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General Web Series Thread (YouTubers, LPs, Vloggers Etc)


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You've missed it in the chat - but here it is!

John Wayne is GENGHIS KHAN in The Conqueror! A film which Howard Hughes watched endlessly in his old age.

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Speaking of Doug Walker, he has conspired against The Unemployed Historian, along with Tommy Lee Jones, the New Orelans gay scene in the 1960s, Castro, the CIA and Oliver Stone!

It's the last Unemployed Historian of 2012 - JFK!

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Um. So. Are people supposed to like AVGN? I've been watching a few of his reviews and I've come to the conclusion that he is awful. To use a phrase he might use, he is the drizzling shits of a warthog's diseased anus covered in crap poo-poo ca-ca farts. His videos are generally not entertaining because he's not entertaining, he just gets mad at stuff and throws in a lot of shit synonyms.

He has amazing facial expressions and picks pretty shit games, only redeeming factor and it's not much.

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KONG in hating thing shock. :shifty:

The whole 'angry critic' thing wasn't so played out back when he first started so there's that. And when something explodes in popularity like it did and there's a very vocal fanbase wanting more and more and poo pooing anything that differs from it, it's going to be hard not to keep using that sort of material.

But there is some variety in there with more informative looks at old or more exotic consoles/games that people might not be familiar with, Rolfe trying to bring in his own interest in cinema in by having more cinematic episodes like the Halloween one or by just breaking the mold by having crazy stuff like the SMB 3 or R.O.B episodes.

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Yeah, I played like none of these games. A lot of it is that he doesn't really have anything interesting to say. He's just like "WHAAAA WHY MAKE GAME LIKE DIS!?!?!?" and then a pause and then "This game sucks." I'm sure he does have in-depth thoughts about game design and such but his reviews are just him pointing out that the game sucks through the medium of shit synonyms.

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AVGN was one of the first of his kind though. At least one of the first to really get popular. It's kind of like if you enjoy the later Final Fantasies, going back and playing the first one... it's lacking any of the polish that it's acquired over time. AVGN hasn't aged well at all, his new videos aren't of any real interest to me. The shit humor (literally. as in, the humor about shit) isn't going to hold up well to anyone over the age of like, 13. Can't blame the guy though, I'd find it hard to leave something like that and go get a real job or something. Though I suppose he could always just... do a different type of show.

If you're looking for someone doing mini-reviews of older games KONG, check out kNIGHTWING and his Retro Monday series. Also, Jesse Cox might be doing an old school RPG series soon. And The Completionist has a side project at the moment with one of the guys from ContinueShow or whatever it's called where they replay old games and look at what made them great. It's called Super Beard Brothers.

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Honestly, I don't really look for game reviews as reviews of games, if that makes sense. That's why I like JonTron and don't care about the vast majority of reviewers. JonTron's stuff is very entertainment first, I can go into a bunch of his videos knowing nothing about the games and still have a good time. I checked out AVGN because Jon loves him and a lot of people like him so I figured it'd be a good time killer but I didn't like it at all. Outside of his bad humor, AVGN seems to be based around you caring about the actual games like people have said, and since I don't it kinda rings hollow for me. If there are other reviewers that are entertainment focused I'd like to check them out.

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If you're just looking for funny then UberHaxorNova is the way to go. He's not technically a reviewer, he's a let's play-er but you still might enjoy.

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Honestly, I don't really look for game reviews as reviews of games, if that makes sense. That's why I like JonTron and don't care about the vast majority of reviewers. JonTron's stuff is very entertainment first, I can go into a bunch of his videos knowing nothing about the games and still have a good time. I checked out AVGN because Jon loves him and a lot of people like him so I figured it'd be a good time killer but I didn't like it at all. Outside of his bad humor, AVGN seems to be based around you caring about the actual games like people have said, and since I don't it kinda rings hollow for me. If there are other reviewers that are entertainment focused I'd like to check them out.

I like JonTron's videos a lot too. I am kinda disappointed that he seems to just do the Game Grumps videos, although they are still fun to watch.

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TKz, Rolfe does have a few other lines of videos but nothing really as popular as The Nerd. Though, I don't think he's ever really had the time to commit to anything other than The Nerd full time.

I do suspect that it will come to an end after the movie though. At the time he said he wanted to put it on hiatus to concentrate on the film but it's difficult when it's his cash cow and you need to maintain people's interest in the show/character.

It'd be a shame to see it go but he's often said he's had a ton of ideas, perhaps moreso movies rather than internet shows or whatever, but when The Nerd exploded in popularity, he kinda had to take the ball and run with it. It would be interesting to see what direction he'd go in were that to happen. The movie is massively niche so it'd be hard to imagine it raising his stock in Hollywood or anything but who knows?

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See, I remember watching AVGN a long while back-- not even certain *how* long ago exactly, just that it feels like ages. I'd agree his humor hasn't aged well, I definitely enjoyed it for a time but it was something I grew out of for the most part. There's a few of his newer videos that genuinely entertain me, but I stress the few.

If you want to talk about gaming reviewers that have aged well I'd go with Seanbaby, but only because he operates through the medium of written word and not video. I can go back and read shit on his website I read back when I was still in middle school and be entertained, nevermind what he comes up with on Cracked. Though, to be fair, he doesn't strictly adhere to video game reviews/critiques/commentaries anymore. A lot more parodies of manliness, UFC, and other odds and ends really.

Definitely looking forward to AVGN's movie though, if only to watch it casually at some point and get some good laughs from it. I'm not expecting comedy gold or anything but I'm sure it'll be fun at the very least.

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