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The Old Sony Megathread


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As I said before, I'll never get the appeal of smaller home consoles. You don't have to physically carry them around with you, it just sits there. I don't get why people are like, 'Oh my god, it's slightly smaller now, I must have it!'. So having a small PS3 or a big PS3 wouldn't bother me in the slightest. What's even worse is, I'm sure people will trade in their current PS3 to buy the exact same console.

Plus it's not THAT much smaller.

It's nice if you have limited shelf space. But yeah, anyone who trades in a PS3 for the new one is just pissing money away.

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Except for the circular buttons, it looks nice. The updates for 3.0 sound quite good too, I HATED that info bar that was in the top left of the screen, it always blocked my wallpaper (for example Rampage Jackson's face on the UFC screen), even if I only figured out that you could turn it off a few weeks ago.

"You can now carry on with a game you were playing much easier with the what's new section". It wasn't exactly hard before when the PS3 would start up on the selection OF THE GAME.

With that said though, I hope that they work on the web browser and Flash support more (Justin.tv not working makes watch Raw/Smackdown/whatever a bit more awkward. Glad that BBC iPlayer works now though.) and more visualistion for the media player, like one that does seem to go along with the music more and multicoloured waves instead of purple. Oh, and LAST.FM SUPPORT! :shifty:

Edited by TheModernWay
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As I said before, I'll never get the appeal of smaller home consoles. You don't have to physically carry them around with you, it just sits there. I don't get why people are like, 'Oh my god, it's slightly smaller now, I must have it!'. So having a small PS3 or a big PS3 wouldn't bother me in the slightest. What's even worse is, I'm sure people will trade in their current PS3 to buy the exact same console.

Plus it's not THAT much smaller.

Less energie consumption and likely less noise are important. - Besids the PS3 is one space shuttle of a console, making it 1/3 smaler is a lot of space you, if only at how it afeckts the feng shui of your room. :shifty:

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Crushing and flipping confirmed for GT5


-There will be 1,000 vehicles in the game

-60 courses

-full physics-based realtime deformation damage on all cars

-Also incorporating interior damage (take that Forza3)

-A completely new physics system (with possible rollovers)

-an online replay album

-YouTube support for uploading replays (Forza are you still there)

-custom soundtracks

-The return of Gran Turismo TV.

-The PlayStation Eye can be used as a full 3D head tracking system, which would mean that not only does it track movement left and right, but forward and back as well, resulting in the ability to move your in-car view left, right, forward and back.

-Real time Weather Changing



-Super Cars

-GT PSP compabilities

BREAKING NEWS: Just released via Polyphony Digital’s website. Thanks to Black Chamber for the complete translation!

August 18, GamesCom, held in Cologne, Germany:

Gran Turismo 5 has been announced! Here is the latest information on the game design:

■ models included

1,000 vehicles

170 Premium new models (full interior modeling, the interior corresponds to vehicle damage)

830 kinds of standard model (some are from Gran Turismo 4 that have been carried over to GT5) [Read: Cars we have seen in GT4 before ]

■ Courses

60 courses confirmed with 20 or more to be revealed

■ physical simulation of vehicles

Physics system simulation is brand new

Represented is full fall in vehicles [possibly rollover]

Damage representation (reproduced in full by real-time collision deformation)

faithfully reproducing the behavior of electric cars, i.e. Prius, Insight, hybrid cars and the latest Tesla model

■ Arcade Mode

Single Race

2 player battle

■ GT Mode

World Map

My Garage

Car Dealer

Tuning Shop (parts, tires)

Car Washes/Oil Change

Race Championship (Series system, point system)

License Test

■ Online

Open Lobby

Text / Voice Chat

Private rooms

Online Photo Album

Online Replay Album

YouTube replay output

■ Photo Mode

Photo Drive (Circuit)

Photo stage (Stage Photo mode only)

■ Gran Turismo TV

Video output to a PSP or PSP Go®

Progressive Download


user interface

Continuous Play for videos

■ Museums


Gran Turismo 5 Prologue version, + more information at TGS

■ Sound

Custom soundtracks (Use songs from your PS3 hard-drive)

Dolby Digital 5.1 and 7.1

User Interface


Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and the same design concept. The icons change color

Able to track the movement of Cockpit Camera interface (confirmed in full 3-D. The camera can be fully manipulated and you can opt to have your head tracked by the PSEye)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I'll probably have to get that GT5 fella. I like the PSEye head turning dynamic. Tasty.

As for the 3Incher I don't like it strangely. Too flat. I'll be keeping hold of my 60gig for numerous reasons and the only expenditure I'll make will be getting a bigger harddrive.

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The new Batman game for 23BP (use the code HUT10 to get this price)


Does this still work Matzat? If so, it'd be very helpful. Is the site trust worthy?

I never ordert at that shot, i just got the link from a german "bargins" Blog. But i asume there should be no problems, try googeling the shop to find out what people say.

No idea if the code is still good.

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There is one from time to time wen a big game gets released. But i belive sony will keep that slow for the first cupple of weeks with the PS3 Slim, just becaus the price cut and the new design are a sales point.

Asides from sony there are a ton of shops that put together bundel offers themselfs. Amazon.co.uk for example is going crazy right now with... i belive 3 games an one BluRay. (well ok, you pay a litte extra for that, but it´s 3 games and a bluray)


The Disgaea 3 DLC is said to start ariving in Europe next week. I hope i can just update my UK Disc in the German Shop. If not i´ll have to wait for the PSN Cards.... it´s said to get Trophies aswell. At least it did in the US and Japan.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I don't like how they kind of wipe-out how the original model didn't exist when they release the slim versions, not just PS3 but PS2 & 1 as well. I mean, now it appears that the slim is called the "PS3" officially, so when you talk about the PS3, you mean the slim one, not the console as a whole, let alone the original one. Similarily, when you log into the Playstation Network's website, they've replaced the "register your console" image to the slim, and also taken out the "Playstation 3" logo in that Spiderman font to that of the "PS3" slim logo on the gamer card.

I dunno, it just kinda seems like they're saying "yeah, we got a new one out that's the same, but if you don't have it, you're not in our crew". Maybe it's just me with this issue though, ha.

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You do realise that there were a ton of changes on the other PS3 models already and they still just called it PS3, right? Wen they say 35% less Power needed, they actualy talk about the very first PS3, the latest 80GB verion almost consumes as "little" as the PS3 "slim" dos.

It´s part of the joy a console brings, in the end it dos not mater wich version it is. (at least wen it comes to ps3 games)

I just finished Uncharted on Normal. I think i got my very first Gold tropies(s?) during that. (well, asides infamous it´s the only game i finished) It´s a cheesy cool fun game but i am shure as hell happy that i got it for 18€ instead of a releasday fullprice. It´s to short for that.

I might even go for the platinum trophie. To bad i have to beat hard mode before getting the crushing level... unless these two modes are very very hard i should have all the hard things don already (kill 50 without dieing e.g.)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Uncharted is a pretty damn fun game. I need to finish it though. Honestly I haven't played any games on my system in a little while. Mostly watching movies.

Also, did anyone see the developer's journals for Heavy Rain from the Gamescon event? They're up on gametrailers and I imagine other sites as well. It's pretty impressive visually and looks to be a really good story driven game. It's made by the same people who did Indigo Prophecy.

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Flash streaming sites (such as Justin.TV and Ustream.TV) now apparently work on the PS3's browser, which is handy for watch Raw/SD!/ other events without the need to hook up my PC to the TV. Doesn't appear to work as well as they do on a PC though, much the same case as with YouTube.

In other news, the Pure Time Trails DLC for Mirror's Edge was made free for the PS3 (in the UK at least) sometime ago without notice. Been giving it a run through the last few days, it's pretty hard at first, then becomes easier but still hard to perfect. With it though it helped me get 50 stars for the TTs.

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Well, Farenheit had a very good amount of playing it yourself. What sucked about it was the story in the later part of the game and the silly quick time events. - They at least claim that they fixed both these problems so who knows... i was a bid put of by the magic glasses that they gave the cop character, was hopeing for a more classic Noir aproach and no sci fie at all.

If you do this game like a classic Point and Click game (Monkey Island, Indy 4, DoT ect.. all were suposed to be games that intended to be like a movie) it might very well become a classic.

Right now i am very unshure about this game. One part of me is screaming to get it, the other one is telling me that i should not belive the hype and it´s likely not going to be much different wen you play it for the second time. (and i am sorry, same as with uncharted, it might be good, but 10 houres are not worth the 60-70€ releas price of PS3 games in Germany, in that case i´ed rather wait and import it for 40€ or 20€)

New Video Interview.


Gran Tourismo aperently will be released later this year. Ad least thats what some ads at GC said. I Asume we´ll get the full info at TGS.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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According to an article on Kotaku, Best Buy stores are offering a free game (MLB 09, Killzone 2, or Infamous) to prevent people who recently purchased a PS3 from returning it for the new and cheaper PS3 Slim. I fall into that category and I'm thinking I should just return my system and take my refund and use part of it to buy the slim and enjoy some extra cash.

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There is a new Demo in the PSN Store.

IL-2 Sturmovik - 1,7GB

It´s a War flight Simulation, i think thats good news... i was looking for something like that and was not able to find it. If it´s a good game i might pick it up in a cupple of month.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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