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Red Dead Redemption

King Ellis

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Finished the story yesterday - spoilers ahoy;

I was shocked to see that John died in the end, but what a bloody good way to go out. And I liked how you get to play as Jack a few years on.

I've still got quite a few things to do if I ever wanted to reach 100%, considering I'm at 70-something now. I wanted to go for the "kill and skin 18 bears" trophy, but I have no idea how many the game thinks I've killed at the moment, considering the fact that I know I've popped off and skinned around 10, yet when I check the stats it tells me that the amount of bears I've killed is 2 ...maybe that's just for the story, I dunno. :/

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ordered it today so should hopefully get it end of the week but not going on it loads cause of final year of exams coming up :(

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Kaney and Ellis are dicks.

Worse than TEOL.

Yeeeeeeeaaah, I knew TEOV was no match for me. (H)

I love how Summers' friend (guessing so from the accent) was so blatantly obviously a Call of Duty player. Every time he died, the cries of cheat/hacker came bellowing over the chat. "He's not even on the fucking map!"

I know, it was awesome. He kept backstabbing me so I pull out my auto-shotgun and even though we're shooting straight at each other in a duel of sorts he STILL goes "no fucking way!" everytime he dies. My favourite thing was to knife his horse when he wasn't looking and he'd yell "what the fuck!" all the time. I also liked killing KHAAAAAAAAN before Ellis could. Twice!

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Lately this game has consisted of me doing important stuff for like an hour, being happy with myself but not saving and then something random kills me. After this I get angry and kill everyone I see for like half an hour, give the TV the finger and go to bed. :angry:

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I think I'm prepared to say that this is the best rockstar game I've ever played, followed closely by San Andreas, with Bully as a distant third. I knew I'd like it, but I was worried it's be a bit too much like GTA IV, which I've repeatedly found impossible to actually get into, but holy crap on a stick, this is just wonderful.

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Double post, but:

has anyone else has problems with Dead Eye? I was doing a duel and for some reason it wouldn't let me paint my target...at all. It's happened to me twice now, once in that duel and another time at random in game.

There are some where you HAVE to go for the instant killshot, no maiming, injuring or disarming, you have to kill them.

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It's fucking impossible to eliminate every player in poker at Blackwater. I get rid of three guys and I'm left with one to beat. He's got very few chips left and plays everything really conservatively, folding right away so I'm sitting here for two hours and only get twenty or something chips a go. Eventually I get him to play and build the pot up and so on. Eventually we build up a good couple of hundred chips in the pot and I go all in to try and force him to fold so he loses the chips. I've got a 8 high straight and he's been really shy with betting so I figure he has a shit hand. He has a royal flush. What the fucking fuck.

I had to let him catch me cheating so we could duel and I could blow his ugly fucking face off.

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