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EWB's All-Time Favorite TV Show Tournament


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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team - Why?! This is the worst choice. The WORST choice! :angry:

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

So yeah, most of them were quite easy except for Parks & Rec vs. The A-Team. Why? Why were they set up against each other? Horrible.

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

Edited by ndqw
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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos- Although It's Always Sunny is a great programme, It will be a shame if Sopranos were to lose considering it is one of the best TV programmes to have been made.

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs

1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater

5) Parks and Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House - easy

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos - slightly less easy

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie - only one I've seen

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs - only one I've seen... still hard though :(

1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 - eh to both

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team - FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends - Friends is getting a walk by facing shows I dislike more :(

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire - only one I've seen, this needs to change though

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House - Never saw House but I'm not voting against The Simpsons anyway.

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos - I feel Always Sunny isn't that funny anymore whereas The Sopranos was a consistently good show.

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie - I've never seen Firefly, and I love Louie even though it knocked out Dexter.

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs - I've seen a handful of episodes of Scrubs and zero episodes of 24.


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 - MST3K was a good show but I liked Arrested Development more. I'm actually anticipating it's return.

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team - Yeah I've never watched Parks & Recreation and I used to watch The A-Team as a kid. Besides P&R doesn't have Mr. T.

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends - I hate Friends.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire - Twin Peaks is going to lose and that makes me sad....

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs - Ugh. Neither plz?


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends - If Friends survive this round, I'm de-forgiving you guys for ranking Muppets so high in that other thread.

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House - Easy.

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos - Toughest one here by far. I love both shows, but they are both flawed. Sopranos wins because it inspired a generation of what I believe are better shows.

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie - Louie keeps going up against shows I kind of like, but don't hold a candle to it. Very excited that it could end up in the elite 8, hopefully a strong showing will attract a few more eyeballs from EWB.

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs - I watched 24 more. I liked the handful of Scrubs episodes I've seen, but I enjoyed 5 seasons of 24. I won't vote for either one again regardless of who wins the Louie matchup or beyond.


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Still haven't watched MST3K, but I felt guilty voting for Chuck in round 1. I don't feel guilty here.

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team - Best comedy on TV today. Can't lose here. Next round is going to be impossible though if my picks make it.

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends - Easy

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire - One of the better shows I was talking about with my Sopranos vote.

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs.13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

Like House but it's no Simpsons. Sunny is still not funny to me. Never seen Louie and really like Firefly. Fuck you Scrubs. MST3K all the way! :D Never really seen much of either of the next 2 so A-Team just because. There was a time I really liked Friends so it wins. And I haven't seen The Wire but I didn't like Twin Peaks that much so The Wire wins.

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1) The Simpsons vs. 8) House

5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 4) The Sopranos

6) Firefly vs. 14) Louie

7) 24 vs. 2) Scrubs


1) Arrested Development vs. 8) Mystery Science Theater 3000

5) Parks & Recreation vs. 13) The A-Team

6) Futurama vs. 3) Friends

7) Twin Peaks vs. 2) The Wire

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Eastern and Central Bracket Second Round results are in! In all but two of the matches, the difference between victory and defeat was no greater than four votes.


In the battle of 1) Community vs. 9) The West Wing, the winner is

1) Community

The first of two wide margins of victory in this first half of the second round. 28-10.

In the battle of 5) How I Met Your Mother vs. 4) The Office (U.S.), the winner is

4) The Office (U.S.)

Maybe it's due to my personal preference, but I did not expect this one to be this close. 20-18.

In the battle of 6) Blackadder vs. 3) The Walking Dead, the winner is

3) The Walking Dead

Blackadder put up a very noble fight, but current, American, and mainstream won out. 21-17.

In the battle of 10) Frasier vs. 2) Seinfeld, the winner is

2) Seinfeld

The second of the two easy victories here. Well done anyhow, Frasier. 26-12.


In the battle of 1) Lost vs. 9) Game of Thrones, the winner is

9) Game of Thrones

We have our first ousting of a one seed, and just barely! 20-18.

In the extremely, extremely close battle of 12) Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. 4) Breaking Bad - the winner is

4) Breaking Bad

AMC favorite beats British classic, once again, 21-17. Will this change in our next battle?

In the battle of 11) Fawlty Towers vs. 3) South Park, the winner is

3) South Park

Nope. Current American basic cable threepeats, 21-17.

Finally, in the battle of 10) Freaks and Geeks vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy, the winner is

15) Sons of Anarchy

The bikers do it again. You'll be missed, Recurring Appearance by Trace Beaulieu. 21-17.

Mountain and Pacific second round voting continues until tomorrow's deadline.

SURVEY: I'm considering shifting the voting format from public thread to private message voting somewhere from the Elite Eight to the Tournament Championship match, in order to preserve some semblance of suspense. Yea or nay? If yea, where along the line would you like to see that shift take place? I'm personally leaning toward at least doing it for the final match. People would still be welcome to lobby and debate here in the thread, but all actual voting would be done in private.

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