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Starwars Episode III

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*Kaiber crystals.

In the original drafts for Star Wars, they were supposed to be a part of the storyline, but got left out.

Yeah, that and did you guys notice Obi-wan's hair was already greying. Obi-wan in TPM was comming up on 20 when he became a Jedi Knight, after TPM 10 years later he was about to to turn 30. He's in his early 30s during Sith and walla, he has grey hair.

Ahem. Allow me to correct you, good sir.

Ben was born 60 years before ANH. Which means he was 29 in TPM, 39 in ATOC, and 41 in ROTS.

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My other gripe was with the way Anakin was found. I'm sorry, but he should be dead after being stabbed with a saber, and being burnt to you can see his skeleton, also it makes Obi-wan a chump for leaving him blatantly alive. He should be dead. No if's and buts. The way me, and a mate I went withboth thought a better way would have been if Palpatine found him dead. Remember the power Paplatine mentioned that can bring people to life, but no-one knows it? Palpatine did know it, and thats how he could be sure Anakin could learn it, and use it to save Padame. By sayng no-one knew it, he could use its promise to lure Anakin, and make Anakin feel like he HAS to learn it. Anyway, so when Palpatine finds him dead, he uses this ability to restore Anakin. If that made sense, I just thought like 'yeah, alive, right', when Anakin was found in the film.

Think I'll add something here.

Palpatine DOESN'T know how to save people from death, no Sith ever has or ever will because they are, uh, evil. Basically, when Palpatine is talking about how Darth Plagueis can save the ones he cares about from dying, it is partly true, but a Sith cannot do this.

There's a scene (which wasn't shown in the film) where Qui-Gon Jinn appears to Yoda and tells him that the story of Darth Plageuis was true. You can 'prevent' death, but only for yourself, and that is becoming one with the force which is how you see Obi-Wan in Empire Strikes Back. He's become one with the force. It can only be achieved throubgh compassion and not greed, therefore a Sith can never achieve this.

Got that from the Star Wars magazine by the way. :P

EDIT: Oh yeah, there's a mini-interview with Ewan McGregor in there as well, and he says he thinks Obi-Wan makes a conscious decision NOT to kill Anakin. When he sees Anakin lying there, having been burnt to a crisp, it's pretty clear he thinks Anakin is dead or going to die. He leaves because he still loves Anakin like a brother and doesn't want to watch him die. Also, there's the fact that a Jedi will only kill in self-defence yadda-yadda-yadda.

Edited by The Monkey Molester
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Ok, fair enough, you and Zero have gotten me there :)

I never really thought of any of that.

Fair play, fair play :) I think I just reacted to the way he's found without thinking about why Ob-Wan didn't finish him off, which you two have pointed out well.

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After watching III yesterday I've decided that actually Obi Wan is the "coolest" character in the Star Wars films.

Ewan McGregor played it well in that he was trying to nail Alec Guinness and he portraed pretty well the brooding, thinking Obi-Wan who's really starting to realise what's all going to pieces.

One of my favourite things in this second "trilogy" has been witnessing the birth of such things as the Imperial Guards (you see them briefly in Naboo at the end of Episode one, flanking Palpatine - with the long robes (which are blue) and the helemt which still shows the face. In II they're still blue but have the full helmet and in III they're the full red).

It's been stuff like that that's done it for me.

Though I must say, there is WAY WAY too much CGI. Yeah the fight scenes and flight through space HAS to be so I'm all for that, but all of a sudden every building has HUGE windows that show all the ships flying around outside, and too many characters (like the robot doctor) are robots, or CGI when they could have been human actors. By half way through I was sick and tired with the cityscapes - all these lingering views before each scene began...

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One of my favourite things in this second "trilogy" has been witnessing the birth of such things as the Imperial Guards (you see them briefly in Naboo at the end of Episode one, flanking Palpatine - with the long robes (which are blue) and the helemt which still shows the face. In II they're still blue but have the full helmet and in III they're the full red).

It's been stuff like that that's done it for me.

Though I must say, there is WAY WAY too much CGI. Yeah the fight scenes and flight through space HAS to be so I'm all for that, but all of a sudden every building has HUGE windows that show all the ships flying around outside, and too many characters (like the robot doctor) are robots, or CGI when they could have been human actors. By half way through I was sick and tired with the cityscapes - all these lingering views before each scene began...

The guards were in the Red in Episode II.

And yeah, the CGI made it very cartoony for me, which is a complaint I had about Episode II during the Battle of Geonosis.

Also...Threepio was very worthless during Episdoes I, II, and III. He actually served some purpose in the original trilogy, by suggesting R2 to Luke, and by translating with the Ewoks in Jedi, thus saving the Alliance....all he did was provide very bland comic relief in the new trilogy.

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Haquestion. I watched Episode II on FOX last night and was wondering about the StormTroopers. In Episode II (and presumably I) they're aligned with the rebels.

Why, uh, then, in the original films are the StormTroopers, y'know...not?

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Haquestion. I watched Episode II on FOX last night and was wondering about the StormTroopers. In Episode II (and presumably I) they're aligned with the rebels.

Why, uh, then, in the original films are the StormTroopers, y'know...not?

Technically, they still are. The clones are desinged to take orders, and from what Palpatine told them, they did just that. They were ordered to kill the Jedi, and the rebellion was an attempt to overthrow the government, which they were meant to protect.

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Guest clintcasey

If you guys are curious about the birth of the Rebellion it hasn't realy happened just yet. The TV series thats going to start up takes place between episode 3 and 4 as well as explain how the rebelion gets started. My best theory at this point is that the series will be mostly centered around Mon Mothma, the actual leader of the rebellion. If your curious as to who Mon Mothma is she was the woman giving the speach prior to the secound death star battle.

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Has the TV series actually been confirmed then? Or was George Lucas just trying to get everyone excited so he can say "ha, fooled you"?

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What part did Jar Jar actually play?

If I remember correctly, he's seen once or twice. It's either with Padme at some time, or it's at the end at the funeral, I could be wrong though.

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Overall? Jar-Jar's main role was being the prototype for the fully CGI'd version of Yoda, I'd guess. In the actual film, he represents another pawn that is tricked into playing Palpatine's game and he's also there for comic relief for the kids.

Jar-Jar is also in the background when Anakin and Obi-Wan return from rescuing Palpatine

And I can't remember if it was someone on here that said it, but Lucas would have earned an infinite amount of cool points with everyone if Anakin had killed off Jar-Jar, in my book.

Edited by Natural Born Thrilla
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Guest The Real Deal

Just seen it and im no Star Wars fan but right now im a fucking Star Wars fan.

Bloody awesome. The guy that played Anakin did it in a fantastic way, the tension and the evilness.


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Just saw this the other day, this is possibly a stupid question but:

Why is General Grevious coughing all the time if he's a droid? Or is it because he had some biological tissue inside of him? It just annoyed me that when he wasn't fighting or walking, he would cough.

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