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"Xbox One" Reveal Event


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It's fucking shit.

Emphasising cash cow sequels at the expense of anything interesting. I don'r give a fuck that Call Of Duty are trying to turn themselves into Nintendogs.

I don't give a shit that I can't watch UFC on my xbox because I could easily watch it on my existing TV except I don't because it's shit and I'm not a braindead cercopithecus

If I was that desperate to play American football that I wanted to throw and catch an imaginary ball I'd go outside and do it with a real ball. Or ideally, with a controller. I can't stand all the focus grouped, rehearsed nonsense of getting the kids to pretend they're having fun when the games a pile of crap and they'd clearly much rather do something with a controller.

I won't be buying it, and neither will any of you.

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Yeah the more I read about this, the less interested I get and the more laughably bad it sounds. I'm not really interested in any console, but the PS4 is winning by default after this debacle.

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They're not neglecting their core user base at all. Did you not catch the parts about sports and Call of Duty?

There are other games than those?

This was an event designed to garner press attention. Black Ops 2 had first day sales of something like $500m. A Call of Duty title has held the top spot in the most played Xbox games for probably 90-100% of the year for something like 3, 4, 5 years. Granted they are somewhat fudged numbers because it deals only in 'unique users' and only those connected to the Xbox Live service at the time but still, Call of Duty games can sometimes go months at a time holding the top 2, 3 or 4 places. It's only in the past year or so that Minecraft has held a steady position at number 2. Other than those games, you're still looking at Halo's or FIFA's. So, yeah, if you're looking for the biggest games to launch a system, these are those games.

In general though, do people really need to be so judgmental? Within minutes people were already proudly proclaiming 'I'm not buying this' with barely anything even said about it. No one's asking you to buy it on Day 1, no one's asking you to put your deposit down for it this second. Last night we saw the status of second hand games change 3 or 4 times between 'We'll allow second hand games' and 'They've killed second hand gaming' so I just don't see what's wrong with waiting to see actual concrete information or seeing feedback when it's actually in people's homes. Maybe you can stick a fucking burlap sack over the Kinect whilst it's turned on? Who knows?

You don't need to be an early adopter of either system anyway. You can save money, get a better understanding of how it works, wait for better games to hit the market and get a better sense of how exclusives are shaping up for both systems before you go ahead and make that multiple hundred pound/dollar investment. Just look at the Wii U, it's already being sold for like £150 over here.

At E3, people always say 'Why are they showing TV and stuff? Where are the games? Why can't this be it's own separate thing?' Maybe this WAS the separate thing. Maybe in a couple of weeks you will get the haul of games you're looking for. As I was saying yesterday though, I've watched too many MS conferences to truly believe that will be the case...

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In general though, do people really need to be so judgmental?

They're putting their product out to be judged. As a consumer, I have every right to be judgmental. They want me to spend money on it after all.

But if you're spending money on anything, you generally do your research before doing so. You don't make a snap decision based on a press conference or an advert, otherwise everyone in the world would be driving nothing but Hondas because they liked that Cog advert and they'd be doing it whilst insured by a company fronted by meerkats.

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It was a sales pitch. They were advertising its features to sell it to me. If their sales pitch doesn't impress me, I've got every right to say "no, it's shit" without having to go and research it. That's their duty if they want my money.

If I have a double glazing salesman come round and his makes it seem like his windows look absolutely shit and his company don't know how to install them I'm not going to go and have a look at another house they did just in case he's good after all.

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It's just a remarkably shit advert and the patchy information surrounding it isn't helping.

So far it claims to be something that will replace all of the other boxes around your television, yet doesn't seem to provide anything more than using a 360 as a media center would.

Will it replace a TV recorder? It can record games, but there's no proof that it will record Television.

Will it replace a DVD/Blu Ray player? Yes, unless you have foreign DVD/Blu Ray's in which case NO.

The whole idea behind it is "oh, you don't need to have a Blu Ray player AND a console" when you could get the exact same with a discount PS3.

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My issue with the XBox One - outside of anything superficial (man, the more I think of it the more I think it's a stupid name) is how much of it is unecessary. That's not the way to make me want to use a feature in a product. The way the 360 is now - it's perfectly fine. There are lots of apps there that I am sure are fine, but I don't use them. The cloud is there but I don't have to rely on it, I'd really rather not aside from some save backups. That's the perfect balance between having a machine that is my own and a machine that I feel like I am renting.

In fact the more I think of it - the more I am reminded of the news I had heard a while back about them making a version that would be sold outright and a version that would be done on a subscription basis.. and I'm starting to wonder if later on down the road there's going to be an XBox One that removes some of these restrictions. Early adapters buy no matter what, everyone with an issues buys later on down the road.. but that sounds stupid so I'm just going to leave it at that 'thinking out loud' thought.

EITHER WAY, my major issue is yeah. It seems like they're trying to force some of the features on us by making them mandatory. I hated messing around with my Kinect when I had one.. my apartment is never going to be good for it and I was really hoping they would be over that fad by now. Sometimes, I don't connect my machine to the internet because I am away and we do have intermittent issues with the internet connection. Why the heck does that need to be a requirement?

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I think the problem most people have with the reveal, as evidenced by Apsham's latest post, is that they just don't use the features that they were talking about. Which is fine but they're not strictly gaming consoles anymore so of course a lot of the focus for next gen was going to be about expanding on its other uses. There's really only so much they can do with games so they focused on adding things that would appeal people other than just hardcore gamers.

That's not to say that there isn't anything to worry about, because there is (the game-lending and online stuff is just a mess right now) but I just think the people crying "lol TV TV TV TV TV?" need to have some perspective beyond their personal habits.

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