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Yeah I mean like no one watches Hellraiser - any of them - for quality. They're just nice, relaxing, shitty 80s horror movies. The best kind.

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Welcome to Me was a strangely likeable film with Kristen Wiig about a bipolar woman who wins the lottery and uses the money to create a TV show for herself. I thought it was going to be shite but I really like Wiig and the film was really very good. 

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3 hours ago, MDK said:

Welcome to Me was a strangely likeable film with Kristen Wiig about a bipolar woman who wins the lottery and uses the money to create a TV show for herself. I thought it was going to be shite but I really like Wiig and the film was really very good. 

That movie really bothered me, but it may just be due to personal bias. She's actually diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (distinctly different from Bipolar), which is what I have. I recognize parts of her experience, but large swaths of it seem so different. BPD certainly manifests in different ways in different people, but I wasn't certain if that was why. It also made me highly disturbed and paranoid about all of my relationships, given how hers go in the film.

That said, I love that cast and some of the bits within it. I'm probably just way too close to the subject matter.

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Just now, fhqwhjosh said:

That movie really bothered me, but it may just be due to personal bias. She's actually diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (distinctly different from Bipolar), which is what I have. I recognize parts of her experience, but large swaths of it seem so different. BPD certainly manifests in different ways in different people, but I wasn't certain if that was why. It also made me highly disturbed and paranoid about all of my relationships, given how hers go in the film.

That said, I love that cast and some of the bits within it. I'm probably just way too close to the subject matter.

Ooops, my bad, I thought it was bipolar. Now you mention it I remember her saying it was BPD. I guess since I've only suffered with regular, boring old depression, maybe it didn't have the same effect on me >_>

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Aside from a few annoyances and not really being my idea of a faithful FF, Fantastic Four (2015) wasn't nearly as bad as I had been lead to believe at the start, and to a lesser degree through the middle. It was a decent sci-fi flick with good effects.


... then Doom came back and it all fell apart massively at the final half hour.

Worst part remains "It's clobbered time!" being used for damned child abuse though. Christ.

Certainly not as bad as some would have had me believe, but not a film I'll particularly remember or want to go back and rewatch.

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I watched Westworld ahead of the tv show starting. I went in knowing it was about a theme park where the robots run amok. 90 minutes later I knew it was about a theme park where the robots run amok. As a kind of test run for Jurassic Park/how to walk like a Terminator it's fine, but bloody hell it's deathly boring and full of plot holes.

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