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We seriously need to get the SHIELD show its own thread.

I would say to wait until the pilot episode either airs on tv or gets leaked online. I wouldn't start a thread for it until there's at least one episode viewable, legally or otherwise.

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Apparently there's talk of recasting Hawkeye, not including him in any more films (other than Avengers 2) but possibly introducing the character to the show? I'd be kind of okay with that. We're more likely to get a Hawkeye closer to the comics in the show than playing a secondary character in a film or two.

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This is all assuming that ABC doesn't do what they usually do, and cancel it way too early.

ABC is owned by Disney, who owns Marvel. If the plug gets pulled, the decision won't come from the ABC Network.

Disney is too invested in what's going on with the Marvel Cinematic Universe to not let this roll for a full season, at least. I would imagine that Disney would even give them a full season knowing that it wouldn't be back, so they could wrap things up and send characters off into the movies.

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It's been stated that J August Richards is NOT Luke Cage.

They never said who he is though, so he could be a brand new character, or maybe a b-list hero. Rage or the Patriot from the Young Avengers is possible. Actually, I could see him being The Patriot. The character has ties to Captain America, but wouldn't need Cap to show up in the show. Those ties would also bind him to SHIELD and Nick Fury. Would also explain the powers we see in the trailer. More than that though, they can deal with the whole Eli Bradley takes drugs to have his powers arc. This keeps the show on the streets to a certain extent.

I'm actually convinced now that J August Richards is Eli Bradley, the Patriot.

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Joss Whedon has officially confirmed Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch for Avengers 2. Iron Man will also be part of the film.

I'm wondering how they're going to handle the twins. They can't call them Mutants, so do they just show up with powers? Do they get them from some other means? If it's the latter, I hope they explore their origins. They were raised on Wundagore Mountain, which could lead to the High Evolutionary. Maybe not as a villain, necessarily, but as an introduction to the character. He can be a villain later on down the road if they want. Just having him there as a plot tool to explain the origins of the twins and their powers, without having to connect them to Magneto.

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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is lobbying to portray the comic book character Luke Cage in an upcoming movie after Kevin Feige revealed in an interview that he is a big fan of the actor/sports entertainer.

Johnson addressed Feige's remarks Friday on Twitter, writing, "Thank U @Marvel President Kevin Feige for the nod. I'll be ready. #RockAsCage #HeroForHire."

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I would be so completely down for Rock as Luke Cage.

I'd be pretty happy with that casting. BUT... Terry Crews is perfect for the role and won't be nearly as expensive. They could probably even get him to sign a contract to be in the films AND on Agents of SHIELD.

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I would be so completely down for Rock as Luke Cage.

I'd be pretty happy with that casting. BUT... Terry Crews is perfect for the role and won't be nearly as expensive. They could probably even get him to sign a contract to be in the films AND on Agents of SHIELD.

No, he's got a show on Fox now.

I'd be happy with either as Luke Cage though.

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I wonder if The Rock would be willing to sign a multi-film deal for a reasonable amount of money.

The last thing Marvel/Disney should be doing right now is throwing money at other actors when there is talk of replacing current actors because they want a raise. I still think it's just bullshit posturing on the part of the companies involved though, to see how little they can get away with paying them.

I read somewhere that Downey Jr won't sign a new deal until he's satisfied that his co-stars are taken care of though. If that's true, that's an amazing thing to do. Most in his position would just collect a paycheque and not care how everyone else is treated.

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Something I'm wondering now after watching the trailer for Batman: Arkham Origins and thinking back to Asylum/City... but, how would we feel if instead of live action, DC Comics just upped the production and made their cinematic universe similar to the cutscenes from those games? They look great, and with the additional money and push, I'm sure they could make it look very damn close to live action doing it that way.

It just strikes me as a good way to portray things that may be a little off the wall, and also to avoid having to recast. You could have eight different guys voice Batman in twelve different movies, but as long as they sound close enough alike, it won't be a huge deal. Not like with trying to recast a face.

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