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Everything posted by Noah

  1. First her brother is supposed to have said she was stable a few days ago, which was retracted but then her mother said she was stable and I thought it was looking good.
  2. The championship is such an easy league.
  3. This MUTV radio commentator, Tim Long, is pronouncing Herrera's name weirdly. Hay-ray-rah. Finally! Was starting to be concerned with a potentially goalless 1st half looking likely.
  4. There's always the exception. How many years was Scott Hall somehow still being alive brought up every single time a wrestler died? Not so much now that he's turned himself around but for years it be like "he died and yet Scott Hall is still alive?"
  5. Damn 300mb update for this war of mine. I just wanted to play a quick game before bed but now it wants to update and wont let me. With Australian internet that 300mb will probably still be downloading next Christmas Eve.
  6. Did you get all dlc for the escapists? I found myself getting bored with the vanilla game after a while but the dlc is fun.
  7. Latest United to Everton rumour is Memphis Depay and Morgan Schneiderlin for a total cost of 40 million.
  8. If 2016 had taken Carrie Fisher as well as everything else that's happened in the world and in my life personally....I don't even think I could finish that thought but it'd probably involve lots of dick punching people who piss me off, as is the way frustrated older men deal with problems.
  9. In Liverpool they lean, in Shanghai they double thumbs up.
  10. I hate the Scottish league cup in every version I've played of this game.
  11. Watching MUTV and all the callers bringing up how the title could now be a real possibility. Sure we've been playing well recently, sure we've finally been getting the results and sure Chelsea may go on a poor run at some point but knock that shit off until we've won every game for at least about 2/3 months straight or something.
  12. People are afraid to like your posts, because it might cost them their membership of the EWB IT crowd.
  13. I have just the man for you. Well fame they say can be a serious earner, So put your great unknown on the afterburner, The story so far is one hell of a mess, So come on let me lead you through the wilderness,
  14. Darth Vader has denied being ‘Dark Lord of the Sith’ and said he self-identifies as a leading light of the Alt-Jedi movement today.

    1. CobraKaiEnTai


      Still better than Leia with all her deleted holographic recordings and the 8 years of misery under Kenobi who probably wasn't even born here #thanksobiwan #makestarwarsgreatagain

    2. OctoberRaven
  15. Apparently the rumor going around involving United players going the other way is West Ham wanting either Martial or Rashford on loan in January.
  16. Yeah I mean the same people that were saying BvsS was worth a 20 out of 10 were always going to like it and the people that were determined it would be terrible based off of the preceding movie in the franchise were always going to hate it but most of the reasonable criticism of SS seems to be more about it being a missed opportunity rather than being terrible. Essentially yeah it doesn't strike me as worst movie fodder.
  17. I've yet to see Suicide Squad but 'Worst Movie of the Year.' according to Rolling Stone seems ridiculously harsh.
  18. @Ruki you and me in the Super-Heavyweight division. Winner gets the belt and the other person's lunch.
  19. @MDKmaybe your fans are tight gits who think a club legend doesn't need material things like contracts and money and should just play for the love of the club?
  20. Mine seems to be freezing up at the moment. Usually with matches involving downloaded caw's.
  21. For those that have seen it, I started reading an article complaining about the gender imbalance in the movie, that there were only 7 women with speaking roles in the whole thing, as opposed to dozens of males. They said it disappointed them because the movie was being touted as ground-breakingly feminist and they felt it was more like it had gone backwards from the promising Force Awakens in that respect. Just another case of people needing an excuse to complain about something that will make millions happy?
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