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The Old Sony Megathread


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Alright so heres the deal with my Playstation. Anytime I access the XMB from a game, I can't go back into the game. Anytime I quit a game, the system restarts with that triple-beep thing and anytime I turn off the system it turns off through that triple-beep.

Any ideas?

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So who's going to be the first to get to the Sergeant rank and start the EWB Killzone 2 clan? :shifty:

Also what's going to be your preferred class? I'm a support guy so I'm probably going to stick with either the Engineer, Medic, or Tactician.

There are classes? I just joined a server and started shooting shit. ¬_¬ I think I did alright though, either everyone I'm playing with has been crappy or I'm actually half decent at the game, as I was coming 3rd-5th on 32 person games. & I reached the second rank earlier on, but I've not ventured much into the whole online world of Killzone. I only really played Body Count.

We need a Killzone 2 Topic to compete with those crazy X-Box kids and their dang fangled Left 4 Dead topic.

Edited by TKzon Kidd
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So who's going to be the first to get to the Sergeant rank and start the EWB Killzone 2 clan? :shifty:

Also what's going to be your preferred class? I'm a support guy so I'm probably going to stick with either the Engineer, Medic, or Tactician.

There are classes?

Yes, six of them. You have to unlock them as you play, just like unlocking perks in COD 4.





The other two classes are the Tactician and the Scout.

Edited by abundant
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32 players is insane, especially since Killzone is a little chunky (in a good way though).

The online games are really, really, really, really short though. The amount of games that were loaded up and barely moved before they'd finished was lame... at least I 'won' them though.

I love the use of the Sixaxis though. This and MGS4 are the only games where I've actually used and it made sense to use it (fuck Burnout/GTA4 and it's uber-sensitive, impossible to drive modes). Turning the valve the first time was wierd as I didn't get it at first :P , but setting the charge was great.

Oh, and I'm Sargeant. <_<

Yet to make a clan though, me and my friends can't think of a good name. We were gonna go with 'Riot Act', but it was taken. Bastards.

Seconded on the Killzone thread. Those damn dirty X-Boxers get their L4D and Halo threads, and we don't even get a MGS4 thread (at least as far as I can remember).

EDIT: *makes thread*

EDIT: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index....p;#entry1706081

Edited by TheModernWay
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Yea, we paid Stokerino to make sure you didn't get a thread for MGS4.

Except, oops! Ya did.

And a damn fine one with a great opening post too. None of that 'lol, who is buying this then?' bullshit.

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I said as I can remember Ellis! Damn you! Why do you do this to me!? :crying:

I remember now back then I was trying to stay away from it as I didn't have a PS3 until I got one and didn't wanna be spoiled.

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Trying to stay away, and failing, obviously. <_<

I only saw the first post anyway so didn't even release I had posted, and I can't remember last week let alone 9 months ago. Anyway, by the looks of it, it was hardly a blip on the radar.

To deviate from any self-inflicted possible misfortunes :shifty: , anyone know of any good sites that do PS3 themes?

I'm mainly concerned with the icons to be honest, but the fuck can I be bothered making 20,000 little icons. I can make my own wallpapers so thats not an issue, or just stick to the swish blue wave.

Also, what is the resolution for said wallpaper's on the PS3? I've got a 22 inch HD TV if that helps, not sure if its 720 or 1080 though.

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Yay got my new PSP 3000 yesterday. Muchos love!

The screen is definitely better, the buttons feel more sturdy and the built in mic is cool - the mrs could use it last night to speak to her parents back home in England on Skype - that alone makes the 3000 worth it.

The Japanese version also has 1Seg on the XMB which means if I spend a bit of cash and buy the TV tuner for it I can watch Japanese digital TV for free when I'm at work early or whatever....Might be worth it depending on what channels are involved. It's relatively common on mobile phones so there are always guys watching TV on the train. The PSP screen lends itself to TV nicely though.

Only problem is that as it's a Japanese model, while I can set all the options to English, it's O button to advance and X to cancel. That'll take some getting used to.

EDIT: Downloaded and played the new Resistance PSP demo too. Man that'd take some getting used to! It's kinda smart in that they use the O, X, triangle, square buttons as the right stick to look around and then L to aim and R to fire but it's weird.

I'm more excited about the Little Big Planet, Assassin's Creed and Rock Band (with DLC) games coming to PSP this year.

Edited by ReneArtoisAteMyHamster
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Sooooo backing up data onto a USB....how?

You want to be in System Settings > Backup Utility. If you have a USB in it will automatically detect it and you can backup your system to a stick or external hard-drive.

Just completed Uncharted for a second time, on easy mode again, to see how many trophies and treasures I could round up. I have 51/60 treasures now and I've got all the trophies except the remaining two treasure hunter trophies and the trophies for completing it on Normal/Hard/Crushing. I also shaved about 3 hours off my time despite roaming around looking for treasure in all the little hidden places.

I think I've burnt myself out on it now so I'm gonna play something else until I feel like going back to it. Then I'll try defeating it on Hard, as doing so will unlock Crushing mode and the trophies for both normal and hard mode at the same time.

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