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The New Most Ridiculous Reality TV Show Ever

Farmer Reil

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Paris Hilton's Best British Friend. A new ITV series following Paris Hilton as she searches for a new best friend. I shit you not.

The even sadder thing is, from the adverts I assumed she was searching for a new dog (the advert showed her with lots of British breeds of dog), which would've been fucking stupid, but nowhere near the levels of stupidity achieved by the reality: She's actually looking for a real actual person to be her 'British best friend'. They're going to put loads of people in a house, and they'll be gradually eliminated, yadda yadda. What the flying fuck? I mean seriously...

You know the most pathetic thing? People will actually watch it.

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You leave Kerry Katona alone :angry:

.....She tells me all the latest Iceland deals.

What use is that to you?!

Paris Hilton isn't even that famous over here. :/

Anyway, we have our own celebrities to sneer at to make us feel better about our own failures in life, like Kerry Katona.

Jade Goody. Eurgh.

I saw an advert earlier for some womens magazine, she's apprently bald now.

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Paris Hilton isn't even that famous over here. :/

Anyway, we have our own celebrities to sneer at to make us feel better about our own failures in life, like Kerry Katona.

Jade Goody. Eurgh.

I saw an advert earlier for some womens magazine, she's apprently bald now.

Yeah, she had cancer, I'm saying nothing because karma can be a bitch :shifty:

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The best part was that they got given tasks through some kind of futuristic message tube system - I couldn't help but feel sorry for them; I mean, surely having to deal with actual technology for the first time is enough of an ordeal, before you start throwing stuff at them that doesn't really exist yet. Unless the whole thing was part of a larger sociological project to fuck with the Amish, in which case I approve.

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