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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. You've got the same video twice there. Hey Jude is a song that shouldn't work, but it does. It's one of the most popular singalong songs ever. I couldn't listen to it multiple times back-to-back, but it's a pleasant thing to hear every now and then.
  2. Streets of Rage 4 is on GamePass at launch on 30th April. That's a nice bonus.
  3. The management mode sounds interesting, particularly as a new series of standalone F1 management games will be starting in 2022. I'm guessing the latter will be more in-depth and the Codemasters games will be comparatively basic. What I'd like most is a new Motorsport Manager on PC.
  4. There's a "Chapter Select" option once you finish the game. You can go back and pick up any collectibles that way.
  5. You'd think that lower-budget digital games would be an ideal area for WWE to dabble in now that they've become so widespread. I'm talking about something in the price range of NBA 2K Playgrounds. That would be perfect for a more arcade-style game of the All-Stars ilk.
  6. With the ongoing pandemic, the chances of 2k21 coming out were very slim anyway. The development cycle of annual sports games is tight enough as it is, and Visual Concepts would already have been building on shaky foundations in the form of last year's game.
  7. Rick May, who voiced Peppy, has just died with Covid-19. He also voiced the Soldier in Team Fortress 2.
  8. And you don't even get a wig he'd stuffed down his trousers as a consolation prize.
  9. In theory, Final Fantasy 7 Remake could have come out quite a while before it did. It was initially being outsourced to CyberConnect2, and it wasn't until 2017 that Square Enix took development back in-house because they weren't satisfied with how things were going. I don't imagine they started again from scratch, but it's likely they made significant changes. Under normal circumstances, four years or so for the next game wouldn't be an unreasonable estimate, but they're going to lose a lot of development time to the current pandemic.
  10. I've finished the game. All in all, it was a good time. Some parts didn't quite land as well as they did in the original, but others were definitely more impactful.
  11. I could only finish in nine darts. I always choked under pressure.
  12. it's nice to see that people are enjoying this. I'm about 20 hours in now and am still happy. The game seems to retain the mixture of impactful character development, the sense of atmosphere and scale and the occasional zaniness of the original. As I said before, I'm absolutely expecting a backlash at some stage from die-hard fans of the first game, but that doesn't bother me.
  13. Djokovic doesn't get as much credit as I think he deserves in the media. A lot of people still talk about Federer and Nadal as the two greatest players of their era, but Djokovic has won 17 Grand Slams, only two fewer than Nadal and three fewer than Federer. The latter is six years older than Djokovic, who also has a winning record against both of them. If not for the Pandemic, I wouldn't have been at all surprised if Djokovic had ended up matching Federer's total this season. For me, a big thing that's irked me about Djokovic ha been that he's stopped Andy Murray from winning more Grand Slams. He'd probably have won them all if not for a combination of injuries and meeting Djokovic in finals.
  14. I'm enjoying it a lot. They've done some good work in expanding the scope of the original game and I like the combat. I could honestly take or leave the ATB from the first version of the game, and I usually prefer a more real-time style of fighting anyway, but I can understand if big FF7 fans aren't so happy. In any case, if you've played the demo, you know what to expect there. A common complaint has been that the side-quests aren't great. I think that's fair, albeit it's not something that's bothered me. Most of the time, they amount to walking somewhere, fighting something and reporting back to the requester, which doesn't leave much room for variety, but they're usually short enough not to outstay their welcome. You're also given the option to fast travel to the sender after finishing the task, which is a nice quality-of-life feature. Playing a remake is a particularly interesting experience because you know the broad strokes of what to expect, but you're always wondering how it's going to be executed in the new, extended format. Without spoiling anything, I can definitely say that there are parts that add emotional weight to previously known events, and I'm in favour of a lot of the little changes I've seen so far. Bigger fans of the original than me might have some quibbles, and I'm expecting a backlash among some of them, but I'm more than satisfied.
  15. Djokovic is someone who riles me up a little when he's on court. It's mostly a case of his strategic use of injury timeouts that gets me. Off the court, he seems OK, though. If anything, I've seen more press conference outbursts from Federer, who's always seen as Mr. Nice.
  16. I'm about 14 hours in and have just got past a particularly exciting part.
  17. This game will be on Game Pass for PC "soon", as announced on Microsoft's Inside Xbox show.
  18. Behold the PS5 controller. They're calling it "DualSense" and, as rumoured, it has haptic feedback, adaptive triggers and a built-in microphone.
  19. Waterloo Sunset is one of my mother's favourite songs. She used to live in London for several years and the lyrics reflected many of the things she saw on a daily basis. I think it has a nice, soothing quality to it, but it still has elements of the sound you'd normally expect from The Kinks.
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