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Olive the other Jiberdeer

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Status Updates posted by Olive the other Jiberdeer

  1. Dear MODS...I haven't been warned in well over two years! Can I get a completely ludicrous warning, like for treason or something? Love, John

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kaney


      I am disappointed that GoGo has facebook and hasn't added me as a friend yet. Disappointed, and a little hurt.

    3. Olive the other Jiberdeer
    4. C-MIL


      I thought your name was Tom.

  2. Just look at Skummy's post count.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hobo
    3. thatshortguy


      In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have asked it in the voice of Borat...but I regret nothing.

    4. SRN


      Katy Perry does have some tremendous knockers, though.

  3. OK, avoided spoilers so far - how was BFG? Worth avoiding spoilers some more till I can get around to watching it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gazz


      I can't believe that Tara's Hollywood boyfriend was 'Stunning' Steve Austin. SWERVE~!

    3. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      In terms of wrestling, great stuff from top to bottom. I'd say avoiding spoilers will make the show more enjoyable.

    4. brenchill


      It was just nice to hear Tony Schiavone's voice again, that's all I'm sayin'.

  4. How does one boycott a buyrate?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Ellis
    3. Kaney


      How does one shut mph the fuck up?

    4. DMN in the House

      DMN in the House

      I'm pretty sure snuggling Snooki would be fairly easy. I mean, she is a loose woman.

  5. I wish someone would un-clench my anus.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hobo


      I don't want to know what you're hiding in there.

    3. Olive the other Jiberdeer
    4. ThrillhouseMAX


      I can unclench your anus. I can unclench your anus a whole lot. <_<

  6. Ignoring users is pretty much the greatest feature of this board. Seriously. Raw threads are readable now.

    1. Powerhart


      Where do I find this "Ignore" option?



      I don't think you can use it on yourself

    3. Rocky


      BAHAHHA. Sorry. Nothing against you personally Powerhart, but that was funny.

  7. Keep it spoiler free, folks - should I bother catching the Super-Smackdown Replay?

  8. I always thought Hogan's Heroes was about wrestling when I was a kid. Watched it one time and was very disappointed.

    1. IDOL


      It is according to Robot Chicken

    2. Plubby



      AWW HELL NO! *kills*

  9. No one ever wishes you a Happy Wester.

    1. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      No, but I'll gladly wish you a Happy Wesker if you wish.

    2. JasonM


      WESKER! *Shakes fist*

  10. Conflicted - SOPA is bad, but it's also getting rid of certain undesirables.

    1. deli


      No, SOPA is just plain bad. It doesn't even stop piracy.

    2. The Lusophone

      The Lusophone

      Yeah but SOPA gets rid of certain undesirables.

  11. Dear Weather, Fuck off. Love TOMK

    1. OctoberRaven


      Floridians like this status.

  12. ....I don't care for GOB.

    1. S.V. Ellis

      S.V. Ellis

      I love all of my children equally.


    1. C-MIL


      Every day should be it.

  14. Man, I had to look up who Bam Neely was >_>

  15. Oh, Ollie. Just when I think I like you as much as I can, you go and change your name to Rivers CuomOllie

  16. So, Sousa. Since I'm not a donator anymore and thus don't have the like thread to go on about you, I'll just say this: See that number? The one that's roughly 4200? The one in green. If I had anything to do with it, it'd be much, much higher.

  17. I agree, to be honest. Now back to our regularly scheduled pun-names.

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