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"Xbox One" Reveal Event


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My xbox is always connected to the net anyway so I don't see the issue.

I also don't share games. But.. the game linked to account is silly. Lovefilm and Blockbusters are going to be hit hard by that. As are Game/etc. CEX are doomed too.

Are games linked to accounts definitely a thing?

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My xbox is always connected to the net anyway so I don't see the issue.

I also don't share games. But.. the game linked to account is silly. Lovefilm and Blockbusters are going to be hit hard by that. As are Game/etc. CEX are doomed too.

Mine is too but what if my router breaks or I'm away from home for a few days? What about people who work abroad in places they don't have broadband or people in the military. I hate the "100% profits" stuff they're trying to do.
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So having caught up a bit more with it, my feelings are swaying between underwhelmed and outright annoyed. I'll wait to see what the outcome would be if you don't connect online every day since there's regular periods where I go weeks at a time without being able to play.

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My xbox is always connected to the net anyway so I don't see the issue.

I also don't share games. But.. the game linked to account is silly. Lovefilm and Blockbusters are going to be hit hard by that. As are Game/etc. CEX are doomed too.

Mine is too but what if my router breaks or I'm away from home for a few days? What about people who work abroad in places they don't have broadband or people in the military. I hate the "100% profits" stuff they're trying to do.

There'll be ways around it. They know people don't turn their xbox on everyday. It'll probably need to connect to the Internet once a day (that it's switched on). So if your xbox is off, it doesn't matter. Internet outage is an issue, yeah.

Soldiers can quit playing games and go defend their country or do whatever they do. >_>

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I'm understanding it like you need it hooked up to sync once in a while.

Which is fine except that its mandatory. Meaning lacking a connection at all means zero use?

So interment is a must? That's an expense some people don't want. That's my only issue if its not an always on thing.

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Biggest factor for me is always going to be the ability to play Region Free games, I've asked MS on twitter but not confident that I'll get a positive response or a response at all for that matter..

Combine that with everything else in this very enjoyable thread and it's yeah....... nah.

Sony looking to be the lesser of two evils this time around.

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This whole thing just kind of seems like a mess. I was working while the announcement took place so I've been trying to find out all the stuff, and the only things I know are that the console is called 'Xbox One' and you can just shout at it if you don't feel like finding your controller.

Everything else I've read about seems to be '*Thing* will be on Xbox One/actually *Thing* won't actually be on Xbox One/*Thing* might be, maybe, we think'.

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Indeed, obviously the only thing that will happen is that you won't be able to play your games until you go back online.

However, this does mean that if the Xbox One server gets hit or goes down abruptly then nobody will be able to do anything with their console.

Which is bullshit. I took my 360 on vacation a few years ago, because we were going to the beach but some bad weather was forecast for that week, so I took it so we'd have something to do if it rained..movies, games etc. The beach house we stay at doesn't have Internet. Think its shit that I won't be able to play games while there just because theres no internet connection there

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and according to an article on Engadget, the 500GB hard drive will be internal and not changeable. For a company that wants to be a "living room hub" for use as a DVR, photos, mandatory blu-ray installs...500GB will get eaten up incredibly fast

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Eh, I'm going to wait and see how much they think they can charge for games considering it'll be all full priced stuff. If they're making total profit from games now then they should be able to charge £29.99 but I imagine they'll try and charge £49.99.

Add into the fact that all the TV stuff will be US-only at launch, really not much reason for me to get excited. Maybe E3 will change that.

Edit: Little bit bummed out that the next-gen FIFA engine will not be on PC this year, hopefully it's shit this year like FIFA 06 was shit on the 360. :shifty:

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Games would be the biggest issue, especially since we are moving up to BR but I guess it's going to depend on your habits. Like, I tend to have only 4 or 5 games in rotation at one time, which even if it did install a full 50gb, is only half the space.

Of course, there's the issue of download titles, be it digital retail titles or the next XBLA which you perhaps wouldn't want to delete. Plus DLC and, to a probably much lesser degree, saves.

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