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L33t Thread 2010


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Seeing new 65daysofstatic crop up on YI's latest gaylist reminded me the new album's enarly out, tracked down the first single Crash Tactics:


I love it. I get the impression they're leaving the guitar-driven sound behind a bit (especially having heard the album sampler), but fuck, I'm reconsidering catching the tour in May, not sure I can wait for 2kTrees.

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How fucking awesome is "Not Miserable" by Frightened Rabbit?

And women are shit/I'm shit for having no backbone...I missed this AWESOME looking show yesterday;


:( :( :( Hell, I'd happily pay £4 just to see bottom 3-bands. Bedford Falls are good and Failures' Union are canny too. I don't really like Imperial Can from what I've heard, but you couldn't be robbed. :( Gayness. :(

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I just did a terrible thing, I decided to find a setlist for Strung Out in Manchester last week...I should NOT have done that, it's bummed me out fucking MASSIVELY;



radio suicide


bring out your dead

too close to see

virginia madison

asking for the world



velvet alley

cult of the subterranean


no voice of mine

mission statement

black crosses



jack knife

lost motel

bark at the moon

...so not only did I waste a load of money...I missed them play the greatest punk-rock tune in the world ("Gear Box") and a bunch of other rare tracks like "Lost Motel", "Scarecrow", "Somnombulance" etc. Gutted. :( I'm actually honestly so fucking devastated right now. :( Actually turns out that was London's set (not in order obviously), but Manchester's was roughly the same/maybe exactly the same. :shifty:

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I have had it on my to "listen to" list for a couple of weeks, but the new Album Leaf record "A Chorus of Storytellers" is a lovely record, I expect nothing less, but it is much better put together than the previous couple, and the sound is so much fuller/warmer without losing its rustic charm... Lovely.

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Just posted this in my blog, so sod it, I'll post it here too;

MUSIC: 10 Albums You Should Have Heard [from 2010]

We are 3-months into 2010 and already it has established itself as a fantastic year in music. I've decided to compile a list of 10-albums you should, in a perfect world, have heard already...and even narrowing it down to 10, already, was an uphill struggle. So without further ado, 10-albums you should listen to;

10. "Breakthroughs In Modern Art" by Six Gallery

Six Gallery are a math-rock/post-rock band from the United States and this is their debut album. Already it shows a maturity beyond the band's years, with intricate guitar sections, floating vocal lines and perfectly sculpted songs. File alongside The Appleseed Cast, American Football, This Town Needs Guns etc. They are actually touring with TTNG over here soon, I'd love to go (still yet to have caught TTNG) - but it falls right in my exam time.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/sixgallery

9. "Similies" by Eluvium

Matthew Robert Cooper (aka. Eluvium) is hands down one of the best ambient composers out there today. I fell in love with his work with his 2007 album "Copia", which had some of the most gorgeous piano sections I have ever heard. With "Similies" he's branched out of his comfort zone, applying a more traditional 'song-structure' to certain tracks, with this being his first album to contain percussion and vocal work. However, it still works, and it remains gloriously chilled out and relaxing. Fantastic listen.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/eluviumtaken

8. "Synchronised Swimmers" by Hafdis Huld

At the minute I'm all about women with acoustic guitars, who have voices that could break my heart. At the end of 2009, Leddra Chapman reappeared on my radar and she has been followed in 2010 by the sophomore effort from Laura Marling and Icelandic beauty, Hafdis Huld. Huld's album possibly has more variation than the other two, with her album constantly cycling through laid back atmospheric numbers (delivered in her beautiful whispered vocal style), straight up pop songs and delightfully upbeat twee tracks like "Daisy", an album standout. 13 beautiful songs, 45-minutes of musical joy.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/hafdishuld

7. "The Family Jewels" by Marina & The Diamonds

Marina's been 'my girl' for a while, after forcing people to see her at last year's Evolution Fest because "She's going to be big" and then doing the same at Leeds Festival, I'm happy that my prediction actually came true. Much like Passion Pit last year, I was expecting a 'good' album, but mostly one geared towards singles, boy was I wrong. This is absolutely incredible. Every track deserves to be here. In fact I personally feel the album really comes into its own towards the end with "Hermit The Frog", "Oh No!", "Numb" and "Guilty" being my favourites on the album (along with the absolute sensation that is "Mowgli's Road").

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/marinaandthediamonds

6. "Dead Waves" by Kyte

I only reviewed this a week or so ago, so there's not a lot new I can say about it. Just a gorgeously crafted album from a band that never cease to amaze me. In all honesty a band/album that can be played whatever your mood and you'll just be totally lost in it. I love these guys far too much.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/kyteband

5. "Chamberlain Waits" by The Menzingers

The sophomore album from one of the best kept secrets in punk-rock. The band really begun to get the attention they deserved with last year's EP "Hold On, Dodge", which all across the punk-rock scene was heralded as one of the best releases of the year, and rightfully so. Now with their second album they've managed to get just the right amount of punk-rock fire and vocal gruffness, but offset it against some incredibly catchy songs, powerful vocal harmonies and hooks and lyrics that will likely stay ingrained in your head for weeks to come. File alongside The Cut Ups, The Gaslight Anthem, The Magnificent, The Sidekicks etc. You can stream the entire thing on their myspace right now.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/themenzingers

4. "I Speak Because I Can" by Laura Marling

So Laura Marling's gone brunette, at least she doesn't look like David Lee Roth anymore. Her debut album was one of my favourite's of 2007, but at times despite it's exuberance and heart, it didn't quite know what it wanted to be and jumped about a lot. Marling has said this album's quite a lot about womanhood and musically she's matured a long way for this. Every song knows exactly where it is heading and they all compliment each other perfectly. Easily better than her debut, it just feels like a perfectly rounded release.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/lauramarling

3. "The Winter Of Mixed Drinks" by Frightened Rabbit

This might actually be some form of sacrilege, but I honestly didn't love "The Midnight Organ Fight". I mean, it's far from a bad album, but I really struggled to sit there and sit all the way through it from start to finish. However, with this, their 3rd album, I have no such problems. From the distorted start of "Things" to the quaint handclaps towards the culmination of "Yes, I Would", I adore every little thing about this album. The inclusion of a string and brass section has added more depth and warmth to their material, which just further strengthens what they've written. "Not Miserable" is easily one of my favourite songs so far this year.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/frightenedrabbit

2. "Cut And Paste" by Spraynard

Short and snappy pop-punk. Has somewhat of an old-school vibe to it, but with just that twinge of Latterman, which seems to be all the rage these days. Despite the funny track names, they aren't a band to just take the piss. "Ruth Buzzi Better Watch Her Back" a definite standout track, is set from the point of view of a young sweatshop worker. The band manage to faultlessly pull this off without ever being overly soppy and insincere which is what happens in 99% of these sort of songs. Only 20-minutes long, but you'll be wanting to put it straight back on for a 2nd listen. Download for free below.

DOWNLOAD - http://www.ifyoumakeit.com/get/spraynard-cut-and-paste.zip

1. "Enemy Of The World" by Four Year Strong

If "Cut And Paste" is a definite 5/5 album, this must be 6/5. I fell in love with this band the moment I heard their previous album, "Rise Or Die Trying". I was honestly worried about how they would go about topping that. Sweet Jesus! I was in for a surprise. Not only have they topped it, they've blown it out of the water. The album just sounds so massive and basically every song on here sounds like it'd be an absolute monster live. The run of tracks 5-11, might honestly be the longest, consolidated amount of badass since Ignite's "Our Darkest Days" - in my opinion THE absolute pinnacle of a recent punk-rock classic (yeah, even ahead of "Sink Or Swim"). It's got it all, synths when it needs it, ridiculous amounts of gang vocals, enourmous riffs and the odd breakdown when needs be. Gold. Just...Gold.

MYSPACE - http://www.myspace.com/fouryearstrong

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Saw This Is A Standoff again last night, kind of makes up for missing Strung Out (...actually, it really doesn't :shifty:). Not as good/fun as they were in Sunderland last year, but still a good set. Did something like;

My Baby Makes Me Watch The Notebook


Where I Can't Be Heard


Face The Sun

There's A Little Lemoncello In Everyone

Better Than All Of Us

You Won't Pass

Can't Take Them All

Everything We Take

Dream Beater

Settling The Score

The Light Is Still On In Broadmoor


Fashion Faux Pas


The fact they don't do "Go With Me" live is a fucking disgrace (or at least haven't the two times I've seen them). Looking through that set it's actually heavier on the first album, which is cool (it's the better album to be fair).

Also you can pick up BATS fantastic debut album "Red In Tooth & Claw" for 4euro/about £3.50 - http://bats.bandcamp.com/

You should do it, saw these guys with Blakfish last year/bought the album. Fucking amazing.

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I'm thinking about going to Insubordination Fest, a local festival here in Baltimore. But, I've only heard of two bands on the first night, so I was wondering if there's any other bands on there you fellows know of.

First night:

Smoking Popes, The Queers, American Steel, Kepi Ghoulie, Noise By Numbers, Be My Doppelganger, Black Wine , Hextalls, The Creeps, The Hamiltons, The Roman Line, Fear of Lipstick, The Visitors, Old Wives, PG 13, Sandworms, Prozacs, Flamingo Nosebleed, PETS

Second night (I'm probably going to this, but figured I'd post it anyway):

Less Than Jake, Teenage Bottle Rocket, Methadones, Huntingtons, Off With Their Heads, Zatopeks, Beatnik Termites, Leftovers, Dear Landlord, Chinese Telephones, Varsity Weirdos, Smokejumper, Sidekicks, Kobanes, Shutouts, Pillow Fights, Jetty Boys, Blacklist Royals, Max Levine Ensemble, Baracuda McMuder, Dopamines, Impulse International, Houseboat, Dead Mechanical, Menzingers, Nancy, Protagonist.

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To be honet I don't know a lot from night 1. American Steel are awesome, as are Smoking Popes. The Queers are good and I like what I've heard of The Roman Line. Don't know anything else (off the top of my head at least).

Night 2 is fucking epic. Dear Landlord, The Menzingers, Off With Their Heads, The Sidekicks, Less Than Jake, The Methadones, Chinese Telephones, Teenage Bottle Rocket and The Dopamines...good gig.

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Turns out I'm not going to the Belle & Sebastian ATP, so my quest for the twee-est place on Earth will continue. Actually, it won't, because that would be IndieTracks, which I might try and go to this year. INDIEPOP AND TRAINS.

But on the ATP front, I am going in December, to the one that's curated by Godspeed You! Black Emperor. More people I know want to go, I do quite like me some GY!BE, and it's probably going to be a more eclectic line-up; this far they've confirmed, as well as Godspeed, Scout Niblett (hurray!), Mike Watt (quite hurray), Deerhoof (a little bit hurray), Tim Hecker (who?), The Ex (oh my, yes) and Bardo Pond (who?)...not the most stellar line-up, but usually takes a little while before they start looking really special, and the December ones are usually the best - though it's going to take a lot to top the Matt Groening and Pavement-curated line-ups.

And it doesn't have a train.

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