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EWB's favourite frontman


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Live music is tremendous, yes? Yes. I safely think we can all agree on that one. But some bands are made to be seen live and a big portion of that is how well the frontman conducts him or herself.

I think every lead singer should conduct themselves like Tim Harrington of Les Savy Fav. He doesn't remember the lyrics to his own songs, he has no interest in keeping in time with the rest of the band, he has no concept of rhythm or tact but he does occassionally wear nothing but pink fishnets and a pair of y-fronts whilst putting a ladder in the middle of the fucking crowd to go nuts with. That, my friends is what makes a frontman.

What a man. :wub:

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I've always liked Hiroyuki Hayashi of Polysics. Seen them live a few times and he plays to the audience well. He'll stage dive with his guitar and play while on his back over the crowd. In the UK he'll grab a pint off someone and down it. He's also taken three backpacks from folk at the front and wore them while playing for no real reason.

He can work a crowd really well and has great energy.

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Andrew WK would automatically have to be a choice then.


Or Erland Hjelvik of Kvelertak. Climbing the stage setup, jumping out into the crowd (from the stage setup), moshing with them, basically being a madman. When I saw them at Tuska, he even attmepted to throw one of the guitarists into the crowd but that didn't really work out seeing as said guitarist was bigger than Hjelvik. Either him or Yoshiaki Negishi, formerly of Chuch of Misery, who basically does the same thing just add that except he is Japanese and much more hilarious at it.

Couldn't find any proper videos though. :/

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Freddie Mercury, if I was to name an all-time great it would have to be him. Of bands still going I'd probably have to go for someone like the Kaiser Chiefs frontman. I don't particularly like the music, but when I saw them at Leeds Fest he was absolutely phenomenal and really got everyone into it. It probably speaks volumes that I've not seen that many live bands (maybe 60?) compared to a lot of users, but there we go.

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I second the Freddie Mercury and Oderus Ungerus love.

Also, Gene Simmons (for the obvious reasons), Joey Belladonna of Anthrax (Even middle aged the dude is a fireball of energy on stage), King Diamond, and Stu Block of Iced Earth (for being even more energetic than Belladonna, though to be fair I'm pretty sure Stu is half his age).

I'd also list Anchang of Sex Machineguns but he's far more entertaining in music videos than he is live.

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Mine has to be Jack Terricloth from The World/Inferno Friendship Society. He just oozes charisma. First video is so you can actually understand the (improvised) banter that happens at the beginning of pretty much all their songs at live shows, and the second is to see the kind of command he has over the crowd.

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Joe Strummer. Everything was perfect: the live vocal performances, the persona the guy created, his experimental and fantastic solo career, the fashion, and, my favorite at least, the road stories of how they'd let kids who came to their concerts sleep in their hotel room if they didn't have a place to go after a show.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Sticking to people I've seen live, Iggy Pop is far and away the greatest frontman. He just has a genuine aura about him that I've never seen on anyone else, and is a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

The man from Monotonix is good, too.

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Eddie Argos of Art Brut is probably the most entertaining frontman I've ever seen live. He's just endlessly hilarious and fun to watch/listen to, the perfect mix of wit/stage presence/dancing and singing in the middle of the audience for funsies for a track or two.

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Actually, yeah, Eddie Argos is a whole bunch of fun. Haven't seen Art Brut in years now, but the three times I did he was fantastic. Lovely chap, too.

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