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The Penn State Scandal


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Or, how about the fact that, if JoePa wanted something done around Penn State, shit got done. Paterno was, willingly, or by negligence, complicit with the rape, and cover-up of said rape, of nearly two dozen children, and those are only the victims willing to come forward on the subject. He gets no pass, no matter what 'good' he's done on the football field or off.

Apologists like you make me sick. It's fucking ridiculous, and the 'fans' and students who are rioting are even worse. Winning football games does not absolve you of shit. Donating money isn't going to give those kids, some of whom are men now, back their childhoods, or a chance at a normal life. You know what would have? Not resting until the TRUTH came out, even if it was inconvenient.

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This whole thing about "protecting the sanctity and integrity of the university by not doing anything more than he did" is just a load of bullshit. People can't honestly sit there and think that the lid being taken off this case back in 2002 would've damaged the perception of Penn State more than the last five days has? C'mon...

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How McQueary didn't lose his job either is beyond me. Even if he were overly religious or something preventing him from physically attacking Sandusky, the least he could have done was screamed at him to make him stop. To run away from it all just makes him a worthless human being and a coward. I just don't see how can be on the sidelines on Saturday.

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Watching these kids riot over this is disgraceful. One of them basically said who cares what he did or didn't do he raised 10 million dollars for the new library. This is the future America.

I can't say I'm shocked, sadly. College kids tend to be so far up their own ass during that time in their life that they usually don't see the big picture. They'll eventually grow up and mature and realize their argument was idiotic. Doesn't make it any less disgraceful, but not surprising in the least bit.

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I love the coverage of this on CNN this morning.

"Of course, there is another side to all of this; the victims."

10 minutes on the riot.

10 minutes on whether it was right to fire Paterno.

10 minutes on whether Paterno makes a statement or whether he remains silent.

And after the break: we talk about the victims. For 5 minutes. And 3 minutes of that is asking them about Paterno.

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Watching these kids riot over this is disgraceful. One of them basically said who cares what he did or didn't do he raised 10 million dollars for the new library. This is the future America.

I can't say I'm shocked, sadly. College kids tend to be so far up their own ass during that time in their life that they usually don't see the big picture. They'll eventually grow up and mature and realize their argument was idiotic. Doesn't make it any less disgraceful, but not surprising in the least bit.

There was one kid who said Joe should have done more and that this was embarassing to him and his school and then of course two seconds later another guy leaped on screen and yelled "Joe Pa should coach til the end of time baby!"

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I don't follow American football but both these stories

make me sick. If people witness or even hear about abuse it is their job to come forward and report it. End of story. I think anybody that did nothing should be fired.

If I had heard that a coach at Manchester united had been doing this and sir Alex had knew and done nothing I would want him sacked. That's the closest example I can give in terms of my country.

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Apologists like you make me sick. It's fucking ridiculous, and the 'fans' and students who are rioting are even worse. Winning football games does not absolve you of shit. Donating money isn't going to give those kids, some of whom are men now, back their childhoods, or a chance at a normal life. You know what would have? Not resting until the TRUTH came out, even if it was inconvenient.

This. I'd venture to say that the majority of people supporting these disgusting human beings would have very different feelings about the situation if they, or someone they knew, were the ones being raped or abused. I don't give a fuck if the rapist is as big as Shaq, I'm not letting him continue to rape a kid while I make a phone call to my father. At the bare minimum, call the cops and then go back in and start swinging until they arrive. Anything less than that is not enough. There's a special place in hell for everyone involved with the cover ups and to some degree, they are worse off than the sicko who was feeding an addiction. I'm not for capital punishment, but they should toss everyone involved into a supermax prison shower wearing handcuffs, and let the inmates have some fun at their expense. Then we'll see how quickly they report rapes.

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I think what makes me the saddest about this scandal (not the crime itself, but the ensuing media blitz) is how it's turned people into chest-thumpers frothing at the mouth with pitchfork and torch in hand. It's frankly disgusting. People you assume to be rational prove themselves otherwise like flipping a switch. That danger's never far and hopefully people can take a second to remind themselves of that.

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