnt wait. She knew nothing of games and I had no idea what it was. So I bought it and grew to love it with each passing week. And got Tomb raider for christmas anyway.

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