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The only saving grace is that the other teams will take points of each other all over the place. With 4 out of the last 5 games at home, you'd like to think England will make it count.

But yeah, abhorent really. The only thing I can say is that Israel pushed a group of France, Rep Ireland and Switzerland to the very end of thier World Cup qualifying group, including getting points off all of them at one stage or another, so they were nether going to be the pushovers some people made them out to be.

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So it looks as though McLaren will have one more match to save his job. If we cant beat Andorra on Wednesday, we cant be anybody. I reckon they should hold a national poll vote to decided the England manager, then at least we wont blame it on the manager anymore :P Then again Mclaren is utter shit!

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We're a better team than Israel, whatever way you try and dress it up.

Yeah, but other 'better' teams than Israel have come a cropper against them. People don't seem to realise that the smaller European sides are getting better every tournament pretty much, and considering they have only lost 3 of thier last 24 odd home games, the home form is usually the main change when they start actually getting half decent.

None of what I've said makes any difference to the abhorrent performance, but I'm just making a point that Israel aren't a bunch of amateurs that we should roll-over 4 or 5 nil as some people (not here, but in general) believed.

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If we had a decent manager that knew how to get the best out of the players he's got at his disposal then yes, we're a much better team than Israel.

Instead we're stuck with a manager who only won 97 games out of 250 with Middlesborough, and who by his own admission is "still learning." He continues to pick players out of position (Carragher, Neville) and refuses to drop players even when they're not performing (Lampard, Gerrard, Ferdinand).

Liam; I'm not even asking for a win, I'd just like to see us actually look like we give a shit.

Edited by therockbox
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I would be angry. We should beat them whether home or away if we really think we're as good as English always see we are. At least the managers won't be whinging about tired English players 2008.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Even on paper, our team shits on them. The fact that the commentators are saying "Benayoun will be a real handful for us!" When our team is made of multi-million pound superstars who get paid insane amounts so they can play like that?

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We missed the boat when we didn't give to Martin O'Neill. Sam Allardyce was the best choice when it came down to him and McClaren, and we lost all hope when the media began camping on Scolari's front garden to see what he was going to do.

Either way, there has to be someone around whose better than McClaren. I might send my CM03/04 resumé to the FA after I guided Kiel from the Regional North Divison to the Bundesliga and the Champions League quarterfinals <_<

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To say a team such as us shouldn't be expected to hammer two goals or so passed bloody Israel is just wrong in my opinion, we're supposedly a world class team. Sure, Israel have played well against big teams before, but more often that not a team will go out there and hammer them.

That makes no sense. Israel have been good, and were at home, therefore they weren't going to turn up just to be swept aside. Also, teams haven't 'more often than not' gone out there and hammered them, which is why they were unfortunate not to qualify from a difficult World Cup Qualifying group and have only lost a handful of games at home in the past 5 or so years. So, no, generally, good teams have turned up in Israel and done what we did, fuck all.

Chances are, the main difference was that Israel played well against some of the others, whilst in this one they didn't really have to get out of 2nd gear to get a draw against us.

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Based on that I don't see where Israel get any talent or ability from then because out there they had about a total of one or two decent players and were just up against a pathetic and lacklustre team. So I'd love to see them play 'well' against a Brazil or an Italy because I saw nothing that indicates Israel are more than average.

They must be nothing more than a Euro 2004 Greece style team that get teams on the hit and run since they just sat and endured our pressure for 80 minutes or so knowing that even if they all went off the field and left the stadium, England would still be out there missing the goals.

In summary, I don't think Israel are good at all, and I don't see any talent they have based off today. They came and had a few good chances but nothing decent, but were more than happy to sit and block shots all day long and keep their back four deep. I dunno, maybe it's just me but I don't think they were particularly good, so I can only imagine that the points they took off the almighty teams that you've mentioned were in similar fashion? Just with slightly more intense defending and the occassional counter attack or set piece goal perhaps?

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I don't care how good Israel have been, I don't care if they did well against France.

We're fucking England.

Our players are worth too much.

& they're paid way too much.

I'm fed up of pundits [and some fans] dressing this shit up; "oh, they did well lately." "we were away."

There's no excuse for McClaren and his band of overpaid prima-donnas to be performing so badly. We can't just blame McClaren, we have to take a look at the players too, they're too blame too.

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I don't care how good Israel have been, I don't care if they did well against France.

We're fucking England.

Our players are worth too much.

& they're paid way too much.

I'm fed up of pundits [and some fans] dressing this shit up; "oh, they did well lately." "we were away."

There's no excuse for McClaren and his band of overpaid prima-donnas to be performing so badly. We can't just blame McClaren, we have to take a look at the players too, they're too blame too.

To be honest, I'd be more inclined to blame the players than McLaren on this occasion. For the most part, Israewl did nothing, England had 70-odd percent of possession, and the players on the pitch came away with zip. Passing was poor, finishing was poor, just all around a poor performance.

But my point is that for most teams in Europe, a lot of the 'average' teams have got to the point where the big 'elite' teams don't just stroll past them. Israel aren't the only example of them, and I, even as a fan of the 'mighty' England, realise that we, as well as most other teams, aren't going to go to places like Israel, Croatia or some of the other places and piss all over the teams, irrelevant of how good or how much are players are paid. To expect otherwise is folly, yet people still believe it is possible.

The Eastern block countries are especially the ones picking up, and difficult to travel to (just like in the Champions League and UEFA Cup, to be honest).

Edited by Liam Byrne
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What gets me is playing people with a good reputation and out of position too much. Yes, Phil Neville, Aaron Lennon and Jamie Carragher can play where they played but surely we could do better than that? Lennon should have started on the right, Banies deserved a call-up to play left back or put Barry there. Neville or Young? Tough call but I would have preferred Young just about since Ricahrds wasn't fully fit.

But yeah, it was gash. Call up Bentley you cunts, he can win a match and score for England at least. No one else seems to want to bother.

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