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EWB's All-Time Favorite TV Show Tournament


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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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Ben, I'm pretty sure the guy who voted for One Tree Hill doesn't get to complain about the outcome, your opinion is invalid. <_<

I would so vote for Community if I had watched it more, while the One Tree Hill vote was based on my inane loyalty to it despite it being shit.

M*A*S*H better be in the final bracket.

The first post of this thread has some bad news for you.

For the sake of context and false stakes, here's a few shows that did NOT make the cut:

- Cheers

- 30 Rock

- Taxi

- The Muppet Show

- M*A*S*H

- Boardwalk Empire

- Roseanne

- The Big Bang Theory :D

- and Yu-Gi-Oh 5DS. :o

And one more thing about King of the Hill and Louie: awesome theme songs (and yes, I know Louie's is not original to the show, but it's by far the best version and very fitting.)


Eugh. Just Eugh.


1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd - I like Arrested Development, wasn't it the first mockumentary? Is it called mockumentary? Never seen the IT Crowd.

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck - Never seen it, but fuck Chuck.

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm - Fuck, that was hard, but in the end went with the one that I've seen more of.

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team - I know I've watched A-Team as a child because of my brothers, but don't remember anything about it. Angel was okay, I guess.

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf - Futurama is fun, though confusing. Never seen Red Dwarf.

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C. - No contest.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under - I've watched Six Feet Under when I was like 9 and didn't understand a thing. Never seen Twin Peaks, though.

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break - Prison Break was an interesting concept, but it never held my attention due to poor execution. Never seen The Wire, though.

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team - Dammit No. First Buffy, now Angel? Exactly what does EWB have against Joss Whedon?

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf - This was the toughest choice for me so far. Futurama is one of my current favourites but I grew up watching Red Dwarf.

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C. - Never seen The O.C. but I hate Friends.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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I care about very little in this bracket, but I am needed.

[1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) MST3K vs. 9) Chuck - HERE.

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C. - I have tremendous, tremendous contempt for Friends, enough to vote for Not Friends.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd (fuck you seeding. Loved the I.T crowd but look what it is up against!)

8) MST3K vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf (Please let this one win.)

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

Edited by phatman
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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

Hardest picks were between MST3K/Chuck and Parks & Rec/Curb.

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The OC

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

Didn't care for this bracket at all. Voted for AD and Parks and Rec because I have seen 2 episodes of each and none of their opponents. Probably would vote The Wire but I've never seen it and I did like the first season or two of Prison Break.

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd - I understand the latter better.

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck - Taking something that people did for Rocky Horror and turning it in to a way to lampoon the worst B-movies in the history of cinema wins this one for me.

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm - Unscripted for the most part, save for presenting the actors with certain scenarios, Curb Your Enthusiasm has to be one of the strangest and entertaining things on TV.

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team - In the battle of outlandish television series, I go with the one that has swords, crossbows, and more continuity.

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf - This one was tough. How the hell do you even decide between these two? In true Futurama fashion, I flipped a coin.

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C. - I watched The O.C. for all four seasons. I stopped watching Friends after Ross screwed up his wedding by saying, "I take thee Rachel." Then again, I was fairly young when that happened, so maybe I just had something going on on the night when Friends aired after that...

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under - One of those things where I've seen one but not the other, and based on the premise of the one that didn't get my vote, I never will.

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break - A show that explored an entire city versus a conspiracy theory show. The continuing conspiracies turned me off of Prison Break after a while. I never got tired of The Wire.

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Pacific Bracket

Arrested Development vs. The IT Crowd- I caught a few episodes of the IT Crowd on an airplane before, and I enjoyed it, but it's not beating Arrested Development for me.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. Chuck- I love the characters of Chuck too much to vote against them this early. MST3000 is really funny (my impression from the clips I've seen), but when Chuck is firing on all cylinders, it's as good as any TV show around.

Parks and Recreations vs. Curb Your Enthusiasm- I can see why so many people like Curb so much, but wasn't really my thing. I'm not averse to awkward humor, but didn't like it that much, although I only watched the first half of the first season, so maybe it gets better. P&R on the other hand is great, and the cast is just so damn lovable. Also, RON SWANSON.

Angel vs. The A-Team- First match-up where I have never seen an episode of either show. I'm a Joss Whedon fanboy though, and Angel is on the list of shows that I really want to watch, so my vote goes to that.

Futurama vs. Red Dwarf- Hopefully this doesn't end with me getting lynched, but I have to say it. I like Futurama more than Simpsons. Simpsons is wonderful and hilarious and is a pillar of quality television, but I don't have the same sentimental attachment to it that I do with Futurama. And I don't have any attachment with Red Dwarf at all.

Friends vs. The OC- The OC gets lumped in with a lot of other bland (imo), "teen drama" type shows like 90210 and One Tree Hill, and not without good reason. It does have a lot in common with those kind of shows, but I thought that The OC had more heart than most of them. I would vote The OC over Friends on the strength of its first season alone. I like Friends enough, but not enough to vote for it here.

Twin Peaks vs. Six Feet Under- Six Feet Under is one of the more underrated HBO dramas I think, not really getting the acclaim I feel it deserves. It's probably one of the best shows ever when it comes to talking about death, as it should be, since it's about a family in the death business. I haven't watched Twin Peaks yet , from what I've read it seems like something I'd like though.

The Wire vs. The Prison Break- I was addicted to Prison Break when it first started, but it really should've ended after season 2 I think. After that, I just lost interest. The Wire on the other hand, was 5 seasons of perfection. It's insane, it went on for five seasons, and as far as I remember, there was never a bad episode. Not to say that it didn't have it's missteps (there were, but few and far between), but nothing that really brought the show down. It's one of the best pieces of pop culture ever, and should go all the way to at least the final four.

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd - Surprised that IT Crowd has made it this far, while Arrested Development is gold.

8) MST3K vs. 9) Chuck - Couldn't give a flying Chuck either way.

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm - I must be the only person who can't stand Larry David in Curb.

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team - Not seen much of either. A-Team sneaks-it.

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf - Futurama has had a handful of hilarious episodes and a tonne more of average. Red Dwarf is more consistent.

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C. - Never seen the OC.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under - Never seen Six Feet Under.

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break - and The Wire is one of my all time favourites.

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Guest mr. potato head


1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

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1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd - I like both of these shows and I'm sure Arrested Development is going to crush IT Crowd so I'm going to vote for the underdog here.

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck - Never saw Chuck

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm - Never saw Parks & Recreation, of the episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm I've seen I've enjoyed.

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf - Never even heard of Red Dwarf.

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C. - I guess I have to vote for one of them.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under - Never saw Six Feet Under but I've heard a ton of praise from my friends about it, I love Twin Peaks.

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break - Never saw either show but I've heard The Wire being praised as the greatest TV Drama of all-time and Prison Break never interested me.

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8) MST3K vs. 9) Chuck - If MST3K goes out, I am pretty sure Sousa will kill a kitten.

If by Sousa you mean me, yes, that might happen.

Also, Sousa might do that too.

And if by Sousa and Josh you mean Hobo then yes.

1) Arrested Development vs. 16) The IT Crowd - I love The IT Crowd, Graham Linehan is a fantastic comedy writer and I am sad I missed voting for Father Ted, because Ted is one of the funniest sit coms that has ever existed. But, The IT Crowd I don't love as much as I do Arrested Development. That show was genius on so, so, so many levels.

8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 vs. 9) Chuck - I have never seen Chuck, but even if I had, I would have to pick MST3k. I watch episodes of this show on a damn near nightly basis. The riffing on 'bad' movies is fun, when I first started watching the show and not only did it instantly appeal to my sense of humor but it probably increased my appreciation for B-movies. MST3k is by far my favorite show ever.

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 12) Curb Your Enthusiasm

I have only seen one episode of Parks and Recreation but I enjoyed it more than any Curb Your Enthusiasm I've ever seen, which is about the same amount.

4) Angel vs. 13) The A-Team

Eh, I was never a huge fan of Buffy or Angel. Though I did watch both. Not a huge A-Team fan either but who am I to doubt Dwight Schultz?

6) Futurama vs. 11) Red Dwarf

Both are wonderful but Red Dwarf really went on a season or so too long, the Back to Earth special was not great and I am dreading the new series.

3) Friends vs. 14) The O.C.

I didn't like Friends when it started, but it grew on me over time. I'm probably one of the few people to enjoyed the later seasons a lot more than the earlier stuff.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 10) Six Feet Under

I've still not watched the second season of Twin Peaks. The pilot is one of the best I have ever seen It's quirky, it's funny, it's weird and unsettling. I like!

2) The Wire vs. 15) Prison Break

I've only seen one episode. But the Tom Waits and Steve Earle connections mean it gets my vote.

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