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Knocked Up - ***** out of *****

Surprisingly, my first 5 star movie of the year. Hands down, the best of a very shitty year so far.

Numbahs has it down. Greatest movie so far this year. I couldn't stop laughing.

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Spider-Man 3: 7/10

After a barely decent Shrek 3 and got-awful Pirates 3, I was very hesitant about watching this movie. Though I can say it's easily the best of the 3 big sequels of '07. Though is still a disappointment when compared to Spider-Man (8/10) and Spider-Man 2 (9/10).

I pretty much agree with the critics in that they gave little time to develop the 3 villains. And neither villain did I care too much about. And I never cared for Venom. He was style only, and lacked personality.

I felt Topher Grace did a great job as Eddie Brock. Watching him in Spidy 3 made me realize that he would have made a great Peter Parker. Better than Tobey Maguire, anyway.

The whole "dark Peter" (or "emo Peter") scenes I found just hilarious. Whether it was intentional or not, I don't care. It was entertaining.

Overall, a fairly good movie. 3rd best movie of 2007 I've seen thus far (behind 300 and Grindhouse). Though 2007 has disappointed me so far. I hope it picks up in the last 7 months.

Edited by Rashid
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Mr. Brooks

When I first saw a trailer for this movie, I thought "what fucking idiot thought Dane Cook should be cast in this movie?" But a couple friends of mine wanted to see it, so I tagged along and the film was surprisingly decent. Solid film that is incredibly hokey in some parts, but by no means the worst movie I've ever seen. It's your typical crime-thriller that they'll be showing non-stop on TNT or USA in about three years right alongside The Bone Collector.

Dane Cook is awful though. I don't say that because I hate his stand-up, I actually find him quite tolerable when he's not stealing Louis CK's material, but this is not a role for him. Every minute he's on screen, I'm just waiting for him to say, "someone shit on the coats" and then run around in a humorous fashion. Kevin Costner, who usually annoys the piss out of me, is quite good here, this definitely is far better than Waterworld or The Postman. Demi Moore is really just there, which doesn't bug me because I'm not really a fan of hers anyway. The real star of the movie is William Hurt, who is great in his role and honestly worth throwing down $6 at a matinee just to watch his performance.

Not a movie you need to see in the theater, but I can think of worse ways to spend two hours.

Edited by Zero
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Mr. Brooks

When I first saw a trailer for this movie, I thought "what fucking idiot thought Dane Cook should be cast in this movie?" But a couple friends of mine wanted to see it, so I tagged along and the film was surprisingly decent. Solid film that is incredibly hokey in some parts, but by no means the worst movie I've ever seen. It's your typical crime-thriller that they'll be showing non-stop on TNT or USA in about three years right alongside The Bone Collector.

Dane Cook is awful though. I don't say that because I hate his stand-up, I actually find him quite tolerable when he's not stealing Louis CK's material, but this is not a role for him. Every minute he's on screen, I'm just waiting for him to say, "someone shit on the coats" and then run around in a humorous fashion. Kevin Costner, who usually annoys the piss out of me, is quite good here, this definitely is far better than Waterworld or The Postman. Demi Moore is really just there, which doesn't bug me because I'm not really a fan of hers anyway. The real star of the movie is William Hurt, who is great in his role and honestly worth throwing down $6 at a matinee just to watch his performance.

Not a movie you need to see in the theater, but I can think of worse ways to spend two hours.

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Perhaps it was a bit harsh to say he was awful. He's not a bad actor, but he's just playing himself only slightly more disturbing. So I don't know how to really phrase it outside of just saying he didn't really have a hard job to do. Kinda like how Chris Tucker plays Chris Tucker in a Chris Tucker film? Yeah, that was Dane Cook in Mr. Brooks.

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Perhaps it was a bit harsh to say he was awful. He's not a bad actor, but he's just playing himself only slightly more disturbing. So I don't know how to really phrase it outside of just saying he didn't really have a hard job to do. Kinda like how Chris Tucker plays Chris Tucker in a Chris Tucker film? Yeah, that was Dane Cook in Mr. Brooks.
Edited by ROC
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Pirates of The Carribean: At Worlds End: 6/10: A good ending, the last half hour saveed the film.

Knocked Up: 9.5/10

Best film of the year, just as good as The 40 Year Old Virgin, another comedy classic from John Apatow, I think thats enough praising

Edited by Laice07
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Pirates of The Carribean: At Worlds End: 9/10

I thought it dragged a bit in the middle, but the last hour or so more than made up for it. I'd only heard bad things about it going in (much like with Dead Man's Chest, which I loved), but didn't see any of the "problems" that everyone else had with it. What a great ending to the trilogy.

Edited by Doc Funky
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Idiocracy - 7/10

Yes, it's stupid, but it's also about as spot-on of a satire (even if it is the most obvious) of the downhill direction of modern day society as you'll find out there. The jokes aren't as pure gold as Office Space, but the jokes about the corporations (the giant Costco, Brawnho, Buttfuckers, etc.) are funny. And Luke Wilson actually made me give a damn about him. That deserves some credit.

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Man on Fire - 8.5/10

It's a great movie IMO. I guess I'm in the minority in that I like the style that Tony Scott put into this film because it conceives the intense emotions that the character Denzel plays for the movie. I've seen/heard plenty of people shit on the film because of the style, but I think that's one of the reasons why it's good, it creates more of an emotional response to me, I guess. And it doesn't hurt when you have a cast that includes both Denzel Washington and Christopher Walken.

Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End - 8/10

Okay, I've seen plenty of people say that they were confused by what was going on and IMO, if you didn't have your head in your ass for most of the movie, you shouldn't have been THAT confused with it. Yeah, there isn't much of an order that everything goes in, but there's so many plots and subplots that it would be kinda boring if they went through them in more of an "organized" (I can't really think of another word to describe) manner. It's not Depp's greatest performance but he's still the wise cracking pirate from the first two films. I think I agree with what Pepsi said when she saw it, pretyt much spot on correlation. Oh and Rush was awesome in the movie.

Edited by Captain Cuntbag
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DOA: Dead or Alive - 5/10

While it seems the "Video Game Movie Phenomenon, Part Deux" has finally begun to simmer, thanks mainly to hits like Tomb Raider and Resident Evil being counter-acted with every Uwe Boll movie past 2003 and Tomb Raider 2, there are a few more projects gleefully ready to pump a fist and hit movie screens. Dead or Alive: The Movie, has been so off of the minds of Dimension Films in the US, that the film has already hit theaters and DVD shelves before America has even gotten a glimpse at the feature. And while it's hard to say they're missing out, there is a salacious glee in the film's fight scenes and casting. Corey Yuen (The Transporter) makes a film that does get the dumb fun fighting right. But this also being a Dead or Alive movie, it's hard not to figure out that the acting will be bad, the situations will be unfunny at best, and that the movie will just be tits and ass-kicking. And you know what? That's kind of what everyone was expecting from it, so Yuen did his job.

It's a meh movie, but a decent guilty pleasure and one that had enough cool shit in it to make me stay interested. Also, Sarah Carter looks a lot like ex-AOTS host Sarah Lane. Hmmm...

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Knocked Up - 9/10

This kind of movie is the perfect example of the limitless potential of the comedy genre in general. It's breathtakingly hilarious at points, sweet and poignant at others. Apatow is the kind of genius that can pack a slacker audience in a theatre, reel them in with stoner and sex jokes and then hit them with some message. A lot like Kevin Smith, only I don't think he's one whose particularly good at doing the opposite, because at the screening I went to at least a quarter of the audience was much older. Perhaps it's a new era for comedy, and if so Judd Apatow is most definitely the master of heartwarming grossout. As lofty as the expectations were set after 40 Year Old Virgin, this one's superior in virtually every way.

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Mr. Brooks: 5/10

I only enjoyed about half the scenes in this movie, so it gets a 50%. I thought Costner and Hurt were great, but every scene that didn't have them together was incredibly boring. Of particular note were all the scenes with Demi Moore and her (ultimately pointless) backstory. I wasn't a fan of the ending, either, and would have liked it better if it had ended after the scene with the cell phone.

Ocean's Thirteen: 8/10

I liked it a lot more than the second movie, which I hated, and maybe a little more than the first one. The comedy was good, and I loved the whole heist setup and execution. The visual style (and the colors, especially), fit really well with the whole "good old days" theme that ran through the movie.

Edited by Doc Funky
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The Loop - "Window" - 8/10

We were all (and by we I mean me, Fitzy and Ringo, probably the only three fans of the show on EWB) concerned about the changes to the shows format (removing the apartment bits with Amanda Loncar and Sarah Mason), but man, did this prove us wrong or what? The show's more stylish and fast paced now, and the new additions (one of which is essentially Barney from HIMYM on a caffeine high, the other Diora Baird) have punched the show up a ton. Shame they left this show until the summer to die, because it's really good. And now Bret Harrison's off to do "Reaper" for The CW, so nothing's gonna happen there.

The Loop - "The Phantom" - 7.5/10

Honestly not as awesome as the premiere, but if this is what a typical second season episode is gonna be like, I'm in. Russ, Meryl and Darcy are so awesome in this one. The only downside is that potentially Diora Baird is now gone. On the other hand, if she did at least she went out in a bikini. :pervert:

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