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There's talk of J. August Richards (Gunn from Angel) potentially having a superhero role in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show on ABC. Thoughts? I honestly don't know who he could be cast as, if it's indeed a hero from the Marvel universe.

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There's talk of J. August Richards (Gunn from Angel) potentially having a superhero role in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show on ABC. Thoughts? I honestly don't know who he could be cast as, if it's indeed a hero from the Marvel universe.

The rumor is that he is Luke Cage (Power Man). If that's the case, I'm stoked, because it makes it likely that Iron Fist shows up at some point.

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I can see why people probably assume he's Luke Cage, I just don't see it. His frame is so small, it just doesn't suit what we've been trained to think of when we see/read Cage. Any chance it's some really low, Z-list hero?

Not saying it's not Luke Cage... it probably is. First time watching that TV spot, though. Fuck I'm excited for that show! Any word on when it'll premiere?

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Justice League Dark would be a hard sell, really. I can't see it happening. But I would love to see a real Constantine/Swamp Thing movie.

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I have no doubt it's gonna happen. The buzz for Superman is insane right now, and there's a lot of excitement over the Guardians of the Galaxy movie which is really odd when you think of how obscure it must be for people who aren't into comic books. With someone like Del Torro helming it, JL Dark could very well happen.

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Justice League Dark would be a hard sell, really. I can't see it happening. But I would love to see a real Constantine/Swamp Thing movie.

It's getting easier and easier though. If Del Toro can wait a year, I don't think he'll have any problems selling a Justice League Dark if Guardians of the Galaxy is a hit. That's really going to be the thing that dictates just how obscure of a comic book film you can sell. If that's a hit, I see no problems with films like Dr. Strange and Justice League Dark becoming real things.

And I'm cool with Richards as Luke Cage, if that's him. I'd rather see the character get the big screen treatment, but a Buffy alumni that becomes a central part of what'll hopefully be a hit TV show would work just as well.

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Full trailer for Agents of Shield. Sweet. That's totally Luke Cage. And the show seems to be going down the exact route I was hoping it would.

I really hopes this leads to the appearance of some B-List villains. There's so much potential in this show. Just think - as the Marvel Film Universe expands, as can the shows. Once Dr. Strange gets introduced? We could see a whole season filled with more occult ties. Guardians of the Galaxy introduces the Kree and Skrull? Maybe we have Shield dealing with a few of those races, sneaking onto earth? Hydra re-emerges in Captain America 2? Sinn becomes a villain at some point in the show.

So much fucking potential. It's going to be just as exciting as the later seasons of Smallville. getting excited for this Universes versions of each character to debut, but better because overall, Marvel > DC.

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And whoever is on this show may get lucky because while I know they want it to be its own standalone entity, I don't see why they wouldn't find parts for these guys in the movies.

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And whoever is on this show may get lucky because while I know they want it to be its own standalone entity, I don't see why they wouldn't find parts for these guys in the movies.

You just know there's going to be some crossover on that end at some point. More exciting than that, to me, is that Disney/Marvel is overseeing all of this AND the films.

Now, I'm not expecting a guy like Rob Downey Jr. to appear. But someone like Sam Jackson? Totally not out of the realm of possibility. Fuck, you could probably get Chris Evans if they wanted it bad enough and the show is popular enough. Marvel is just breaking new ground all over the fucking place.

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Thaaaaaaaaaaaat I'm not so sure about. Given that Robert Downey Jr. has been fighting to get every actor their worth for the Avengers movie, I could see their appearing on the TV show to be way over budget.

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Yeah, it's unlikely, but just the fact it's unlikely instead of flat out impossible is fantastic. And yeah, an Avenger isn't as likely, but there's plenty of other characters with ties to SHIELD that'll be introduced soon. Guys played by TV actors that would probably be within the budget for a guest spot or two.


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