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L33t Thread 2010


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Been listening to new Royksopp today ("Senior"), proper chilled. Very atmospheric and bordering ambient in places, no guests/vocal work, good to lie in bed and just relax too. Naturally it doesn't have the hooks of the rest of their stuff. Not sure on individual tracks yet, but it does have a reworking of "Tricky" from the "Junior" album which is good.

Totally behind the new Transit album too. Adored their EP from last year. Great band with a pop-punk edge without being cheesy or even 'catchy' in any way, but it works so well. Get a real 1st album Brand New vibe from them.

Also, I'm quite excited for the Pete Wentz spinoff project. :o I've heard a snippet of a song on youtube, it's like someone's mashed some dancehall and 1st album Lilly Allen together with an overly poppy undertone...works damn well actually;

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Has anything more come of Patrick's solo project? I've only seen the Genesis-esque video where he plays all the isntruments Brady Bunch-style.

He did a show at SXSW, which was a while back, it is up on youtube, but it's all a bit wank, because it's basically just him rotating around instruments. Besides that, nothing else I don't think.

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Okay, I've FINALLY come to a conclusion on "California Kicks" by Fight Fair......I love it! Don't get me wrong, it's fucking terrible, but THAT'S THE POINT! They're an utter pisstake band. I've also managed to think of how to describe it too...Totally Michael covering Beach Boys songs. If you approach it as the musical equivalent of "Jersey Shore" then you can't help but love it.


The 2nd song's not on the album, but the video's utterly gold. The way it's shot, the pop-punk video clichés and then towards the end synchronised jumping, chest pounding and running on the spot!

Oh yeah, somewhat related. I'm going to see Attack Attack! in October. For general pisstake purposes. I missed Confide earlier in the year, fuck missing this shit. :shifty:

And because I'm incredibly bored...my favourite albums of the year so far;

1. "High Violet" by The National

2. "Enemy Of The World" by Four Year Strong

3. "Cardona" by Michou

4. "Songs For Swinging Lovers" by The Indelicates

5. "The Winter Of Mixed Drinks" by Frightened Rabbit

6. "Chamberlain Waits" by The Menzingers

7. "Cut & Paste" by Spraynard

8. "I Speak Because I Can" by Laura Marling

9. "Dead Waves" by Kyte

10. "The Family Jewels" by Marina & The Diamonds

11. "The Habitable Zone" by To My Boy

12. "Synchonised Swimmers" by Hafdis Huld

13. "Liquid Love" by Shy Child

14. "Similies" by Eluvium

15. "Breakthroughs In Modern Art" by Six Gallery

16. "The Upsides" by The Wonder Years

17. "Scatterheart" by Bim

18. "LOVE" by Angels & Airwaves

19. "What Happened" by Dog & Panther

20. "Go" by Jonsi

21. "Heart That's Pounding" by Sally Seltmann

22. "Emarosa" by Emarosa

23. "The Chaos" by The Futureheads

24. "Let This Be the Last Night We Care" by Alcoholic Faith Mission

25. "Good Old War" by Good Old War

I've probably missed something. :shifty:

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Not really feeling the Gaslight Anthem album so much?

It's got some really good songs. But for the most part I only really listen to 2 tracks. It's rare that I'll sit and listen to it all the way through. Still a good album, would probably place about 30's if I extended the list.

Also, fucking loving;

"Shout Out" by Totally Michael

...also loving the fit as fuck blonde girl (yes the one with the boys haircut grrr) who appears around 1:20 on the left hand side...need to find a studio version.

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So, I had nothing better to do and was reading the Daily Mirror...and found out


is getting fucked by singer guy from


...this may be worse than Gibbard/Zooey or Adams/Moore. :( At least Gibbard and Adams are good. :shifty:

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Casiotone For The Painfully Alone, UK tour (farewell tour, so last chance you have of seeing him);


5 - Manchester, Deaf Institute

9 - Leeds, Brudenell Social Club

10 - Edinburgh, Sneaky Pete's

11 - Glasgow, Captains Rest

12 - Newcastle, Head of Steam

13 - Coventry, Taylor John's House

14 - Cambridge, The Haymakers

15 - London, Cargo

Even though probably only me and Ollie care.

I also wish;

a) Awesome bands would stop playing Middlesbrough


b) Transport links from Middlesbrough back to Newcastle existed post 11pm.

I NEED to see Transit damnit. :(

Also Modest Mouse were pretty cracking on Tuesday night. Even despite the lack of "3rd Planet", "Paper Thin Walls", "Dramamine", "The Ocean Breathes Salty" or "Dashboard". Setlist seemed "Good News..." heavy, standouts were "The View", "Satin In A Coffin", "We've Got Everything", "Tiny Cities Made Of Ash" and of course "Float On". A good selection from the most recent album and a fair few from "Lonesome..." (the encore was basically all from that album) too.

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Casiotone For The Painfully Alone, UK tour (farewell tour, so last chance you have of seeing him);


5 - Manchester, Deaf Institute

9 - Leeds, Brudenell Social Club

10 - Edinburgh, Sneaky Pete's

11 - Glasgow, Captains Rest

12 - Newcastle, Head of Steam

13 - Coventry, Taylor John's House

14 - Cambridge, The Haymakers

15 - London, Cargo

Even though probably only me and Ollie care.

brb, having a coma.

Also, what am I listening to at the moment, I hear you ask?

New Antony & The Johnsons EP is stunning. Thank You For Your Love actually made me cry a little when I first heard it, and the cover of Imagine makes that song tolerable. I'm pumped for the new album, especially seeing as I just couldn't get into Crying Light. Also, new Tubelord EP is wonderful. Three totally different songs, all sounding worlds different from anything they've ever done before. The backbeat on 'Ratchet' sounds like a Knife song, it's glorious.

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I'm a Zooey Deschanel mark. I saw She & Him on the 1st, and WOW.

They played at the legendary Ryman Auditorium (home of the Grand Ol' Opry) last night. I caught a little bit of their set at Bonnaroo back in June, but I had NO idea Zooey, M. Ward and company were this tight of a band. There were a few issues, Zooey had to keep telling the stagehands to turn up the volume on the mics, which never really happened. Her two retro style backup singers were louder than her at times, and when it was time for M. Ward to sing a few lines (or an entire song, "Magic Trick"), you couldn't hear him at all. But, goddamn can that man play guitar.

If you haven't heard of She & Him, or if you have and you haven't seen them live, you need to do both. The music and Zooey and her back-ups and just the feel of the entire show was...i'm not going to say retro, but it felt different for sure. She has an incredible range with her voice, did around 2 or 3 songs acappela towards the end, and came back for 2 encores (last encore, "I Put A Spell On You", mostly acappela.. haunting)

Al Anderson of NRBQ even came out to play with them on the Volume 2 cover of "Ridin' In My Car". M. Ward & Zooey also did a cover of "Wouldn't It Be Nice?" by the Beach Boys all by themselves, just the two of them lit up by a spotlight, and Zooey on a ukulele.


"Magic Trick" / "Get Along Without You Now"

Last encore, "I Put A Spell On You"

Those are the only two videos on YouTube with decent to good quality video and sound. I messaged both of the uploaders requesting more videos if they have them. This was seriously the best show I've ever seen, bar none.

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Leatherface on Emmerdale. Glorious.

Also, how the fuck did I miss this...bloody brilliant!

Made better by the inclusion of fucking John Stape from "Coronation Street" hahahahaha.

Butch Dingle...PUNK AS FUCK!

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Casiotone For The Painfully Alone is a pretty bitching name, and he's great. Gutted I'm not going to get a chance to see him.

I don't know if it was just a bad gig, but I really didn't like She & Him when I saw them. Judging from that video, though, the gig I saw was a lot worse than that.

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Fucking loving the new Styrofoam song. "Kids On Acid" was okay (it felt a bit like a moderate LCD Soundsystem track), but "Get Smarter" is fucking massive. Seems like a totally different artist to who did "I'm What's There To Show..." etc. It sounds like Tinchy Stryder should be guesting in the chorus. :shifty:


You can hear snippets of the album here too;


"Extra Careful" sounds massive, "The Only One To Curse" seems like it could be a bit of an old school number ("Am I The Ghost" and "Believe Everything" too), the bit that comes in at the end of the "Looking Glass Two Zero" clip seems fucking quality. So looking forward to this. He's really made the transition from depressive/introspective lo-fi 'bedroom electronica' to these upbeat 'dancier'/80's inspired tracks fantastically. Needs a full UK tour too, but I don't think he does much old stuff live. :(

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