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EWB's Favourite Films Of All Time - Votinng Thread


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I've been interested in doing this list for a while now. And after some discussions in the Oscar Threads about the quality and comparissons between certain movies, it seems like an appropriate time to do this list. Quite simply, what're your 10 favourite films of all time.

List your votes from 1-10. #1 receiving ten points and #10 receiving one point etc.

If there's a been a list like this recently, and I've missed it, then I apologise. Just thought it would be quite interesting to see what EWB's favourite film of all time is.

Hopefully there's enough interest to get a good list.

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1. The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.

2. Battle Royale.

3. The Princess Bride.

4. The Incredibles.

5. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)

6. Return Of The Living Dead.

7. Cannibal Holocaust.

8. The Shawshank Redemption. (Which will probably win this.)

9. Vampire Hunter D.

10. Watchmen.

Edited by RedefineSick
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1. Shawshank Redemption

2. Field Of Dreams

3. The Empire Strikes Back

4. The Dark Knight

5. Citizen Kane

6. Memento

7. Raiders Of The Lost Ark

8. Pulp Fiction

9. Die Hard

10. Escape From New York

I expect this to change, but not by much. Ghostbusters barely missed being on the list.

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1. The Warriors

2. Pulp Fiction

3. Death Race 2000

4. Evil Dead II

5. Ghost In The Shell

6. Star Wars

7. The Empire Strikes Back

8. Return of the Jedi

9. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

10. Army of Darkness

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1. It's A Wonderful Life

2. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

3. The Mist

4. There Will Be Blood

5. LA Confidential

6. Inglorious Basterds

7. Crash

8. Der Baader Meinhof Komplex

9. Fargo

10. Black Swan

Close, but no cigar:

The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Pirates of Penzance


Before Sunrise

Before Sunset


Pulp Fiction

Reservoir Dogs


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I expect my list will be a bit different...

1. Wizard of Oz

2. City Lights

3. Annie Hall

4. Pink Flamingos

5. Wall-E

6. The White Ribbon

7. All that Jazz

8. The Great Dictator

9. Elephant

10. Sixteen Candles

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Off the top of my head, as ever;

1. Night Of The Hunter

2. Withnail & I

3. Brazil

4. Blue Velvet

5. Highlander

6. The Wicker Man

7. Hana-Bi

8. My Neighbour Totoro

9. Mystery Train

10. The Princess Bride

...is the Princess Bride going to sneak its way into the top? That'd be awesome.

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1. Fight Club

2. A Clockwork Orange

3. Requiem for a Dream

4. Eyes Wide Shut

5. Pulp Fiction

6. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

7. In Bruges

8. The Empire Strikes Back

9. Shindler's List

10. Dogma

I'm only voting to fuel the fire for the results thread :P.

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1. Fight Club

2. Clerks

3. The Prestige

4. Back to the Future

5. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

6. Raiders of the Lost Ark

7. The Dark Knight

8. Rounders

9. Major League

10. Tucker: The Man and His Dream

Honorable Mentions: Slap Shot, Donnie Darko, The Monster Squad, Tron: Legacy

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Only 10 choices is excruciating. I'm doing my Top 10 as come to mind at this minute, and I'm missing off some big films for me.

1. American Beauty

2. Dazed and Confused

3. Goodfellas

4. The Shawshank Redemption

5. Reservoir Dogs

6. Battle Royale

7. Pulp Fiction

8. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

9. Memento

10. The Departed

Pretty strange list for me. I only saw Dazed and Confused last year, and while it may seem a bit flavour of the month, I've seen it like four or five times since then and loved it just the same. Pulp Fiction has slid down massively - it used to be a constant number one for me, then I discovered American Beauty and it became a constant number two, but now... eh. I still love it, obviously, but it's fell down massively in my estimation, and this is the first time I've ranked Reservoir Dogs over it. It's the correct decision, though, since Keitel and Roth >>>>>>>> Jackson and Travolta.

Already edited this three times :shifty:

Edited by Pesci
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Any list that doesn't include Heat or City of God is wrong, clearly.

"Hi, I'm the guy who put Hellboy 2 and Black Hawk Down on his list of greatest movies of all time. I am now going to lecture you on what the greatest movies of all time are."


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I have no idea to narrow it down to ten. I'm gonna' post up my list a little later, and I won't be including any animated shows (Toy Story, WALL-E, etc) and cartoon movies (Lion King, The Fox & The Hound, etc), because then I'd have no space for anything else. Somehow should do a list of that, though. Greatest Animated And Cartoon Movies Of All Time, or some shit like that (I don't know how to properly categorize something like that).

Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Scarface and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon are circulating around the top of my list, though. Or maybe we should do a foregin film list as well, then it can be easier for me to make a top ten.

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When's the deadline? I'll edit my list in this post as I think it through.

Ages yet. I'll live it open for a good while.

1. Pulp Fiction

2. The Dark Knight

3. Fight Club

4. The Prestige

5. Reservoir Dogs

6. A Clockwork Orange

7. American Psycho

8. American Beauty

9. Mullholland Drive

10. 12 Angry Men

I think that list will change a lot, though.

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Any list that doesn't include Heat or City of God is wrong, clearly.

"Hi, I'm the guy who put Hellboy 2 and Black Hawk Down on his list of greatest movies of all time. I am now going to lecture you on what the greatest movies of all time are."



Favorite. There's a difference.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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