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Everything posted by TheGrandAvatar

  1. This is going to make me go back to watch Nick Hancock's Footballing Nightmares on YouTube now.
  2. Tread Softly Stranger. It is still one of my all time favourite gritty British Black and White suspense noir drama at it's best. The story, setting, cast and performance still add up to a tense performance from each cast member that leads out into the final scenes. The ending is one I remember fondly. Think a Colombo episodes borrowed the same plot idea at one stage. Diana Dors standing out in all her glory of being a femme fatale early in her career. The British Monroe. Bonus fact is that Carry On Legend Jim Dale sings the theme tune for movie.
  3. Any of the signings David Moyes made for Sunderland. Looking at Lescott here.
  4. The days of going onto CAWS.WS to start tweaking for hours to make the correct CM Punk with the formula you had been given.
  5. A lot of good teams to look into. Thank you for posting everyone who did and will. Loved the tales of why you support who you do, and the variety of sports we all watch.
  6. Sucked into Wasteland 3 quicker than a spider down the sink hole. The character customisation options, as the skills and growing them as a squad is what is are drawing me into it with the story. Very new to the series. Each character so far has been thankfully easy to Roleplay in my head at what choice they could make, or say and how they would get on with each other. Still got a lot of games to catch up on. The Xbox One and PS4 could do with a repair or new bought. They sound like a 747 taking off.
  7. So as the title does say. Favorite team from any sport. Support quite a few myself. Soccer/Football Sunderland/BRFC/Arsenal/Barnet Will watch any football team really, never take silly club rivalry into things. So when there is a game on will pick during the game who I prefer and why. Soft spot for lower leagues and relegation fodder for a challenging seasonal watch. Hockey. Hawks. Penguins. Rangers. Canadian teams.
  8. Have fun @Mx. Canadian DestroyerDo not forget to tell us all the tales of events and characters. Good luck.
  9. Had a good go at some Fifa and qualifying higher division and getting my FUT champion games in. Spoiled for choice with squad players. Loved the last hour of gaming on Wasteland 3 and fleshing out my squad. Enjoying the pace of the story so far and how you need a party of many skills.
  10. I love that gritty style for FCW @C-MIL
  11. I'm still looking if anyone can be of help or have anything laying around you have made. Appreciated in advance and thank you. 🙂
  12. Does anyone have any random created logos by any chance?! Any that you may have created yourself or someone. Fictional promotion if possible, if not then real promotion logos maybe. Not fussed on style. Just curious if anyone has any that could be useful.
  13. Picked this up for the spiritual literature library of spirituality, religion, witchcraft, pagan, wicca and occultism books that somehow my intuition led me towards. Guess it was after deaths of loved and cared for people by me and that where who shared a place in my life. Somehow an intriguing knowledge into wanting to know more about the universe we inhabitant.
  14. How did it go?! Do tell us @Ruki Hope you had a lot of fun.
  15. This does sound cute 🥰 Have fun Mr and Mrs Krabs. Go and capture many Krabby's.
  16. Amazing actor. Loved him in many roles of his career. Thought's go out to his family, friends and fans. Godfather and Misery are the two movies that shall stick out in my mind of his.
  17. A very good selection of the best games there. Control systems all worked great, and something competitive about the gameplay. Plus simple not over top visuals. We need a hybrid of all the best games out there.
  18. Accurate footage of the bath/shower Ruki offered the werewolves. Have learned from my own mistake of leave offerings on shrines or altars alone. Plus do not read any strange books you may find in a cabin in the woods.
  19. Pleased for Eriksen. But worry if his health is okay. Surprised he is at United though.
  20. Thank you @mkpunkThe work you have done while having a busy schedule is appreciated to try and get this out for everyone. Thanks for working on a mod for us all to use.
  21. WWF SmackDown! 2 was quite fun for me back in the day. The last WWF game on the PS1. Season mode was annoyingly slow to play. Took ages to load anything. But often do love the nature of the random cut scenes and story the game does try to create in a simple fashion. It inspired my playing of TEW in a way with role-playing elements. Simple ways of also describing the story, or results I post on here too.
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