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Grand Theft Auto V


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Holy shit! Michael and a random stranger encounter was insane!

This dude offers him some weed, but whatever the hell was in it wasn't weed. He started to see aliens everywhere and went wild on them with a mini-gun!

First true mark-out moment!

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Holy shit! Michael and a random stranger encounter was insane!

This dude offers him some weed, but whatever the hell was in it wasn't weed. He started to see aliens everywhere and went wild on them with a mini-gun!

First true mark-out moment!

I had that earlier. :D

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Was driving at night and wound up at some back road which went up to some sort of power station where I found a BF Injection. Wasn't going to keep it, just have a quick joyride like but my car despawned so I kept with it. Ended up back on the highway and heard sirens wailing, some cop was chasing someone so I tried to help but ended up hitting the cop and getting my own wanted level.

Those two cars both ducked off on an off ramp which I didn't see in time, ended up going down the side of it and somehow ended up on my side driving along the wall as it curved around before flying through the air back onto the road. At this point one of my tires burst and the axel got all fucked up, locking my steering up. Ended up hitting the side of the road and flying off into some rocky valley. Seemed to help lose the cops though so I let myself roll out towards the sea.

Came to a stop overlooking the Pacific Ocean at sunrise. Got out of the car and stood on some nearby rocks to watch the sun come up, waves lapping at the shore.


EDIT: Walked along the beach for a while and found two abandoned jet skis outside a cave with an abandoned speed boat inside it. 2spooky.

As I say that, I drove out in the boat and two guys were on the beach just outside it. Got out and went up to them, one of them looked like he was filming on his phone. He said 'Whatever' to me and then ran off up a hill, leaving his mate just standing there.

Went a bit further along the coast and passed by two jet skiiers just heading out to sea, they promptly starting pulling 'wheelies' and doing jumps off the waves. Cool.

Might as well finish the story now. Kept going in me boat, came across some sort of broken down dock so I went in for a closer look. Underestimated the turning circle (or lack thereof) of the boat and ran aground. No cars in sight so walked up a hill. Saw a small shack type thing in one direction before turning around to see something large off in the distance. Headed that way and the location popped up in the bottom right as some sort of research labs? Not sure if it's high security or I got to a later 'island' too soon or something because I ended up with 4 stars when I walked up to the high scale fence. Managed to run around to the entrance and pop a few shots in the security guard just as like 5 cop cars came tearing down the road towards me. Picked up a humvee (Patriot?) out of the parking lot and tried to make my escape but they had cars after me, jeeps with SWAT team members in it and helicopters. They rammed me a few times and managed to shoot out a tire so I bailed and tried to run on foot to my new possible getaway vehicle. No such luck, gunned down within seconds. First death and end of my night of hijinks.

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