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House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Thread


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Season finale.

What an episode. Best parts at the beginning and the end. Stannis immediately gets his comeuppance and then Ollie does what I knew he'd do after that Sam speech he got. Melisandre back at The Wall is gonna explain away my immediate question about Jon Snow.

I read an interview that said that Jon Snow supposedly is really dead, I am very incredulous of that

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Season finale.

What an episode. Best parts at the beginning and the end. Stannis immediately gets his comeuppance and then Ollie does what I knew he'd do after that Sam speech he got. Melisandre back at The Wall is gonna explain away my immediate question about Jon Snow.

I read an interview that said that Jon Snow supposedly is really dead, I am very incredulous of that

Well, that'd be amazing, seeing how Kit Harrington is signed on for two more seasons

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Re: you know nothin', w/ potential show spoilers

Unless there's going to be seasons and seasons of flashbacks, I don't think Jon's quite dead dead. Kit Harrington's considered one of the bigger contracts on the show and he recently signed on for seasons six and seven.

And now, actual finale thoughts:

Ser Robert The Strong! Cersei's penance walk! A ruling council of Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm! Brienne of Tarth, REVENGEANCER. Jon Snow, dead guy! Olly, murderin' kid!

Myrcella, dead! Jaime returning with a dead daughter and the enemy's son!

..A whole lot happened in this season finale. I thought it was pretty good though. I'm interested to see how things pan out next season, and if GRRM will release Winds of Winter between now and next summer.

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Re: you know nothin', w/ potential show spoilers

Unless there's going to be seasons and seasons of flashbacks, I don't think Jon's quite dead dead. Kit Harrington's considered one of the bigger contracts on the show and he recently signed on for seasons six and seven.

And now, actual finale thoughts:

Ser Robert The Strong! Cersei's penance walk! A ruling council of Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm! Brienne of Tarth, REVENGEANCER. Jon Snow, dead guy! Olly, murderin' kid!

Myrcella, dead! Jaime returning with a dead daughter and the enemy's son!

..A whole lot happened in this season finale. I thought it was pretty good though. I'm interested to see how things pan out next season, and if GRRM will release Winds of Winter between now and next summer.

Don't forget The Mountain, now with extra reanimation! I was kinda disappointed by no Lady Stoneheart

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Overall thoughts:

--First, Stannis. Brav-fucking-o, man. Not only did you cause half your fucking army to desert, you led the rest of them to their deaths, your wife died after your barbequed your daughter, and now, thanks to you, you have brought down ALL of House Baratheon. G-fucking-G.

--Sansa and Theon. Probably not dead. Nice to see that Ramsay left Theon's balls attached.

--Sam is not stupid. He made a good choice.

--The rest of the watch? Assholes. Here's the guy trying to get shit together, and you copy a page out of Julius Caesar. Have fun when The Long Winter comes.

--The Drothraki at the end....what a bunch of asskissers. Sure, we can't hang out with the Khaleesi now that her badass husband is dead, but now that she can ride a dragon....fucking sycophants .

--Arya. This was my favorite part as she complete wrecked Meryn's shit. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. I enjoyed that a lot.

--Cersie's walk. Eh, without any narrative, it's hard to feel for just what she's doing.

--The Dorne bit. Nice job fucking everything up, Ellaria. You're aware they have Trystane, right? Did you forget about that part?


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I'm wondering...

where the shit was Ghost? Sam gets slapped around and he saves the day, but er'body on the Wall take turns stabbing Jon and he's a no-show? Bad dog.

They threw him a jar of peanut butter :shifty:

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I thought Jon Snow was one of the three safest characters in the show. Him, Arya (who is now blind or something) and Tyrion .And they straight up murder-death-killed.

And my girlfriend just told me about Lady Stoneheart...(book spoilers)

Catlyn Stark! Holy shit?! What?! My guess is they bring back Jon as well, and he becomes Jon Stark.

Man...holy fuck fucking fuck. Man. Fuck this show.

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Finale spoiler/potential HUGE future spoilers.. Do not click it you don't want to know..

So according to Entertainment Weekly and Kit, he is done..


I know that they've killed characters off in the past but like many others, I really thought that character was untouchable. Apparently, we know nothing.

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My problem is

If he stays dead, that really just kills any interest in The Night's Watch or The Wall, which seems like its going to be a huuuuuge focal point coming up. Now the Walkers might as well just roll through it because there's no one there we care about anymore.

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My problem is

If he stays dead, that really just kills any interest in The Night's Watch or The Wall, which seems like its going to be a huuuuuge focal point coming up. Now the Walkers might as well just roll through it because there's no one there we care about anymore.

Totally agree. I'm not gonna have much interest in a Wall/Night's Watch story without Jon there anymore except for maybe Davos taking a spot there now that Stannis and Shireen are gone. I'm definitely holding out hope it's just to try to keep people wondering. I don't see the point in having Melisandre show back up at the Wall it she can't work her Lord of Light stuff.

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Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. I think it's just damage control since that whole thing about his contract leaked earlier this year. The Wall isn't really an interesting story without Jon, and there's no point in Melisandre showing up if she's just not going to do anything. We've already seen that priests of R'hllor can resurrect the dead. I'm assuming she's going to try to resurrect Azor Ahai thinking she'll get Stannis, but Jon is who comes back.

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I already knew the ending was coming, but god damn it they suckered me in when they mentioned Benjen and it made me think they were doing something else for a brief moment. Then I realised how much of the episode was left


Also, Stannis definitely isn't dead yet. All the characters that died that episode, yet they cut away from Brienne before she finishes the job? She's definitely just hit the tree. No-one is dead until it's shown on screen.

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My problem is

If he stays dead, that really just kills any interest in The Night's Watch or The Wall, which seems like its going to be a huuuuuge focal point coming up. Now the Walkers might as well just roll through it because there's no one there we care about anymore.

Well, he has the witch to probably save him (or they throw him out and he gets raised to become our eyes and ears with the white walkers wich would be amazing considering that i found them boring as just the big bad... what makes this show is the motivations and the crazyness of everybody following their motivation, The white walkers need some story). And with Davos there is one of the more beloved characters at the wall, now in a position of not having to answer or protect anyone.

Also, what happend to sansa? Did they kill themselfs, break some legs? It dos not seem like running from her husband is the best idea.

Edited by Herr Matzat
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My problem is

If he stays dead, that really just kills any interest in The Night's Watch or The Wall, which seems like its going to be a huuuuuge focal point coming up. Now the Walkers might as well just roll through it because there's no one there we care about anymore.

Also, what happend to sansa? Did they kill themselfs, break some legs? It dos not seem like running from her husband is the best idea.

Not running from Ramsay is a good idea?!

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My problem is

If he stays dead, that really just kills any interest in The Night's Watch or The Wall, which seems like its going to be a huuuuuge focal point coming up. Now the Walkers might as well just roll through it because there's no one there we care about anymore.

Also, what happend to sansa? Did they kill themselfs, break some legs? It dos not seem like running from her husband is the best idea.

Not running from Ramsay is a good idea?!

Well the dude enjoys a good hunt, has pretty much full control of the area, horses and hounds. Meanwhile you jump of the edge of a castle hoping that Snow will break your fall (there is a pun in this considering what happend to jon >_> ) in a way that you still are able to gtfo asap to freez to death a bit further away from winterfell in case they don´t manage to follow your tracks in the fucking snow. ;)

I also howled with laughter first when brian was still staring at the tower, i got this image in my head were she just never left, and than went away the second sansa lit the candle. That had to be intentional comedy for the season.

Big probs on Tyrion being the Boss of a city again, i hope his character dos not get to wast as bad as it did this season. Dany always worked best with Drogo, so maybe even for her honest terriblness there might finaly be a good story in store.... seriusly how the fuck did everyone survive last weeks battle? HELLOOOOO i got a ddragon and i fly, i leave everyone behind, including the most beloved character of the show, yaaaaay, everyone still loves me because draaaggooooooonsssss!!111 I hate her so much. >_>

I just remembered that fire magic was used before to resurrect a character. Another idea on them burning the princes would be that the extra heat period will now buy everyone time since the walkers can´t advance?

Edited by Herr Matzat
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