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Status Updates posted by R.W.

  1. Testing for Benji

  2. Daredevil Daredevil Daredevil Daredevil Daredevil

  3. I've got some bad news for you GA fans...

  4. Mwahahahaha

    1. TEOL
    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      I have bad news for all you non-Blackburn fans...

    3. LL!


      RW is doing a good thing. All the things RW is doing are good and good for the board. :)

  5. Its national "fuck you steve kean" day

  6. I'm going to randomly ban someone tomorrow. Bwahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fudge


      My surname is Ewood!

    3. Naitch


      My teacher is called Miss Blackburn. She is nice!

    4. Noah


      There's no point banning me, I'd just log in as Baddar instead.

  7. For all of Dan's fans, he shall be returning shortly.

  8. Does anyone miss The General? Apparently I forgot to unban him.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Draevyn


      Who's in jail?

    3. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      Jim Neidhart.

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      No one missed Dan and you brought him back.

  9. Merry Christmas EWB

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dingle


      Watch it Lineker.

    3. Gazz



    4. Lineker


      RW generally rocks but we all drop the ball from time to time. It's unfortunate but I have no doubt that potato's uppance will come.

  10. is off to see Dara O'Briain

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lineker
    3. Berober


      I would've seen him a couple weeks back had my leg not bust =/

    4. Lineker
  11. Dear Anthony Taylor: You Bastard.

  12. Horace - fuck off. We've been through this already.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GA!


      You go on weird forums.

    3. Sousa


      No, you have a similar saying of "Fuck a horse" because you're into that sort of thing, you creepy equiphile.

    4. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      Oh the other forum is pleaty weird and fucked up. Some of the stuff on there makes the MPH thing look like a vicar's tea party.

  13. if it wasn't for the chaos it would cause in the Dome, I'd so put a word filter in to replace Zack Ryder.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gazz


      Do it. No one cared about The Fan-dabi-dozi Khali.

    3. C-MIL


      I cared about him. He was grea... um. He was a cool guy.

    4. Lineker


      Or, just ban any fucker who posts something about him unless its a related topic :)

  14. Just to be clear, anyone spoils the SuperBowl in their status, they'll get suspended

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      Fortunately you can fast forward through the commercials and awful halftime show.

    3. Rich


      I am not watching the superbowl until tonight, so yeah, people tivo it.

    4. La Parka

      La Parka

      The Dolphins take it against the Lakers. Just kidding.

  15. free drinks all round!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EddieG


      No, everybody forgets 'cause they don't give a shit.

    3. LexChaney


      True. And you know about no one giving a shit Eddie.

      Have a fun day RW =)Don't drink too much XD

    4. Sousa


      You two need to stop laming up RW's birthday drinking thing.

  16. Thanks Mr. Mills! :)

  17. Going to the pub.

    1. TEOL


      You were right RW, this board is full of communists.

    2. R.W.


      I tried warning people :(

  18. has raised the average board IQ by about 40 points today

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. brenchill
    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      For the record I'm sort of opposed to archiving the 2005 promos because I loved going back and reading them periodically :(

    4. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      If RW logs off then the board would fall into utter obscurity!!!

  19. Everything is normal, please don't be alarmed.

    1. Marcos


      Nothing to see here people, please return to your homes.

    2. gunnar hendershow
    3. TEOL


      You are a sexy, sexy man, RW.

  20. has started playing Fallout 3. Think I made a good choice.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TEOL


      Sticking on GNR and walking to some place I haven't been before is one of my favourite parts.

    3. DavidMarrio


      See on Oblivion i liked walking to new places but on Fallout just don't for some reason

    4. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      Oblivion sucked (Don't kill me)

  21. I briefly changed my name after the incident, but having had it for so long, and everyone knowing me as RW anyway, went back to it a couple of months later!

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