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The Penn State Scandal


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Eh, the trial of Sandusky won't even be started by then. He's stepping down, give him the rest of the month out of respect for what he's done for the university for the last 45 years.

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Guest JukeboxHero

Eh, the trial of Sandusky won't even be started by then. He's stepping down, give him the rest of the month out of respect for what he's done for the university for the last 45 years.


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Yea, his contract was up at the end of the season, so its not like it was a hard choice to renew it or not

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I'm fine with him coaching the rest of the season if only for the players who committed to come to Penn State and play for him. I don't like when coaches get fired mid-season in college, and while this would be the most forgivable of times to do it I'm not too upset with him seeing out his final season. He's been digging himself deeper and deeper by actually addressing the scandal in such a nonchalant manner so let's just have him keep his mouth shut and coach football for a few weeks.

The media coverage of this has been horrible, I'm in agreement with Maxx, Chase, etc.

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STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Nov. 9, 2011 -- I am absolutely devastated by the developments in this case. I grieve for the children and their families, and I pray for their comfort and relief.

I have come to work every day for the last 61 years with one clear goal in mind: To serve the best interests of this university and the young men who have been entrusted to my care. I have the same goal today.

That's why I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can.

This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.

My goals now are to keep my commitments to my players and staff and finish the season with dignity and determination. And then I will spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to help this University.

SOURCE Penn State

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We have no idea what was said to Paterno by McQuery. I really doubt Joe Paterno wouldn't have done anything if the situation had been laid out in black and white to him. It seems like a situation where he got some information on the incident, then reported it to the AD, assuming he'd follow it up with a proper investigation. He certainly should have done more, but you all seem to be forgetting he was the only one who did ANYTHING. There's a difference between not doing enough and deliberately covering something up. He wasn't the perpetrator, he wasn't a witness, he took the information given to him and passed it on to the person who was supposed to do something about it. There are a lot more people far more responsible in this than Joe Paterno. He's just the highest profile name involved and everyone is gravitating to it.

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We have no idea what was said to Paterno by McQuery. I really doubt Joe Paterno wouldn't have done anything if the situation had been laid out in black and white to him. It seems like a situation where he got some information on the incident, then reported it to the AD, assuming he'd follow it up with a proper investigation. He certainly should have done more, but you all seem to be forgetting he was the only one who did ANYTHING. There's a difference between not doing enough and deliberately covering something up. He wasn't the perpetrator, he wasn't a witness, he took the information given to him and passed it on to the person who was supposed to do something about it. There are a lot more people far more responsible in this than Joe Paterno. He's just the highest profile name involved and everyone is gravitating to it.

No, that's wrong, the AD isn't the person who was supposed to do something about it. He wasn't violating NCAA rules by handing out cash gifts or anything, he was doing something far worse that should've been brought to the attention of the cops immediately. He had a responsibility to do more than just tell the AD and the fact that he didn't means he doesn't get a pass.

He may have done something but he didn't do enough.

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Once again, he did not witness anything. He took the information that was brought to him, and again we have no idea how detailed the information was, and gave it to the athletic director, like protocol says to do. He was then assured it would be handled and taken care of.

If you want to believe Joe Paterno was explicitly told "Jerry Sandusky is viciously sodomizing a child in the showers" and did nothing about it, go ahead. He did what he was supposed to do, it's not his responsibility to launch an investigation, that's on the school. If the former Pennsylvania Attorney General had done his job in 1998, this never would have happened. Like I said, there are quite a few people far more responsible for this than Joe Paterno. But everyone wants to focus on how Paterno didn't do enough, when there's a trail of people who didn't do anything, or outright helped cover the whole thing up. Christ, the fucking indictment praises Paterno for being the only person to actually report something.

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I'd argue a duty of care may be to go to the police no matter what the college rulebook says. Especially if you take it to them and there is no movement.

However he did do the minimum that was asked of him. I'm not sure of the ins and outs, but unless he had attempted or facilitated the cover up I can't understand all the anger.

There are a surprisingly large amount of people who tell child molesters that people are on to them thinking it will be easier on all parties if the molester just fucks off, either that or they plain won't do anything because they don't want to believe it.

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