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Assassin's Creed III


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Ugh, doing France would've been shit. Aside from the obvious design and visual changes that would have had to be made - it would've just been the same old stuff. And while Assassins Creed has been thriving on "same old stuff" for a while now, a change up is nice every once in a while.

Oh no wait, America sucks and stuff.

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They always claimed that originally intended it as a trilogy, but then they added in "middle" games to the series, so I think any hope of this being the last game is long gone. Last game for Desmond, probably.

This is what I meant.

And they've already done 3 of the 4 games in Europe anyway, why not go somewhere else?

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Because everything ends up in the United States.

Plenty of interesting shit has happened in Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Eastern Europe and the Middle East but instead we have to deal with yet another game set in the United States.

Hell, even South America could have been interesting.

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Assuming that having the game set in France would be the same as setting it in Italy three hundred years prior is the height of ignorance.

If it was set it France, it would've been set in Paris and as I stated, aside from the general look and style - there would still be tightly packed streets, big buildings, etc. My statement was far more geared towards the fact that setting it in Colonial America is such a huge departure from any European city is going to give the game an all new feel indeed.

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I dunno, running through lush forests with a Brotherhood of native americans, diving around mountain ranges, and tomahawking the shit out of things could be fun. Anything but running through New York and Los Angeles is a welcome break.

I cannot understate the love I have for using a tomahawk.

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Played the entire of Brotherhood without really playing AC2, probably because I witnessed Stokerina playing a lot of it. :shifty: Could have a random play of it whenever though...when FM monopolises my time less.

Currently not far through the Revelations plot (only just got to the point where I go finding books) because I've spent ALL MY TIME dicking about on the side challenges. That's my favourite thing to do.

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There will be brand new environments and all-new ways to exploit them to your advantage, according to the creative director Alex Hutchinson.

- The cinematic presentations will extend beyond combat into a complex way of storytelling. The game will have actually have the Mohawk language (Iroquois) in some scenes. Mohawk was one of the languages of the native Americans.

- The development cycle was the longest compared to any Assassin’s Creed game. It seems the game was developed simultaneously with the other spin-offs (Brotherhood and Revelations). According to Ubisoft’s CEO, AC3 has been in development for three years.

- The game tells a story of Templars vs Americans. It’s not about winning the war, but a story based on the main protagonist’s life.

- The game will feature a new camera, which focuses on the best possible view of the action.

- The game runs on a brand new version of the Anvil engine.

- The new Assassin is the son of a Native American woman and a British soldier. He calls himself Connor, but his birth name is Ratohnhaké:ton. Born into the Mohawk, he eventually crosses paths with the Assassins in his search for righteousness.

- Connor is quiet and stoic, letting actions speak for himself rather than conversing with others. In contrast to Ezio, Connor is a freedom fighter who acts in the name of justice rather than on personal revenge.

- Settings will include Boston, New York and a large countryside. The countryside will be the setting of about 1/3 of the game, and will be the location of many events during the game. The countryside will be about 1.5 times as big as Rome in Brotherhood.

- The protagonist will fight on the American side, with primary allies being George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee. However, this does not mean that the Americans are the good guys and the British are the bad guys. Templars are everywhere.

- There will be seasons in the game, meaning that the sun will shine during summer and the landscape will be covered in snow during winter. This is the best new feature in Assassin’s Creed 3 as far as I’m concerned.

Seems neat.

EDIT: Has a fast travel system too!

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It seems weird cramming the Templars into a war between one Very Protestant nation and another Even More Protestant nation.

- The protagonist will fight on the American side, with primary allies being George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee. However, this does not mean that the Americans are the good guys and the British are the bad guys. Templars are everywhere.

AKA one token American Templar mole/turncoat as a temporary interlude between killing lots of those dastardly Brits. :shifty:

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Assuming that having the game set in France would be the same as setting it in Italy three hundred years prior is the height of ignorance.

If it was set it France, it would've been set in Paris and as I stated, aside from the general look and style - there would still be tightly packed streets, big buildings, etc. My statement was far more geared towards the fact that setting it in Colonial America is such a huge departure from any European city is going to give the game an all new feel indeed.

ah right soz. i don't really care for the running and jumping and stuff. i just like walking around pretending i'm a guy from history and i prefer that era to us colonial era. :shifty:

but yeah keeping the templars in such a setting is craaaaazy

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