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The first four seasons of Hustle aired in the U.S. on AMC, which I believe actually co-produced season three or four. I haven't seen any episodes after those at all. And with Jamie Murray and Marc Warren no longer being on the show, I'm not sure I'd want to, anyway. (I've seen Jamie Murray in a few other things, most noticably an episode of NCIS where she played an American and several episodes of Warehouse 13)

I was thinking at one point that a Leverage/Hustle crossover would be interesting, but it probably wouldn't work. Because the Hustle crew are actually crooks and work long cons, while the Leverage crew help people and are specialists, not all con artists. The Leverage crew would own them if they went up against each other, and I can't see any good reason for them to team up, unless it was for the Leverage crew to come in and pull their fat out of the fire or joining forces to take down some big bad.

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I was hoping it was somewhat similar to Leverage, that was what I was initially interested in when I read the synopsis.

In some ways it is, but it isn't. The Hustle crew are all con artists and they mostly work long cons, but most of the time rather than helping people they con people who pretty much deserve it. (ie, greedy bastards who only care about themselves) The Leverage crew are pretty much reformed criminals (aside from Nathan), while the Hustle crew aren't. If I remember right, the Hustle crew keep the loot from the con themselves, or donate part of it to charity. The Leverage crew got rich off their first or second mission together, so they don't need to keep any loot and generally do what they do to help people. (Think of them as The A-Team but without getting paid)

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As the dude who likes to shoehorn "watch the second season of Parks and Rec because it's amazing" in, I can say I am. So much. I just finished rewatching the second season today and the best part about it is the last couple episodes are wall-to-wall references to prior episodes that season, done in a really unobtrusive way where you don't need to know who the incredibly boring tax guy is to know that it's hilarious that they have to put him on a telethon to kill time but if you've already seen him in the prior episode it's even funnier.

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Just finished Justified. It definitely leaves you wanting more. I want to see more Boyd. His character is what kept me hooked on this show.

No luck so far in finding early seasons of Hustle on DVD So I might look into something else.

Been meaning to look up Warehouse 13 season 2 as GhostMachine (I think) said it was worth a watch.

I'll start with season 1 finale for a refresher.

OK...All done with Warehouse 13.

The chrismas Special kind of killed off the storyline but considering it aired months after the series actually ended, you'd have to look at it as a stand alone episode.

It was real good and it will be interesting to see where they go in season 3 without Myka

Edited by Rocky Feller
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Apparently The Cape premieres/premiered tonight but I've heard nothing but bad things about it. :( I'm going to be really disappointed if it turns out to be a fun little show that isn't great and ends up getting cancelled in the first series after NBC let Heroes run for four seasons.

Anyone seen it? Any good? I'll be watching as soon as possible, but my high hopes have been fairly crushed.

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I'll be checking out The Cape this week.

I did catch 2 shows that premiered tonight last night thanks to OnDemand, though.

Shameless looks like it's gonna be another hit for Showtime. Good stuff on that pilot episode.

Episodes... not so much.

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I saw a little bit of the Shameless pilot - the bit they aired after the Dexter season finale - and it looks fuckin' amazing. Episodes is the one with Matt LeBlanc, right?

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I've been trolling the net for about half an hour reading reviews of it and they all pretty much have the same complaints... but the complaints all seem to be that it's a bit too campy. Which surprises me, because I really don't understand how they were expecting a dark, gritty show after the trailer that aired. I'm really hoping that a lot of the criticism is just the general backlash of the show not being what people expected it to be and not just a case of it being bad. Especially with such a fucking wonderful supporting cast. I mean... Keith David, Summer Glau, James Frain and a guest appearance by VINNIE JONES.

It sounds like people were expecting a Batman TV Series with a different name, when I found myself hoping for early Smallville done camper. I loved The Dark Knight, but I'm a little tired of my superheroe films/shows being dark and brooding. I want something a bit more fun, something closer to what I imagine a Spiderman TV show might be like.

I'll report back with my thoughts on it tomorrow for anyone else waiting to find out what it's like. :)

As for Shameless and Episodes... I'll check out Shameless as I love me some William H. Macy and Emmy Rossum is lovely. I actually quite enjoyed Episodes. I hate the woman in it and I hated her in Black Books (the only downer to one of Britains best comedies ever) but everything else worked for me. I didn't think it was hilarious, but I did enjoy the two episodes I saw.

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Bob's Burgers is marginally funny but I feel like I'm more watching it out of a sense of loyalty to what a great, underrated show Home Movies was as opposed to any strength on this one's part.

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Shit, I meant to watch that as well. I'll probably wait and see if it goes up on Hulu or something. I kind of get where you're coming from, though. About the Home Movies thing I mean.

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It'll be on Hulu tomorrow morning, I'm sure.

Five minutes in on The Cape and I think I might have already laughed out loud more times than when I watched Bob's Burgers.

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It'll be on Hulu tomorrow morning, I'm sure.

Five minutes in on The Cape and I think I might have already laughed out loud more times than when I watched Bob's Burgers.

Considering how often I find myself agreeing with your taste in television, this does not inspire confidence. :(

Fuck it, it's 5am and I was planning on leaving The Cape until tomorrow when I'm more awake, but I might as well try it out now.

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