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WWE Champions

The Red Reuben

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Has anyone else dove into this app that was advertised during the Rumble?

I actually gave it a go after seeing someone from the Fire Pro community post about it on Facebook, and I'm finding it's sucking up all my free gaming time.  It's one of those "line up 3/4/5 blocks" games, with a few extra touches to give it a different feel.

I'm trying to avoid using the popular guys like Rock, Cena, etc., and so far my top four are Goldust, Braun Strowman, Big Show and Darren Young.  Sitting around level eight with a stable of fifteen guys. 

Anyone else playing?

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Paging @New Year New Srar!...

I stumbled upon it on the Play Store on Thursday and assumed it was an old game, but obviously it's fairly new. I've been playing it fairly regularly (usually in between Supercard moments) and it's pretty fun. My only drawback so far is how long it takes for wrestlers to recover health, I'm sure it'll be better when I have more though.

I did spend a bit of money so my best are a 2 star Dolph Ziggler, a Gold 1 Star Undertaker and a Gold 1 star Darren Young, I'm not completing many daily missions though.

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Besides the pace of the game my biggest complaint is how a lot of the finishers for guys make absolutely no goddamn sense.

Why is Bray Wyatt's finisher a stunner? Why does Reigns use that psuedo-I Am Taue?

Why does Triple H just throttle a guy as his finisher?


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I started playing this a few days ago, for some reason it deleted my old account so I had to make a new one. Right now I'm sitting at level 8 just redoing the NXT circuit on the hard difficulty. So far so good, hopefully they fix how long it takes to heal or up the max on health kits. 

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This is the same game that came out this time last year. It's slightly different but largely the same. I've restarted back in it as last time was on iOS and I have no idea what log in I used. Best card atm is a 2*Gold Kofi Kingston followed by a few Maxed 1* Gold/Silver cards waiting on enhancements.
I play it a lot atm so I'm putting in time.


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2 hours ago, Baddar said:

This sounds like it could be fun. If I download it on my phone, can I continue progress on a tablet or is it locked to one device?

It seems you can. going by the help section



If you're looking to play your account on a new device, check out the steps below to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

  • Make sure you've connected a Facebook account to your game account that you want to save. Typically this is on your old device that you're moving away from.
  • Install WWE: Champions on your new device then press the "Login" button in the settings menu once you complete the tutorial.
  • Log in to your Facebook account that you've previously connected to your game account

Please Note: This bolded part is very important! If you log into a Facebook account that has never been previously connected to your game account, it will become permanently associated with the new game account that has no progress.


I've also created a Faction. Just search EWBattleground. Currently set to request only. Just post here with your IGN and I'll accept it asap.

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I re-downloaded this on the day of the Rumble. Re-started. Played for a day or so and then connected to Facebook.

I went from Level 6 to level 38.

Best Superstar is a One Gold Star Rock.

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4 hours ago, Rocky said:

It seems you can. going by the help section

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If you're looking to play your account on a new device, check out the steps below to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.

  • Make sure you've connected a Facebook account to your game account that you want to save. Typically this is on your old device that you're moving away from.
  • Install WWE: Champions on your new device then press the "Login" button in the settings menu once you complete the tutorial.
  • Log in to your Facebook account that you've previously connected to your game account

Please Note: This bolded part is very important! If you log into a Facebook account that has never been previously connected to your game account, it will become permanently associated with the new game account that has no progress.


I've also created a Faction. Just search EWBattleground. Currently set to request only. Just post here with your IGN and I'll accept it asap.

Just sent a request as Jimmy S

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5 hours ago, Rocky said:

It seems you can. going by the help section

  Reveal hidden contents

I've also created a Faction. Just search EWBattleground. Currently set to request only. Just post here with your IGN and I'll accept it asap.

Sent you a request, let you know who I am in the request message

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20 hours ago, OctoberRavenO said:

Besides the pace of the game my biggest complaint is how a lot of the finishers for guys make absolutely no goddamn sense.

Why is Bray Wyatt's finisher a stunner? Why does Reigns use that psuedo-I Am Taue?

Why does Triple H just throttle a guy as his finisher?


Their proper finishers are unlocked at later star levels I believe.

I would suggest everyon gets Cena, he's massively OP in my eyes. His green move allows you to place red gems, which can level his red move, which usually boosts into his finisher so you can often hit all three in a row and wipe out just about anyone.

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