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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Yeah Video poker is a nice way to spend or earn some cash there in las venturas. BUT, if you want to earn BIG money, go to the los santos ITB(inside track betting), most of the time it works. Usually, go with the horse with the 9/1 or something(purple color). I got about 11 million there in just 3 races. To be safe though, save before gambling or betting.

After you buy the airstrip...prepare for some flight schooling.

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Nothing beats million dollar a hand blackjack.

Fastest way to lose 14 million dollars ever.

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Heres a pretty general question. I decided not to start a new thread though. Can I do other stuff before I work on the main story? Like I mean since I can't seem to survive the stupid running away on the bike stuff can I go around doing side missions to make my guy tougher or something? I am desperately trying to find a way to have fun with this game. Please help. :(

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To a certain point, yes. If you want to be technical about it, you can't really do everything until near the end of the game, since there is a lot more focus on story this time round. You can still cruise around though, but I don't think theres many side missions available.

If you want to make it a bit easier, use the bicycle a lot, that makes it harder to fall off. If it's available, you could try going to the gym, that increases your stamina as well.

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It's not that I dont want to do the story. I badly want to. I am just getting frustrated.  :(

Just tap your accelation button......

That's it.

And steer. Steering's good.

If you do that, you should have the game mastered in no time.....couchfuckingflyingschoolahemblargchokewheezecough

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If you don't feel you're adequately 'equipped' to do the missions then spend some time cycling around the city, running around etc which will increase CJ's stats and make him better at cycling and able to run for longer which are both helpful.

More side missions open up as you go along so there will be more freedom after a while...

And if you look at Tetris as a metaphor, it's clearly about the unstoppable world domination of the mighty Russian empire.

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After nearly a MONTH of trying to get past the "Circle Airstrip" part of the flying school, I finally made it through.

The trick is, you have to go by first person. Then it's a breeze.

I rule.

Now it's taking off the the helicopter.

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