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The Old Sony Megathread


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Sorry, I can't quite hear what you're KRRRKRKCHCHCHHCHCHCHSsSSGGSGSSGHSHSHSHS sprry bad connecCSSHSHKKRKKRKRKR *click*

I'd be quite impressed if you do that in person.

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Eh, kinda, this one guy was annoying me and I couldn't tell if he was still harping on or what, so I muttered something about being really busy and hung up without checking to see if he heard me >_>

My manager calls up other stores when he's bored and asks for their stock levels on pre-owned mountain goats, so I doubt there'd be a problem if I got caught doing it.

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We used to get a guy who would just phone up for a nice chat about games. He would start it with a generic question but trick you into talking until you realised you were in a conversation.

EDIT: I have more love for the PS3 now than ever after realising that after resetting the graphics to play DVDs a few times it started to remember and now I can just put a DVD in and it resets the graphics settings on its own both for the DVD and back again. Brilliant.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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We used to get a guy who would just phone up for a nice chat about games. He would start it with a generic question but trick you into talking until you realised you were in a conversation.

EDIT: I have more love for the PS3 now than ever after realising that after resetting the graphics to play DVDs a few times it started to remember and now I can just put a DVD in and it resets the graphics settings on its own both for the DVD and back again. Brilliant.

Whaaaat? You mean I don't have to deselect the higher resolutions in the display settings now?

Having said that, I've taken to just transferring avi files to my PS3 via usb stick rather than burning to discs anyway.

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Depending on my tax return, I might get a PS3....what games would you recommend? :shifty:

Every good multiplayer game that I happen to own. >_> That's Burnout, LBP, MGS4 and Resistance 2

Is MGS4 multi? :o

Also, already own Burnout on 360, won't be buying it again :shifty:

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MGS4 comes with Metal Gear Online which is pretty fucking cool but I haven't played in ages. There's been a ton of updates, like letting you play as Snake, Raiden, Vamp etc, and there's like stealth modes and stuff but it's a bitch to sign up to. MGS4 should be incentive enough, regardless of multiplayer >_>

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MGS4 comes with Metal Gear Online which is pretty fucking cool but I haven't played in ages. There's been a ton of updates, like letting you play as Snake, Raiden, Vamp etc, and there's like stealth modes and stuff but it's a bitch to sign up to. MGS4 should be incentive enough, regardless of multiplayer >_>

MGS4 is the main reason I want a PS3, and one of the few games that I want (LBP could be fun, and I do want FFXIII Versus)....and apparently there is an impending price drop, so woo!

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Ahhh just spent a couple of hours playing Heavenly Sword for the first time in a year. It still holds up as one of the most gorgeous next-gen games and I was marking out all over again at loads of different points both graphical and gameplay.

Not too far now until Twing Twang. Yays :wub:

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Just bought this hard drive enclosure for my old 40GB PS3 hard drive.

Case has that nice soft-touch feel to it and unlike a few others I've read about the HD is dead easy to put in place and the little magnetic screwdriver you get with it is handy. Only tricky part is formatting the drive and setting it up as fat32 which I managed with no fuss with some third party software (swissknife) which isn't alluded to in the little instruction booklet but 100% necessary for the PS3 to recognise it.

So if you've upgraded your hard drive like I have it's well worth having to make use of your old one.

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I'm fairly sure it's designed so that you're supposed to be able to use any, yeah.

We have a madcatz one which is pretty piss poor but I've heard nothing but good things about these Jabra mobile phone ones people use.

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Ah, cool. I was wondering because I think we have a spare headset around here and I didn't know if it would be compatible with the PS3.

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