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Hate Watch TV


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Maybe it's through brand loyalty, or a show that has just grabbed you even though it's not something you'd usually admit to, but what TV shows are you currently watching, even though you dislike them?


The first season was great fun, and even though it had it's shit moments, it was rather self-aware of how silly the entire concept was. As it's gone on, it's got worse, and just generally doesn't seem to have any consistency. The characters have become less likeable (some of whom weren't that likeable to begin with) and whilst it's doing a good job of balancing old and new cast members appearances, that's pretty much the only good thing still going for it. It's getting to Heroes levels of "Season 1 was good, it shows sparks of brilliance so I'll stick through the 90% of bullshit to see the 10% of great stuff".


Bit of a cheat here, since it's a Ring thing, but WWE is getting increasingly arduous for me (let's not turn this into a Ring debate, I'm only going to mention it in passing), and I've cut down to only watch two of their shows a week. RAW, which I skip through at least half of, and NXT, which I watch all of and is genuinely enjoyable. Pure brand loyalty here.


I thought this would be incredible at the start, but it's been a real flop. I'm sticking to the end of the first season in the hopes that it's working past teething problems, but I'm not optimistic.

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How I Met Your Mother. I actually didn't watch any of the season before the latest when it was on. I just didn't care and downloaded and bulk watched it a few months after it ended. I don't really hate watch anything, I've barely got the time to fit in all the good shows, let alone ones that aren't any good. I don't think I'd even have bothered with HIMYM if it wasn't so very nearly the end.

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How I Met Your Mother. I actually didn't watch any of the season before the latest when it was on. I just didn't care and downloaded and bulk watched it a few months after it ended. I don't really hate watch anything, I've barely got the time to fit in all the good shows, let alone ones that aren't any good. I don't think I'd even have bothered with HIMYM if it wasn't so very nearly the end.


Especially since Ted is now just a generally awful person.

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It used to be Revolution. Now it's just Anger Management, which I only watch because of drunk Martin Sheen. I love drunk Martin Sheen. I've been stockpiling Da Vinci's Demons episodes, but I'm probably gonna' dislike it.

Besides that, though, I'm probably gonna' hate a lot of the new fall shows I'm planning on following, so look back for an update from me later this year!

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The Following and to a lesser extent Dexter. I'd mention HIMYM, but I wouldn't call it hate watching. I still have a soft spot for the show and every once in a while they'll pull off something great.

The Following.. well.. I've somewhat made my case in its proper thread. Hilariously bad.

Dexter is a show that sometimes I'll thoroughly enjoy, but then they'll throw something in there that will throw me off (in a bad way) and I'll remember why I can't really enjoy the show as much as I used to.

Up until earlier this year, I guess you could classify WWE as well. I've kind of been over wrestling for years now, but was still watching it to join on the chats on Monday nights or whatever. I've since stopped watching all together cause I couldn't deal with it anymore.

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Wrestling is an interesting concept for this. Because of the fact that it is basically always there, I think people go through in and out stages with the product so it's not as huge of a deal.

I personally stop watching anything that can't hold my attention - I guess because I have so much stuff to catch up on.

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I know for me, when wrestling is terrible, a big part of what keeps me watching is the fact that last time I stopped watching, I missed out on Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit's rises to the top. I really don't want that to happen again. I don't think I'll ever stop watching, though I'm sure this isn't even the worst of it now, where I'm watching max 20 minutes of RAW and just skimming the results of everything else.

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I will DVR and watch the parts of Raw that I read about/was told are worth my time. I don't even watch many PPVs anymore, choosing to watch matches a day or two later based on reception. It's an in-and-out thing for me, I kind of seemlessly transition from Monday Night Football over to WWE Raw up until Mania and then it loses me until the late summer more often than not. I keep tabs on WWE solely so I don't miss things like that CM Punk promo or Daniel Bryan cashing in MITB, etc. However, I actively follow Chikara still so it's not a wrestling thing--it's a WWE thing.

Beyond that there are numerous anime series I hate watch but since most of them are 13 episodes or less it's rarely a chore to get through. Except for Sword Art Online which was pure torture, I thank Cloudy's brother for telling Cloudy that the second half was really good. I was ready to drop it but that pulled me back in, and I hated every minute of it.

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Hells Kitchen. It's a horrible cooking show with ridiculous Americans. Still watch it.

I guess True Blood is the closest thing to hate watching as I get because even though I know it's bad, I still watch anyways and am not really sure why.

Same here. I haven't been enjoying True Blood that much for a while now but I still watch wanting to know what is going to happen with the characters and the occasional bad ass moments.

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With Glee I just skip to whenever Darren is on screen, haven't started season 4 yet. I like the idea of a musical tv show that covers songs and stuff, just not about high school.

Two and a Half Men, it's a different show now that Charlie's gone but it sucks about the same.

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