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Season 4 of Eureka is fantastic. Not only does the show really find an extra bit of fun, bit it also includes appearances from Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton, and Stan Lee :wub:

Um.... What? Which episode? I didnt even make it past the pilot of the show but I must have more Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton on my screen.

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Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Finale

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? At the beginning of the episode I totally did not see that happening. Though once Jimmy told Richard that he had to do this on his own, I know something was going to go down. But really? I am still in shock they killed him off. Just, wow. But now it begs to question, what happens next? Is Richard going to go full on psycho and go after Nucky next season? Or will it be Jimmy's mom? Because I would totally love to see Richard go insane and avenge the only two people (Jimmy and Angela) who seemed to actually care about him and just start murdering the shit out of people who had a hand in it.

The Margaret/Nucky stuff doesn't interest me much any more, though it will be interesting to see what happens now that she signed the deed over to the church.

The second half of this season totally changed watching the show. Before it was just getting through it because I had all ready invested, but things picked up towards the end of this season and it was just a fantastic batch of episodes. I hope they carry this momentum into next season.


EDIT - Also did anyone watch the preview for Luck? I really want to like this show (considering I like horse racing, and some of the actors) , but that episode just felt really slow and boring. Though the preview for the season makes it seem like it will get better.

Edited by Ron
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Haven't watched Boardwalk's finale yet. Very excited to.

I have watched the Simpsons episode from this season where they do a heist movie parody based around young adult fiction, though. Shockingly funny for a Simpsons episode in 2011.

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Really enjoyed the first season of Parks and Recs. With Community taking a break, this seems like the perfect show to fill my need for a short comedy I can whizz through and I'll probably start season 2 tomorrow.

You're in for a treat. Season 2 onwards, Parks becomes the best show on TV, in my opinion.

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Guest mr. potato head

Agree with TKz. Leslie is too much of a Michael Scott clone in season one, but season two is streets ahead and season three is just one of the best things on TV. Season four's shaping up to be just as good if not better.

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Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Finale

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? At the beginning of the episode I totally did not see that happening. Though once Jimmy told Richard that he had to do this on his own, I know something was going to go down. But really? I am still in shock they killed him off. Just, wow. But now it begs to question, what happens next? Is Richard going to go full on psycho and go after Nucky next season? Or will it be Jimmy's mom? Because I would totally love to see Richard go insane and avenge the only two people (Jimmy and Angela) who seemed to actually care about him and just start murdering the shit out of people who had a hand in it.

The Margaret/Nucky stuff doesn't interest me much any more, though it will be interesting to see what happens now that she signed the deed over to the church.

The second half of this season totally changed watching the show. Before it was just getting through it because I had all ready invested, but things picked up towards the end of this season and it was just a fantastic batch of episodes. I hope they carry this momentum into next season.


EDIT - Also did anyone watch the preview for Luck? I really want to like this show (considering I like horse racing, and some of the actors) , but that episode just felt really slow and boring. Though the preview for the season makes it seem like it will get better.

I still thought Jimmy wasn't going to be killed, even when Nucky was pointing the gun at him, I was expecting Nucky to end up killing the Russian guy, but holy shit, that was insane.

No idea what's going to happen next season, but I hope Richard does stay on, and I'm wondering if Nelson will come back, or if they'll just keep his character in hiding.

And since this isn't a spoiler, let me just say, does anyone else find Margaret to be the most unlikeable person on the show? I'm so hoping they'll kill her off at some point.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Finale

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? At the beginning of the episode I totally did not see that happening. Though once Jimmy told Richard that he had to do this on his own, I know something was going to go down. But really? I am still in shock they killed him off. Just, wow. But now it begs to question, what happens next? Is Richard going to go full on psycho and go after Nucky next season? Or will it be Jimmy's mom? Because I would totally love to see Richard go insane and avenge the only two people (Jimmy and Angela) who seemed to actually care about him and just start murdering the shit out of people who had a hand in it.

The Margaret/Nucky stuff doesn't interest me much any more, though it will be interesting to see what happens now that she signed the deed over to the church.

The second half of this season totally changed watching the show. Before it was just getting through it because I had all ready invested, but things picked up towards the end of this season and it was just a fantastic batch of episodes. I hope they carry this momentum into next season.


EDIT - Also did anyone watch the preview for Luck? I really want to like this show (considering I like horse racing, and some of the actors) , but that episode just felt really slow and boring. Though the preview for the season makes it seem like it will get better.

I still thought Jimmy wasn't going to be killed, even when Nucky was pointing the gun at him, I was expecting Nucky to end up killing the Russian guy, but holy shit, that was insane.

No idea what's going to happen next season, but I hope Richard does stay on, and I'm wondering if Nelson will come back, or if they'll just keep his character in hiding.

And since this isn't a spoiler, let me just say, does anyone else find Margaret to be the most unlikeable person on the show? I'm so hoping they'll kill her off at some point.

A million times yes. She wasn't that bad in the first season, but damn did she get annoying fast. I cringe when I know she has a scene coming up.

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Fans of show with antihero protagonist hate The Wife in This Happens In Every Series Like This Shocker!!!

I'm indifferent to her, mostly. The episode where she went to New York City was good.

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I also don't particularly care for her. She's a little boring now. Regarding the finale:

Wow. I still didn't see it coming even with the gun in his face. I thought he might shoot Eli instead - hopeful, admittedly, as I like Jimmy. Richard has been confirmed for the 3rd season, so here's hoping for a rampage! And, from the same interview, Cicerro is apparently where Capone was based once he started rising up, so expect more Nelson too. All in all, veryexcited for season 3.

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Parks and Recreation so you can get over your Poehler hate. I will outright list some of the best episodes outside of chronological if need be/if you're not too concerned about that.

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