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EWB's All-Time Favorite TV Show Tournament


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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

Fawlty Towers is going out to South Park, isn't it? :(

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing - Sports Night over both! Where the hell is it? :angry:

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.) - How I Met stinks. Office I like.

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead - only one I've seen

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld - hey baby I hear the blues a-callin'


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones - only one I've seen, should vote GOT just to avenge ER but meh

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad - don't feel strongly about either really, youtubes could sway me...

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park - U-S-A

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy - only one I've seen

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

Edited by ndqw
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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

This is why Breaking Bad should win:

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

Edited by Don Ready Slacker
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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

I loved The West Wing but I find myself being a victim of the moment and I just keep thinking about how much I love Community, Office is the winner barely as I dont care that much for either. Never heard of Blackadder and even if I had I wouldnt vote for it. Seinfeld is the better comedy. I had a hard time with Lost/Thrones but Lost gave so much to talk about and was so interactive and there has been only one season of Game of Thrones so far. I dont get Python. There I said it. Dont like Breaking Bad either but I dont get Python and when I dont get something that upsets me. FUCK YOU FAWLTY TOWERS!!!! Sorry Josh :blush: And I liked Freaks and Geeks but I never found myself desperate to see the next one. Sons gives that to me almost every week.

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

I think I'm in an interesting position in the Lost vs Game of Thrones match. I've only seen one season of each, and while Lost's first season was definitely very good, I think Game of Throne's was even better. The rest were all easy, especially as I haven't gotten around to watching Breaking Bad yet.

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Hmm, this is where things start getting hard.

Eastern Bracket

Community vs. West Wing

How I Met Your Mother vs. The Office (US)- This one was kinda tough, and both shows have had their ups and downs, but in the end, I have to go with the Office here. Right now, I'm enjoying HIMYM more, but overall, The Office wins out.

Blackadder vs. The Walking Dead

Frasier vs. Seinfeld

Central Bracket

Lost vs. Game of Thrones- There was a stretch of time a few years ago when I was addicted to Lost, and even now, it still holds a special place in my heart. Game of Thrones is really good too, but one season of quality TV isn't enough for me to vote it over Lost.

Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. Breaking Bad

Fawlty Towers vs. South Park

Freaks and Geeks vs. Sons of Anarchy- Please please please don't let Freaks and Geeks go out here. It wasn't a show that changed the face of television or pop culture. All it did was depict high school life better than any other piece of pop culture I know, with all the humor and all the awkwardness that comes in that stage of life. F&G could be hilarious one second, poignant the next, and then back to hilarious in an instant. I've only seen season 1, and the first episode of season 2 of SoA, and I liked what I watched, but for me, F&G deserves to go to the next round.

Edited by ruderrocket
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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing - Easy choice here.

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.) - Seriously, fuck off, EWB, for letting shit like How I Met Your Mother get to the second round. That is utter shit.

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead - Blackadder all the way, that is awesome, awesome stuff. The Walking Dead is, like, decent.

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld - Tough choice, went for Seinfield just because Frasier beat The Shield, which is still a shit result.

Looking at the Eastern Bracket, it's very comic heavy. As long as How I Met Your Mother doesn't continue on, I'll be happy with this bracket. Because that is the worst shit on TV ever, including crap like CSI: Miami, or NCIS: LA. How I Met Your Mother is just utter shit.


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones - Revenge for ER, plus Lost kinda' sucks except for like a handful of good episodes.

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad - Like the last round, I haven't watched Monty Python. Really want to, though.

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park - Never watched Fawlty Towers, but fuck South Park.

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy - Meh.

As long as Lost and South Park burn in hell, I'll be happy.

Looking at both these brackets, don't really have a show I'm rooting for yet, except Blackadder. Hope it goes far, but it'll probably die in this round itself.

What show is everybody else rooting for?

Oh, and Josh, why you should vote for Game Of Thrones:



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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing - Love Community and find it hard to vote against it.

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.) - I'm that guy.

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead - TWD is a lot of fun, plus never seen Blackadder, Also not the guy that hates on TWD because they change things.

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld - I liked both back in the day. The difference was that Seinfeld never got old to me (until the final episode) whereas Frasier I gave up on after like 4 years. Of course Cheers was better than both combined, but EWB sucks,


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones - I know GoT will win because it is the of the moment show and this is EWB, plua Lost made people mad the last few years, but six seasons vs. one season, and as good as GoT is now Lost has the edge. Also, as srar said, Lost was the show that people talked about the next day and for days on end whether it was flying high or not. It was appointment TV and the epitome of water cooler talk for 6 years.

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad - I feel dirty doing this, but at least BB is greatness.

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park - I feel even dirtier.

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy - I should really get around to watching SoA

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I can live with FarScape when both MST3K and The A-Team won.


1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing - Seen a few bits and pieces of Community; West Wing never appealed to me plus MPH likes it.

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.) - Yup, not voting for HIMYM.

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead - Obvious choice there.

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld - This came down to what I hate the least. <_<


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones - Fuck Lost. And not just Season 3. Fuck ALL of the Lost.

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad - Monty Python should win this now that FarScape is out.

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park - When you put it this way, Fawlty Towers win.

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy - Uhm yeah, still haven't seen either of these so I guess a random vote is in order.

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing - I like Community...but The West Wing is one of the best shows of all time.

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.) - Not seen HIMYM, but it ISN'T The Office remake and so wins.

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead - Nothing against The Walking Dead, but Blackadder is a classic.

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld - I used to like Frasier. I used to be indifferent to Seinfeld.


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones - Not seen the GOT series, but was NOT a fan of Lost; and the GOT book is good >_>

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad - Not see Breaking Bad. More of a fan of the Monty Python films, but heh.

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park - I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like South Park. But Fawlty Towers is just special.

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy - Not seen Freaks and I did like what little of Sons I have seen.

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

Much tougher here. Lost against Game of Thrones? You bastard! Had to go with Lost there, if Game of Thrones had been running longer than who knows, but it's tough to vote against Lost whatever it's up against. Blackadder/Walking Dead was a real tough one too, I'm still not sure I'm happy with voting against Blackadder, ugh. And please for the love of god EVERYBODY vote for Fawlty Towers, certainly against fucking South Park :P

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.)

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

If Blackadder doesn't win, I riot. Fawlty Towers/South Park and Frasier/Seinfeld were the tough ones. Well, so was Freaks and Geeks/Sons of Anarchy cos I've never seen either.

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1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing - I haven't seen enough Community. I really haven't. Also, I like my Sheen/Estevezs to be Joe, not Martin, thank you very much.

5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.) - HIMYM has a place in my heart. The US Office is funnier than the UK version but meh.

6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead - Blackadder is a brilliant as a Fox that has just been made Professor of Brilliance at Cambridge University. I've seen some of The Walking Dead, but meh, I don't get the whole zombie obsession that pop culture has going on.

10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld - Again, I like Seinfeld, but not more than I do love Frasier.


1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones - Two shows I don't care about, but Game of Thrones has Sean Bean looking like HHH.

12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad - Flying Circus because:

11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park - Fawlty Towers, I haven't much love for but South Park annoys me.

10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy - I know nothing of either show.

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