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Everything posted by ROC

  1. It's like 2005 all over again! So I'm doing a 2012 movie thing. I'll post the link to the blog in my sig when I get the chance, but here's some brief ass reviews and grades. Oh god, I'm doing grades again. Underworld: Awakening - D- Maybe don't do a sequel if your first 20 minutes is cut from a Resident Evil film. Fuckawful, tries to shift the plot from the only vaguely interesting concept it could possibly have to its most uninteresting character, and the gore is lame as hell. 21 Jump Street - C I wish I liked this more. The whole pisstake concept is one that I like and there was clearly a lot of thought given to how to properly satirize what it was doing, but then I realized I didn't really laugh much at all. Disappointing in that regard.
  2. So apparently this Friday Night Lights show was awesome when it was on the air and probably had threads about it on here and I didn't watch it.
  3. I can vouch for Birdemic. It is gloriously hilarious. A true case of a crazy auteur who literally had nothing that could even construe successful filmmaking. Also, this song is great:
  4. Hey guys! I did a podcast with GoGo! http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheLongTide It is the top thing on the page.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      I listened to 1 minute 46 seconds. Thats like a record for me :)

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I hear this shambles of a podcast was so bad, Zero immediately set about reviving his podcast to try and repair the damage done to the fine name of wrestling podcasts.

    4. Josh


      SOWSUH. Add this to George Castanza's "seltzer/salsa" bit.

  5. Kid Cudi in "confused stoner tries rock music poorly" shocker, although, it seems like a less good version of Saul Williams' album with Trent Reznor. I mean, as said, it's not Rebirth awful. But yeah, good albums that I like from this year: School of Seven Bells - Ghostory Grimes - Visions Sharon Van Etten - Tramp And I sort of like the Sleigh Bells record, although, I'm a bit sad that it isn't as intense a blast of music as Treats. I'm not used to my noisy pop becoming introspective.
  6. Sousa used cheap military protocol to destroy me. But lo, I return to claim the throne!

  7. Following this has been utterly hilarious, because this meh song with some naff lyrics became this internet smash and then people (read: critics) backlashed to such an extent that there was a backlash to that. Thus why Pitchfork's grade for it was like a 5.5 or something. Then again, I like Sleigh Bells and I'll probably freak out over this pop album (with a lot of jarring noise), so I'm no better. Also getting more giggly to listen to what will probably be a pretty shitty new Van Halen album. After being super happy about the musical output of 2011, I'm so ready to just snark.
  8. Hey Gore, suck my Bush! -- Signed, Texas's Rick Perry

  9. I always feel like a thread like this begins and ends with DIRTY WORK because it encapsulates everything great about Norm MacDonald's comedy into a feature length movie. The third act is meh (although it has the best throwaway line for an ending ever), but really, Norm is awesome here.
  10. ROC

    hey can i get your support in supporting newt? thanks, xo, rick perry

  11. Well, I'm kind of stuck with this bad protest name until tomorrow.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      You've always been stuck with a stupid name.

    2. ROC
  12. sopapillas are fucking delicious, guys.

  13. [_________________________________________]

    1. Quom


      I dislike this gimmick and request you cease and desist.

    2. King Ellis
  14. I Am Comic. Splendid stuff. I love tales of the neurosis and construction of comedy and this is awesome simply for the task of going through all walks of comedic life to explain that construction.
  15. Needed way more Helen Mirren.
  16. unlock all of ChrisNutter's "status updates," EWB God.

    1. Hobo


      He am do good jerb of status updating.

  17. After weeks of anticipation, the ROC has been replaced by THE FUNK.

  18. Nick and Les will probably be playing that one in Siberia. You know, neutral field x1000.
  19. Hey guys, sorry for the boring game. Oh, also, championships.
  20. From their Twitter: Get hyped.
  21. ROC

    2011 in music.

    I disagree with the rest of your post, but it's your opinion. However, I'm genuinely interested in the bolded bit. I don't think James Blake is really all that experimental, but what would you classify as way better musical experimentation that was released this year? The Weeknd is up there. I mean, I don't know. Battles had a really fun record this year, and that's definitely more in the vein of being alienating. Frank Ocean wasn't a personal fave, but he hit way more at sexuality plus alienation and didn't do a shitty Feist cover at it. But I don't know. My experimentation limit seems to be Huntsville rappers rapping over Beach House beats (G-Side's "How Far"), so I might just be whining to be contrarian, I guess.
  22. The Comedians of Comedy: The Movie I realize how behind I am on great alt comedy when I search for comedians I love on Netflix and realize I haven't seen all of their work. Four funny folk and stuff. Maria Bamford is adorable. And so on.
  23. ROC

    2011 in music.

    I don't think EWB has been graced by my rambling anger over how awful James Blake is yet. It's too "dense" (read: needlessly dreary) to be sexual, his voice is sub-Michael McDonald, and his lyrics say nothing to me. There's been way better musical experimentation, and way less pure grating this year. (Also, Beyonce's "Countdown" is wonderful.)
  24. I might play just for the dropping of stat decay alone. By far the most annoying aspect of UFC 2010.
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