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Hemsworth gets recast, I riot.

He riots, I riot.

Cast John Cena as Thor. Then everyone except kids will riot.

Wasn't there some sort of rumors years ago (I want to say 2005-ish) that Triple H was being considered to play Thor? Not really sure how that would've worked out, but I think that was going around.

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Yeah, I heard about that the other day, I'm all over that.

What a fucking bizarre cast this is shaping up to be. I love it.

My confidence is a little shaken having learnt that James Gunn is the man behind the live action Scooby Doo films, though. >_>

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Just the first one, actually and only as a writer. Who knows how much his idea for the film changed once it was out of his hands. Just look at the director's credits.

Plus, Whedon oversees all the scripts now anyways so if it gets his approval, I'm not worried.

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I still find it weird that the guy who (co-?)wrote Tromeo & Juliet wound up writing Scooby Doo, and is now doing a Marvel movie.

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Some info on that Justice League Dark (and his other TV show in the works) stuff.

On Justice League Dark, Del Toro revealed that his script features Constantine, The Swamp Thing, Madame Xanadu, Deadman and Zantanna as the team. He stated that there are other characters in the mix too (“everybody that doesn’t feel like a repeat”) – but any additional info would be too ‘spoilery’ for the hypothetical film. However Del Toro is still waiting for the go-ahead from Warner Brothers (perhaps box-office returns on Man of Steel and Pacific Rim will dictate it’s fate). Per Del Toro “If they [Warners] like the [script], I’ll do it; if not…”

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A few pages too late maybe, but finally saw Iron Man 3 last night.

Wow. Loved every minute of it.

The first, most obvious thing was that having a different director was very obvious. It was a much needed change that refreshed the series (not that there was anything wrong with the first two, I love them as well) and stopped it from being "just another Iron Man." After looking up what other films Shane Black has done (lethal weapon etc) I see where the action orientated style comes from. Also loved the silly amount of explosions and destruction. Black's style works amazing well for a comic book movie, hopefully he'll do more Marvel films in the future.

The actors were all great. Guy Pearce was an awesome villain, all the returning cast were great as usual. Wish Rebecca Hall had been in the film a little more as I thought Maya Hansen's part in the film was pretty much spot on. James Badge Dale as the dickish Henchman was really good as well.

Now onto the Mandarin. At first I was a little surprised with the whole "he's just an actor thing." It was ballsy to do that - but it worked. I give much credit to that for Ben Kingsley and his awesome acting, had it been anyone else I might have actually been a little made at it. Overall, Killian was a great villain anyhow as I said and with the powers and the tattoo on his chest it was clear that he was the mandarin so to speak by the end.

Also it saved the film from what I call "too many villains syndrome" - for an example of this, see Spider-Man 3.

Saw it in 3D, while it wasn't mind blowing or anything it was a nice touch. But yeah, loved it.

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Considering Batman is going to need a reboot for JL, who would you like to see play Batman/Bruce Wayne?

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I'm honestly not sure. I think Emile Hirsch could be a decent choice. Otherwise I'm assuming they'll go with an up-and-comer and I can't really place my finger on who I'd pick in that case.

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Honestly,I kinda like David Boreanaz for Bruce. Not sure how he'd come off as Batman though.

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I'd rather they cast someone not related to Nolan's series and just go with the fact that everyone knows Batman so it doesn't need to be connected to that series.

Wasn't Armie Hammer rumored? That could work for me. Though I'd rather an older Batman.

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Armie Hammer was originally cast when they setup the film a couple years ago. I think he'd be a great choice but they seem to go for guys right on the precipice of breaking out so he may be too big at this point.

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Armie Hammer was originally cast when they setup the film a couple years ago. I think he'd be a great choice but they seem to go for guys right on the precipice of breaking out so he may be too big at this point.

Eh. Once Lone Ranger bombs I'm sure his price tag will drop nicely.

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He just signed on to do The Man From U.N.C.L.E with Tom Cruise (Guy Ritchie directing) so even if that happens (it won't because of Depp + Verbinski) it won't last long.

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