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Everything posted by ROC

  1. ROC

    2011 in music.

    To those praising the PJ Harvey record, it totally deserves the accolades. Great stuff all around. That said, St. Vincent, the Vivian Girls, and Fucked Up blew me away this year. The Vivs got me in that they have a thin genre of throwback surfer girl punk that could wear thin quickly (like Wavves has for me), but god this album was more concentrated and impressively well-written lyrically. St. Vincent put out the best record of the year in Strange Mercy because goddamn is it a brilliant encapsulation on the beauty standard. And Fucked Up made a badass rock opera from punk hollering. Which is awesome.
  2. Number of tweets it took for me to block Ringy's Kaney troll account: 146. I should have made it to 150.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ROC


      Something something shitbeams

    3. ROC


      Although, the hair cutting was a fine suggestion. <_<

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      "Shitbeam?! What is this shitbeam?! I am not this fake Kaney!"

  3. I may be a Bella Twins fan.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Gazz


      I still prefer the slightly more evil Bella twin, I'm just not sure which one it is.

    3. TGC


      You mean Cruella DeBella?

    4. Blaze09
  4. Oh god, so apparently the family rented Little Fockers. And I realized that "mainstream PG-13 comedy without a Ferrell/McKay absurd streak" has fucking passed me by. By far the most unappealing movie of last year, and that includes Human Centipede.
  5. Same here. Same here. Weevil/Logan/Keith are somehow three of the most weirdly badass characters of the past ten years.
  6. I fear that Aubrey Plaza took my already high sexual fantasies for her to a new comedic level with the ridiculous character she played. It was awesome. Parks and Rec for the win, especially with that combined with Ron Swanson's general awesomeness for the whole two episode duration.
  7. Muse - probably Absolution. I feel resentful for the current state, but that album in particular had a big impact on me. Limp Bizkit - KEEP ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' (Chocolate fucking Starfish fuck) Metallica - The Black Album, although it's a tossup between it and the Master of Puppets album. NIN - With Teeth (with Year Zero a close second, I didn't prefer Trent until the mid 2000s stuff, honestly.) Nirvana - Nevermind (Although, In Utero has a more interesting conceit.) The Strokes - Is This It? Radiohead - OK Computer. I love the Bends, but I always didn't feel it was as special as the entirety of Ok Computer. Pearl Jam - Ten (While the self-titled record is pretty underrated, I feel like it peaked with Ten and the rest is enjoyable, but not phenomenally great.) The New Pornographers.
  8. God, yes. Finished the second season a couple weeks ago and it's seriously a top contender for Best US Sitcom of the '90s. I kind of wish they had the fourth season, since my personal favorite episode is probably Super Karate Monkey Death Car and the season ratcheted up the ridiculousness so much that it was a sad fitting end that Hartman's final episode was the awesome Titanic parody. Oh, in my bored fascination, Tom Cherones, who directed a majority of the episodes (including the one taped after Hartman's death) is a part-time professor at UA. I feel like I should ask him about what it was like and such some time.
  9. NewsRadio, or as I call it, awesome 22 minutes of pure joy every time out.
  10. Alice in Chains playlist. As it turns out, these fellas were/are? (didn't hear Black Gives Way to Blue) pretty awesome. Oh and Radiohead's "Lotus Flower" which sounds pretty sick.
  11. Brilliant news. Downey and Shane Black are the best one film team in the history of motion pictures, so I'll be sad if this isn't pretty grand.
  12. It seems to not be free, no, since I downloaded it in the past and there's a prompt. It is worth $30, but the text-based sim market is shockingly crowded. I want me a copy of WMMA 1-3 before this again.
  13. The "Lotus Flower" video is the best silly flailing I've seen in all my life. And I've been at hipster parties where all white guys are dancing to hip-hop, there's some epic flailing in that.
  14. It's okay, JukeboxHero has supporters. http://whoisarcadefire.tumblr.com/
  15. Indeed, why would we reward an angry rich guy from Detroit when we could reward some angry Canadians (and an American somewhere) who have gorgeous music behind them? But no seriously, hip-hop isn't fucked over by the system. EMINEM IS THE MOST POPULAR ARTIST IN HIS FIELD. It's like when Esperanza won, they weirdly went on what the award would do for popularity in their field, like when Herbie Hancock won an award and people suddenly realized he actually has released songs not called "Rock It". I don't know if this is trolling or not, but for fuck's sake, it's the Grammys.
  16. Community totally worked because it was nicely plot intensive and because there are certain characters on the show I've really become attached to, and then there's Britta and Pierce. Britta's not a horrid person, but she really gets everything she deserves for being such an elevated bitch at times, which is great to play with. I love that the show plays with the more wretched aspects of its characters, especially Pierce and his running off the rails as of late. And hey, that Jeff/Annie deal is way more intriguing to me now. (Goddamn, why are Joel McHale and Alison Brie so good looking together? It seriously depresses me a bit solely based on my own looks.)
  17. ROC

    2010 Year end lists

    I don't know if I should blatantly plug the link to my deal, so I'm going to do exactly that, but since I don't expect reading, I'll just list the things here, and the reasons can be what gets you to click, or some such horseshit. 10. The Gaslight Anthem – American Slang 9. Janelle Monae – The ArchAndroid 8. Sharon Van Etten – Epic 7. LCD Soundsystem – This is Happening 6. The National – High Violet 5. Dum Dum Girls – I Will Be 4. Kanye West – My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 3. Broken Social Scene – Forgiveness Rock Record 2. Marnie Stern – Marnie Stern 1. Arcade Fire – The Suburbs http://cw.ua.edu/2011/01/18/ten-best-albums-of-the-year/ for the reasons and horseshit.
  18. Watched Community. Community was awesome. Typical sentiment. Etc. But has anyone other than Srar watched Perfect Couples? I remember watching a week where they had a rather silly arc and the only character that had any personality was Waitress's character (a symptom of being Charlie's wife and on Always Sunny is that you'll be known as Waitress for the end of time), so I didn't watch, but I was actually hoping for good things since there's an AC Newman theme song and Jen Kirkman's involved with the writing. Guess not.
  19. ROC

    Big Lebowski 2?

    Basically. Unless Jeff Bridges in his California Western accent says "sure," then shit ain't "go" in my mind.
  20. http://www.avclub.com/articles/update-keanu-reeves-may-not-have-hinted-at-two-mor,50499/ Move along. Nothing to see here, especially bad sequels.
  21. Best close ever. I'm not lying. I edited a Wiki entirely out of respect for it.
  22. I want to ride down Aubrey Plaza. That's not really important. Watch Parks and Rec. Kill Outsourced. [/useless]
  23. New Orleans Although, I should've seen this coming. Any team that has to throw for 60 times in a game and rely on JULIUS FUCKING JONES to lead them in running is trouble. But that doesn't explain the defense. Hoo boy.
  24. Yeah, seriously! Her new boobs are like everywhere now. And really, most of the supporting performances were very good. I know Lisa Kudrow gets flack for basically playing Phoebe every time out in major stuff, but she added a tad bit of vulnerability and a shitload of bitch to her role. Tucci, Clarkson, and Church were all awesome, too. I'm especially surprised that Will Gluck went from directing an occasionally funny, super sexist movie like Fired Up to a movie that actually does a great job of building life out of its female protagonist.
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