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L33t Thread 2010


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Which room was it in Northy? The idea of it being the big one was what put me off, cos I didn't think Chuck would really 'work' there, and as I said, I've basically seen all I want from Frank at this point (besides "Dan's Song", and he's planning on putting a new album out year end though, so that might change). You catch Crazy Arm? Damn good band...grrr I really should have went. :shifty: Was gonna do The School/Allo' Darlin at Head Of Steam, but after getting in from uni I just couldn't be arsed to do owt.

I almost didn't go because I found out the week before that Two Door Cinema Club were playing in the Other Rooms. Glad I did in the end. It was in Domain, which was the big hall above Habita, and it was completely full. I thought Ragan was awesome, though it was the first time I've seen him live. He looked like he enjoyed himself too.

Unfortunately I only caught the back-end of Crazy Arm because my flatmates where taking so long to get ready, but of the 3 songs I heard they were really good.

Aye busy night up here. "2DCC sold out tho. Is that main room or wherte skates and that is? Don't know names.

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So I'm really kinda surprised this hadn't been mentioned before but The National were on Jimmy Fallon a couple weeks ago and debuted a song from their upcoming album High Violet, called "Terrible Love". Sounds really good and definitely has me looking forward to the new album. That's not to say I wasn't before but hearing something from it definitely amps it up a bit.

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I've had her album, "Synchronised Swimmers" on my PC for about 10 days now, but have only really just got round to listening to it. Stunningly good.

And in other news, I have the Alex Roots album...good times...but for the life of me cannot remember where the fuck I got it from. She gets hilarious props for song names "Dizzy From The Ride" (which features the weirdest mix of a Queen/Imogen Heap style vocal harmony bridge before breaking into an Ordinary Boys style chorus haha) and "On My Knees". Her sampling of "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" in a song can fucking die though. :(

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Fucking hell...two break-ups I've found out about today. Soft Toy Emergency split earlier in the month (gutted I never got the chance to see them/they didn't put out an album) and The Years Gone By have split as well...fucking shit that they cancelled their UK dates with Paige last September and now I wont get to see them either. :( Their album was really good pop-punk, the back 6 songs especially.

I've currently got a massive crush on Mars Argo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnRba__Kr0Q - it's the eyes that do it. :wub: 1:33...if she was looking at me like that, girl would be raped.

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Jeff Mangum is performing in New York City with Yo La Tengo, Magnetic Fields, Sharon Von Etton, the Clean, and Kyp Malone from TV on the Radio in May, but the tickets are apparently going to be obscenely expensive. So, I'm not going to go, but if anyone's interested, tickets go on sale this Tuesday.

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Obscenely expensive!?!? Doubt it/could he even get away with it? I could see him charging around the same that a bunch of 'comeback' bands like Get Up Kids/SDRE have been doing (like £20 for shows over here).

Apparently Bad Astronaut are going to tour again, which is awesome. The odds of a UK date aren't good, but I'd love, love, love to see them. On a similar note though Lagwagon are coming over in the summer...Leeds/Reading Lock-Up rumours ahoy!

I also had a dream last night that Ignite had a new album out (it wasn't a major point of the dream, just part of it)...and when I woke up this morning I still sort of believed it...unfortunately they don't...and no new news. :( (with Zoli now in Pennywise I'm expecting like another 6 year gap between records :()

New Futureheads is a load of fun. Got the new Auf Der Maur album too. It was 6-years ago her debut solo album came out...it actually feels like longer that "Real A Lie" was about...quality tune.

...and the Kyte album still hasn't leaked (even though I've heard like 85% of it already :shifty:) but I have come across two Kyte songs I haven't heard before on a Japan Tour EP called "Memories" and "These Lies, White Eyes"...both are great if a bit more rough sounding. I love this band far too much.

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To someone who normally spends five dollars on concert tickets, thirty dollars is obscenely expensive <.<

haha, fair enough. I feel a bit shit going over £25 for a gig (excluding travel, I mean just face value for the ticket), there's only a few bands I'd do that for (...but mostly because bands that charge that much don't tend to interest me that much...Jamiroquai would be one)...Prodigy last year was like £35 I think, but I didn't pay for my ticket, so that's awesome.

I'm not really that bothered about dropping 'big amounts' for gigs. I've been to 6 so far this year, two were £5 (actually Tubelord might have been £7, can't remember), two were £10, one was £12 and another was £25...strangely the £25 gig I missed both supports and was so drunk I barely remember anything of what I did see, whereas the two cheapest shows I saw all the bands playing. :shifty:

Oh yeah, I paid like £40/45 for a touted Blur ticket last year...that was so fucking worth it though. :D

"Heartbeat Song" by The Futureheads is massive. If you HAVE to write a song with a C-G-Am-F pattern, this is how you do it (take note Lost Prophets, you don't just ripoff "With Or Without You" and put a shouty bit in it).

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So, ATP are hosting the second Bowlie Weekender in December. To the uninitiated, Bowlie was the precursor to ATP - it was a festival curated by Belle & Sebastian, and held in a holiday camp, and pretty much full of amazing indiepop and Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

As this year is the 10th anniversary of ATP, Bowlie 2 is happening. Again, curated by Belle & Sebastian. And good lord am I excited. So far the only other bands announced are The Vaselines (yay!), Julian Cope (already seen him, but yay!), Frightened Rabbit (alright), Howlin' Rain (nice), and other things I can't quite remember at the moment. It's going to be tricky to find as many people to come as normal for ATP, and it'll be weird going to an ATP that isn't offering lots of very noisy rock and roll, but at the same time, it's the opportunity to swan around a rainy holiday camp in a cardigan and a Pastels badge, and pick up indie girls. And that's what listening to Belle & Sebastian is all about.

Next week they're announcing the curator for ATP's other December festival, the Nightmare Before Christmas, and I'm guessing it'll be someone heavier. Hopefully, work and money permitting, I'll be able to go to both - and then you can stay there for the entire week. YUSS! They'll never get me to leave.

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Whereas for me, I think it sounds fucking awesome, and really want to go, but doubt most of my friends would, certainly not most that normally go to ATP, unless the Nightmare Before Christmas curator turns out to be utter wank, or I can convince them to do both. Which at the moment, I really can't afford, and I have no idea what my money/employment situation will be by the time I'll need to start thinking about buying tickets, especially as Bowlie 2 is already on sale, and will probably sell out pretty quick. Though one girl who we normally meet up with at ATP did say "My cardigan has a single red stripe on one sleeve. And Rick has black rimmed glasses. AND I have the entire back catalogue of the Wave Pictures. I couldn't be more ready for this.", which is a good sign. Though she is the twee-est person I've ever met.

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And we have leaks for Kyte and The School.

On the Kyte album front, the reworkings of "Science For The Living" tracks sound massive (a little less atmospheric though :(), "You're Alone Tonight" is demo track "30", and the other two 'new' tracks "Guns & Knives" and "Dead Waves" are totally new to me which is nice. Now just holding out for the Japanese retail version with 3 other potential new tracks. :) Oh yeah "Dead Waves" the title track is massive. :D

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Fuck family. Fuck the rain. Fuck everything.

So I've pissed away £40 I don't really have on travel and tickets for Strung Out tonight...ended up missing my coach down because I got roped into doing some shit for my dad, he was promising to drop me off in 'plenty of time', only the car fucking breaks down...I end up trawling 20-minutes through the pissing rain to the nearest metro station...end up missing my coach...then decided I had to make it to the nearest computer find out if I could still make it another way, so have to walk all the way from Central to my uni library in the rain (because I'd thrown away my metro ticket thinking "I don't need this anymore")...find out the cheapest I can get there is £20 and that's with running the risk of missing some of their set, so fuck that, so it's £35 for a train ticket (I have literally £43 in my bank account)...I can't afford that, so fuck it. I'm not going.

See, depression affects the whole fucking family. If my dad wasn't off on the sick, none of this fucking shit would have happened and I'd be curled up half asleep, listening to STWB and giggling at minorities on a coach.

If there's a god, he sure as hell does not want me to see Strung Out. This ticket can join the one from Kingston the other year, where the date ended up clashing with exact day when I had to register at University. A...pile...of...fucking...wank. If they play "Gear Box" tonight, I will cry. :shifty:

My new plan for tonight is to play "Drink Along With Jimmy McNulty", watching the rest of S3 of The Wire with a bottle of whisky...I'm upset. :(

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