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House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Thread


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Alls I'm saying is it's not too late to join Team Tyrell. We're probably not going to win but we're going to be cooler than everyone else in losing.

And we have Loras and Margaery. :wub:

EDIT: How dare I forgot Mace's singing voice?

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You're rooting for the bigger evil because of one event? I mean, granted, it was uncomfortable and awful but if it comes down to Team Bolton vs. Team Baratheon, I think Team Bolton's done way worse and done it in the name of sadism more than anything (especially in Ramsay's case).

I'm not actually serious. It wasn't a good watch but they've framed it exactly right. Stannis hasn't made a heel turn here, he's made a decision that is fairly consistent with his character. He has always been heel.

But, I do want Boltons to come out on top here regardless. There are other threats to Ramsay and other people who deserve his head before Stannis. Stannis gains more with a win and will be without an opponent if successful in this campaign (until the war with the south starts of course).

In an ideal world, Brienne > Stannis, Davos > Mel, Sansa/Theon > Ramsay. Of course since this is GoTs the opposite will happen and I'm just gonna have to deal with it.

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I want the Boltons to lose, if for no other reason than because of Sansa. There's several more reasons, but when it comes down to it, she needs some help.

It's amazing how interested I am in Sansa now. At the start she was one of the least interesting people in the show, and was just basically an unfortunate pawn to bigger players, and whilst she's still somewhat in that place, she's slowly coming into her own, and you can see the naivety of being a shielded royal being stripped away for the cold reality of the world that she never saw or even thought of before. Of everyone in GoT, she's probably been one of the worst treated throughout the entire show with very little positive in return, and I really hope that she doesn't lose who she is in it all.

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"If I can do that to someone I like, imagine what I could do to you." That's a question that's asked over and over again in WWE storylines, but it fits rather well with how Stannis might treat Sansa in the event of a victory. If Game of Thrones sets up a potential scenario in which something goes well for a Stark, you have to know that something will go horribly awry, and trusting Sansa's fate to a man who burns members of his own family to death seems more than a little naive.

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I think with Sansa he'll see reason. He showed he had no issue with Jon, everyone bar Sansa/Theon/Boltons thinks Bran and Rickon are dead, Arya is missing. He only went against Robb because he claimed himself as King. With Jon refusing him, Sansa gives him a foothold in the North, and it would give some actual follow up to this 'The North Remembers' stuff.

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I think Stannis will beat the Boltons and gain Winterfell but Ramsay will escape with Sansa and a motley crew. Roose Bolton will burn. Ramsay will eventually be hunted down by Nymeria and the wolf pack but Sansa will be spared and fall back into Littlefinger's web. [/random musings]

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Stannis vs Roose should be like one of those Shannon Moore vs Funaki matches from 2003 Smackdown where the White Walkers (Brock Lesnar) interferes and crushes both of them.

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Yup. She (at least I'm assuming it was she) sent the note to Sansa telling her to light a candle in the highest tower if she needed help. Theon went to put the candle up there and Ramsay was sitting there waiting for him. Brienne has been seen staring at Winterfell from afar for a few weeks now...

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I'd love to see Brienne and Podrick Payne come in and clean house after the Bolton and Baratheon forces tear each other to shreds. Either that or Sansa declares that she needs "the oooooooooooold Theon Greyjoy", and then the glass shatters and Theon takes out everyone in a wild rampage. And then Sansa kills him anyway.

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